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Sorted more matrix utilities for completing the LSA problem
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JosephBond committed Sep 21, 2023
1 parent ee3c594 commit c1c94ab
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 5 deletions.
66 changes: 61 additions & 5 deletions example/Util/BMA.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ module Example.Util.BMA where

import Prelude

import Data.Array (cons, head, mapMaybe, range, tail, uncons, (!!))
import Data.Array (cons, head, mapMaybe, range, tail, uncons, zip, zipWith, (!!))
import Data.FastVect.FastVect (Vect)
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, foldl)
import Data.Int (toNumber)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Number (pow)
import Data.Int (pow) as I
import Data.Ord (abs)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
Expand All @@ -17,8 +18,11 @@ import Util (type (×), (×))
product :: forall a len. Semiring a => Vect len a -> a
product v = foldl (*) one v

sum :: forall a len. Semiring a => Vect len a -> a
sum v = foldl (+) zero v
vsum :: forall a len. Semiring a => Vect len a -> a
vsum v = foldl (+) zero v

sum :: forall f a. Foldable f => Semiring a => f a -> a
sum xs = foldl (+) zero xs

vlen :: forall a len. Vect len a -> Int
vlen xs = foldl (\count _x -> (+) 1 count) 0 xs
Expand All @@ -28,7 +32,7 @@ vlenN = toNumber <<< vlen

mean :: forall len. Number -> Vect len Number -> Number
mean 0.0 xs = product xs `pow` (1.0 / vlenN xs)
mean p xs = (1.0 / vlenN xs * sum (map (pow p) xs)) `pow` (1.0/p)
mean p xs = (1.0 / vlenN xs * vsum (map (pow p) xs)) `pow` (1.0/p)

type Matrix a = Array (Array a)

Expand All @@ -37,6 +41,36 @@ instance Show IntInf where
show (IInt x) = "IInt" <> show x
show (Infty) = "Infty"

instance Semiring IntInf where
add Infty _ = Infty
add _ Infty = Infty
add (IInt x) (IInt y) = IInt (x + y)
zero = IInt 0
one = IInt 1
mul Infty _ = Infty
mul _ Infty = Infty
mul (IInt x) (IInt y) = IInt (x * y)
instance Ring IntInf where -- seems potentially dangerous?
sub Infty _ = Infty
sub _ Infty = Infty
sub (IInt x) (IInt y) = IInt (x - y)

instance Eq IntInf where
eq Infty Infty = true
eq Infty (IInt _) = false
eq (IInt _) Infty = false
eq (IInt x) (IInt y) = eq x y

instance Ord IntInf where
compare Infty Infty = EQ
compare Infty (IInt _) = GT
compare (IInt _) Infty = LT
compare (IInt x) (IInt y) = compare x y

ipow :: IntInf -> IntInf -> IntInf
ipow Infty _ = Infty
ipow _ Infty = Infty
ipow (IInt x) (IInt y) = IInt (x `I.pow` y)

matIndex :: forall a. Matrix a -> Int -> Int -> Maybe a
matIndex mat row col = case mat !! row of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +112,23 @@ transpose xs =
Just { head: x, tail: xs' } ->
(x `cons` mapMaybe head xss) `cons` transpose (xs' `cons` mapMaybe tail xss)

mMult :: forall a. Semiring a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
mMult x y = do
ar <- x
bc <- (transpose y)
pure $ [(sum $ zipWith (*) ar bc)]

mAdd :: forall a. Semiring a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
mAdd x y = map (\(xR × yR) -> zipWith (+) xR yR) (zip x y)

mSub :: forall a. Ring a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
mSub x y = map (\(xR × yR) -> zipWith (-) xR yR) (zip x y)

mapMatrix :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b
mapMatrix f m = map (\row -> map f row) m

matSquared :: Matrix IntInf -> Matrix IntInf
matSquared mat = mapMatrix (\x -> x `ipow` (IInt 2)) mat

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
Expand All @@ -86,3 +137,8 @@ main = do
log $ "newMat: " <> (show newMat)
log $ "transposed: " <> (show (transpose newMat))

let testMul = [[1, 2],[3, 4]] `mMult` [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
logShow testMul
let testAdd = [[1,0], [0, 1]] `mSub` [[0, 1], [1,0]]
logShow testAdd

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