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Merge pull request #778 from explorable-viz/examples
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Dynamic Time Warp Example
  • Loading branch information
JosephBond authored Sep 29, 2023
2 parents 132b463 + cafda00 commit b9a0f92
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Showing 6 changed files with 677 additions and 241 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions example/Example.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module Example.Example where

import Prelude

import Data.Array ((..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log, logShow)
import Example.Util.DTW (distEuclid, distanceDTWWindow)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Util ((×))

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log "Beginning DTW!"
n = 5
m = 7
window = 2
nextIndices = do
i <- 1 .. n
j <- (max 1 (i - window)) .. (min m (i + window))
[ (i × j) ]
logShow nextIndices
x = [ 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0 ]
y = [ 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
m1 × m2 = unsafePartial $ distanceDTWWindow x y 2 distEuclid
log "Finished DTW"
logShow m2
logShow m1
160 changes: 160 additions & 0 deletions example/Util/DTW.purs
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@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
module Example.Util.DTW
( NumInf(..)
, distEuclid
, distanceDTWWindow
) where

import Prelude

import Data.Array (elemIndex, length, modifyAtIndices, range, unsafeIndex, (!!), (..))
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.List (List(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Ord (abs)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Util (type (×), error, (×))

-- Dynamic Time Warp Core

costMatrixInit :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Matrix NumInf
costMatrixInit rows cols window = mapMatrix withinBand indexMat
indexMat = matOfInds rows cols

withinBand :: (Int × Int) -> NumInf
withinBand (0 × 0) = FNum 0.0
withinBand (0 × _) = Infty
withinBand (_ × 0) = Infty
withinBand (x × y) = if (abs $ x - y) <= window then FNum 0.0 else Infty

distanceDTWWindow :: forall a. Partial => Array a -> Array a -> Int -> (a -> a -> NumInf) -> Matrix NumInf × (List (Int × Int))
distanceDTWWindow seq1 seq2 window cost = result × (extractPath priorcells)
n = length seq1
m = length seq2
init = costMatrixInit n m window

nextIndices = do
i <- 1 .. n
j <- (max 1 (i - window)) .. (min m (i + window))
[ (i × j) ]

worker :: Matrix NumInf × Matrix (Int × Int) -> (Int × Int) -> Matrix NumInf × Matrix (Int × Int)
worker (dists × inds) (i' × j') =
im1j = indexInfty (i' - 1) j' dists
ijm1 = indexInfty i' (j' - 1) dists
im1jm1 = indexInfty (i' - 1) (j' - 1) dists
minim × prev = costAndPrevD (i' × j') im1j ijm1 im1jm1
costij = (cost (unsafeIndex seq1 (i' - 1)) (unsafeIndex seq2 (j' - 1))) + minim
(updateAt i' j' dists (\_ -> costij)) × (updateAt i' j' inds (\_ -> prev))

(result × priorcells) = foldl worker (init × (matOfInds n m)) nextIndices

costAndPrevD :: (Int × Int) -> NumInf -> NumInf -> NumInf -> NumInf × (Int × Int)
costAndPrevD (i × j) im1j ijm1 im1jm1 =
minimal = min im1j $ min ijm1 im1jm1
ind = elemIndex minimal [ im1j, ijm1, im1jm1 ]
case ind of
Nothing -> error "error, cannot occur"
Just y -> case y of
0 -> (im1j × ((i - 1) × j))
1 -> (ijm1 × (i × (j - 1)))
2 -> (im1jm1 × ((i - 1) × (j - 1)))
_ -> error "cannot occur"

extractPath :: Matrix (Int × Int) -> List (Int × Int)
extractPath matrix = traverser i j matrix Nil
i = length matrix - 1
j = length (unsafePartial $ unsafeIndex matrix 1) - 1

traverser :: Int -> Int -> Matrix (Int × Int) -> List (Int × Int) -> List (Int × Int)
traverser 0 0 _ accum = accum
traverser x y mat accum = traverser nextX nextY mat newPath
newPath = Cons (x × y) accum
(nextX × nextY) = unsafeMatrixInd x y mat

indexInfty :: Int -> Int -> Matrix NumInf -> NumInf
indexInfty i j matrix = fromMaybe Infty (matIndex matrix i j)

distEuclid :: Number -> Number -> NumInf
distEuclid x y = FNum ((x - y) * (x - y))

-- Matrices and associated Utils

type Matrix a = Array (Array a)

matIndex :: forall a. Matrix a -> Int -> Int -> Maybe a
matIndex mat row col = case mat !! row of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just arr -> arr !! col

unsafeMatrixInd :: forall a. Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> a
unsafeMatrixInd x y mat = unsafePartial $
if x < length mat then
xRow = unsafeIndex mat x
if y < length xRow then
unsafeIndex xRow y
error "index out of bounds"
else error "index out of bounds"

mapMatrix :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b
mapMatrix f m = map (\row -> map f row) m

matOfInds :: Int -> Int -> Matrix (Int × Int)
matOfInds nrows ncols = matrix
rowInds = range 0 nrows

zipRow :: forall a. a -> Int -> Array (a × Int)
zipRow datum num = map (\x -> datum × x) (range 0 num)
matrix = map (\x -> zipRow x ncols) rowInds

updateAt :: forall a. Partial => Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> (a -> a) -> Matrix a
updateAt i j matrix f = case matIndex matrix i j of
-- Nothing -> matrix
Just _ -> modifyAtIndices [ i ] (\row -> modifyAtIndices [ j ] f row) matrix

-- Ints extended with Infinity, need ot be made into numbers not just ints

data NumInf = FNum Number | Infty

instance Show NumInf where
show (FNum x) = "FNum " <> show x
show (Infty) = "Infty"

instance Semiring NumInf where
add Infty _ = Infty
add _ Infty = Infty
add (FNum x) (FNum y) = FNum (x + y)
zero = FNum 0.0
one = FNum 1.0
mul Infty _ = Infty
mul _ Infty = Infty
mul (FNum x) (FNum y) = FNum (x * y)

instance Eq NumInf where
eq Infty Infty = true
eq Infty (FNum _) = false
eq (FNum _) Infty = false
eq (FNum x) (FNum y) = eq x y

instance Ord NumInf where
compare Infty Infty = EQ
compare Infty (FNum _) = GT
compare (FNum _) Infty = LT
compare (FNum x) (FNum y) = compare x y

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