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JosephBond committed Oct 5, 2023
2 parents 701a4ab + de5afe6 commit 29d3066
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Showing 23 changed files with 427 additions and 398 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spago.dhall
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ You can edit this file as you like.
, "http-methods"
, "identity"
, "integers"
, "js-date"
, "lists"
, "maybe"
, "newtype"
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90 changes: 40 additions & 50 deletions src/App/Fig.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,19 +26,17 @@ import Effect.Console (log)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Eval (eval, eval_module)
import EvalBwd (evalBwd)
import EvalGraph (GraphConfig)
import Expr (Expr)
import Foreign.Object (lookup)
import Graph.GraphImpl (GraphImpl)
import Lattice (𝔹, bot, botOf, erase, neg, topOf)
import Module (File(..), Folder(..), loadFile, open, openDatasetAs, openDefaultImports)
import Module (File(..), Folder(..), initialConfig, datasetAs, defaultImports, loadFile, open)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Pretty (prettyP)
import Primitive (matrixRep) as P
import SExpr (Expr(..), Module(..), RecDefs, VarDefs) as S
import SExpr (desugarModuleFwd)
import Trace (Trace)
import Util (MayFail, type (×), type (+), (×), absurd, error, orElse, successful)
import Util (type (×), type (+), (×), absurd, error, orElse)
import Val (class Ann, Env, Val(..), append_inv, (<+>))
import Web.Event.EventTarget (eventListener)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ type SplitDefs a =

-- Decompose as above.
splitDefs :: forall a. Ann a => Env a -> S.Expr a -> MayFail (SplitDefs a)
splitDefs :: forall a m. Ann a => MonadError Error m => Env a -> S.Expr a -> m (SplitDefs a)
splitDefs γ0 s' = do
let defs × s = unsafePartial $ unpack s'
γ <- desugarModuleFwd (S.Module (singleton defs)) >>= flip (eval_module γ0) bot
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,8 +109,7 @@ type LinkFigSpec =

type LinkFig =
{ spec :: LinkFigSpec
, γ0 :: Env 𝔹 -- ambient environment (default imports)
, γ :: Env 𝔹 -- local env (loaded dataset)
, γ :: Env 𝔹 -- prog context environment (modules + dataset)
, s1 :: S.Expr 𝔹
, s2 :: S.Expr 𝔹
, e1 :: Expr 𝔹
Expand All @@ -131,18 +128,17 @@ type LinkResult =

drawLinkFig :: LinkFig -> EditorView -> EditorView -> EditorView -> Selector Val + Selector Val -> Effect Unit
drawLinkFig fig@{ spec: { x, divId }, γ0, γ, s1, s2, e1, e2, t1, t2, v1, v2, dataFile } ed1 ed2 ed3 δv = do
drawLinkFig fig@{ spec: { x, divId }, γ, s1, s2, e1, e2, t1, t2, v1, v2, dataFile } ed1 ed2 ed3 δv = do
log $ "Redrawing " <> divId
v1' × v2' × δv1 × δv2 × v0 = successful case δv of
Left δv1 -> do
let v1' = δv1 v1
{ v', v0' } <- linkResult x γ0 γ e1 e2 t1 t2 v1'
pure $ v1' × v' × const v1' × identity × v0'
Right δv2 -> do
let v2' = δv2 v2
{ v', v0' } <- linkResult x γ0 γ e2 e1 t2 t1 v2'
pure $ v' × v2' × identity × const v2' × v0'
v1' × v2' × δv1 × δv2 × v0 <- case δv of
Left δv1 -> do
let v1' = δv1 v1
{ v', v0' } <- linkResult x γ e1 e2 t1 t2 v1'
pure $ v1' × v' × const v1' × identity × v0'
Right δv2 -> do
let v2' = δv2 v2
{ v', v0' } <- linkResult x γ e2 e1 t2 t1 v2'
pure $ v' × v2' × identity × const v2' × v0'
drawView divId (\selector -> drawLinkFig fig ed1 ed2 ed3 (Left $ δv1 >>> selector)) 2 $ view "left view" v1'
drawView divId (\selector -> drawLinkFig fig ed1 ed2 ed3 (Right $ δv2 >>> selector)) 0 $ view "right view" v2'
drawView divId doNothing 1 $ view "common data" v0
Expand All @@ -158,71 +154,65 @@ drawCode ed s = do
drawFig :: Fig -> EditorView -> Selector Val -> Effect Unit
drawFig fig@{ spec: { divId }, s0 } ed δv = do
log $ "Redrawing " <> divId
let v_view × views = successful $ figViews fig δv
v_view × views <- figViews fig δv
sequence_ $
uncurry (drawView divId doNothing) <$> zip (range 0 (length views - 1)) views
drawView divId (\selector -> drawFig fig ed (δv >>> selector)) (length views) v_view
drawCode ed $ prettyP s0

varView :: Var -> Env 𝔹 -> MayFail View
varView :: forall m. MonadError Error m => Var -> Env 𝔹 -> m View
varView x γ = view x <$> (lookup x γ # orElse absurd)

valViews :: Env 𝔹 -> Array Var -> MayFail (Array View)
valViews :: forall m. MonadError Error m => Env 𝔹 -> Array Var -> m (Array View)
valViews γ xs = sequence (flip varView γ <$> xs)

-- For an output selection, views of corresponding input selections and output after round-trip.
figViews :: Fig -> Selector Val -> MayFail (View × Array View)
figViews :: forall m. MonadError Error m => Fig -> Selector Val -> m (View × Array View)
figViews { spec: { xs }, γ0, γ, e, t, v } δv = do
γ0γ × e' × α = evalBwd (erase <$> (γ0 <+> γ)) (erase e) (δv v) t
_ × v' <- eval γ0γ e' α
views <- valViews γ0γ xs
pure $ view "output" v' × views

linkResult :: Var -> Env 𝔹 -> Env 𝔹 -> Expr 𝔹 -> Expr 𝔹 -> Trace -> Trace -> Val 𝔹 -> MayFail LinkResult
linkResult x γ0 γ e1 e2 t1 _ v1 = do
linkResult :: forall m. MonadError Error m => Var -> Env 𝔹 -> Expr 𝔹 -> Expr 𝔹 -> Trace -> Trace -> Val 𝔹 -> m LinkResult
linkResult x γ0γ e1 e2 t1 _ v1 = do
γ0γ × _ = evalBwd (erase <$> 0 <+> γ)) (erase e1) v1 t1
_ × γ' = append_inv (S.singleton x) γ0γ
γ0γ' × _ = evalBwd (erase <$> γ0γ) (erase e1) v1 t1
γ0' × γ' = append_inv (S.singleton x) γ0γ'
v0' <- lookup x γ' # orElse absurd
-- make γ0 and e2 fully available; γ0 was previously too big to operate on, so we use
-- (topOf γ0) combined with negation of the dataset environment slice
_ × v2' <- eval (neg ((botOf <$> γ0) <+> γ')) (topOf e2) true
_ × v2' <- eval (neg ((botOf <$> γ0') <+> γ')) (topOf e2) true
pure { v': neg v2', v0' }

loadFig :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadError Error m => FigSpec -> m Fig
loadFig spec@{ file } = do
-- TODO: not every example should run with this dataset.
{ γα: γα0 } × xv :: GraphConfig GraphImpl × _ <-
openDefaultImports >>= openDatasetAs (File "example/linking/renewables") "data"
γ0 = botOf <$> γα0
xv0 = botOf <$> xv
open file <#> \s' -> successful $ do
let s0 = botOf s'
{ γ: γ1, s } <- splitDefs (γ0 <+> xv0) s0
e <- desug s
let γ0γ = γ0 <+> xv0 <+> γ1
t × v <- eval γ0γ e bot
pure { spec, γ0, γ: γ0 <+> γ1, s0, s, e, t, v }
{ γ } <- defaultImports >>= initialConfig
let γ0 = botOf <$> γ
s' <- open file
let s0 = botOf s'
{ γ: γ1, s } <- splitDefs γ0 s0
e <- desug s
let γ0γ = γ0 <+> γ1
t × v <- eval γ0γ e bot
pure { spec, γ0, γ: γ0 <+> γ1, s0, s, e, t, v }

loadLinkFig :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadError Error m => LinkFigSpec -> m LinkFig
loadLinkFig spec@{ file1, file2, dataFile, x } = do
dir = File "linking/"
name1 × name2 = (dir <> file1) × (dir <> file2)
-- the views share an ambient environment γ0 as well as dataset
{ γα } × xv :: GraphConfig GraphImpl × _ <-
openDefaultImports >>= openDatasetAs (File "example/" <> dir <> dataFile) x
-- views share ambient environment γ
{ γ } <- defaultImports >>= datasetAs (File "example/" <> dir <> dataFile) x >>= initialConfig
s1' × s2' <- (×) <$> open name1 <*> open name2
γ0 = botOf <$> γα
xv0 = botOf <$> xv
γ0 = botOf <$> γ
s1 = botOf s1'
s2 = botOf s2'
dataFile' <- loadFile (Folder "fluid/example/linking") (dataFile) -- use surface expression instead
dataFile' <- loadFile (Folder "fluid/example/linking") dataFile -- TODO: use surface expression instead
e1 × e2 <- (×) <$> desug s1 <*> desug s2
t1 × v1 <- eval 0 <+> xv0) e1 bot
t2 × v2 <- eval 0 <+> xv0) e2 bot
let v0 = get x xv0
pure { spec, γ0, γ: xv0, s1, s2, e1, e2, t1, t2, v1, v2, v0, dataFile: dataFile' }
t1 × v1 <- eval γ0 e1 bot
t2 × v2 <- eval γ0 e2 bot
let v0 = get x γ0
pure { spec, γ: γ0, s1, s2, e1, e2, t1, t2, v1, v2, v0, dataFile: dataFile' }
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/App/Util/Select.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ constrArg :: Ctr -> Int -> Endo (Selector Val)
constrArg c n δv = unsafePartial $ case _ of
Constr α c' us | c == c' ->
us' = definitely' $ do
us' = definitely' do
u1 <- us !! n
updateAt n (δv u1) us
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/DataType.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ instance DataTypeFor (Set Ctr) where

-- Sets must be non-empty, but this is a more convenient signature.
consistentWith :: forall m. MonadError Error m => Set Ctr -> Set Ctr -> m Unit
consistentWith cs cs' = void $ do
consistentWith cs cs' = void do
d <- dataTypeFor cs'
d' <- dataTypeFor cs'
with ("constructors of " <> show d' <> " do not include " <> (show ( showCtr cs))) (d ≞ d')
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Desug.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import Desugarable (desug, desugBwd)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Expr (Expr)
import GaloisConnection (GaloisConnection(..))
import Lattice (class BoundedJoinSemilattice, Raw)
import Lattice (class BoundedLattice, Raw)
import SExpr (Expr) as S
import Util (successful)

:: forall a m
. MonadError Error m
=> BoundedJoinSemilattice a
=> BoundedLattice a
=> Raw S.Expr
-> m (GaloisConnection (S.Expr a) (Expr a))
desugGC s0 = do
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Desugarable.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import Prelude

import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Lattice (Raw, class JoinSemilattice, class BoundedJoinSemilattice)
import Lattice (class BoundedJoinSemilattice, class BoundedLattice, Raw)

class (Functor s, Functor e) <= Desugarable s e | s -> e where
desug :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => JoinSemilattice a => s a -> m (e a)
desug :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => BoundedLattice a => s a -> m (e a)
desugBwd :: forall a. BoundedJoinSemilattice a => e a -> Raw s -> s a
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/Eval.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ eval γ (Matrix α e (x × y) e') α' = do
let (i' × β) × (j' × β') = fst (intPair.match v)
check (i' × j' >= 1 × 1) ("array must be at least (" <> show (1 × 1) <> "); got (" <> show (i' × j') <> ")")
tss × vss <- unzipToArray <$> ((<$>) unzipToArray) <$>
( sequence $ do
( sequence do
i <- range 1 i'
singleton $ sequence $ do
singleton $ sequence do
j <- range 1 j'
let γ' = D.singleton x (V.Int β i) `disjointUnion` (D.singleton y (V.Int β' j))
singleton (eval (γ <+> γ') e α')
Expand All @@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ eval γ (Matrix α e (x × y) e') α' = do
unzipToArray :: forall b c. List (b × c) -> Array b × Array c
unzipToArray = unzip >>> bimap A.fromFoldable A.fromFoldable
eval γ (Lambda σ) α =
pure $ T.Const × V.Fun α (V.Closure`restrict` fv σ) empty σ)
eval γ (Lambda α σ) α' =
pure $ T.Const × V.Fun (α ∧ α') (V.Closure`restrict` fv σ) empty σ)
eval γ (Project e x) α = do
t × v <- eval γ e α
case v of
Expand All @@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ eval γ (Let (VarDef σ e) e') α = do
γ' × _ × α' × w <- match v σ -- terminal meta-type of eliminator is meta-unit
t' × v' <- eval (γ <+> γ') e' α' -- (α ∧ α') for consistency with functions? (similarly for module defs)
pure $ T.Let (T.VarDef w t) t' × v'
eval γ (LetRec ρ e) α = do
let γ' = closeDefs γ ρ α
t × v <- eval (γ <+> γ') e α
eval γ (LetRec α ρ e) α' = do
let γ' = closeDefs γ ρ (α ∧ α')
t × v <- eval (γ <+> γ') e (α ∧ α')
pure $ T.LetRec (erase <$> ρ) t × v

eval_module :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Ann a => Env a -> Module a -> a -> m (Env a)
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/EvalBwd.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ evalBwd' v (T.Op op) = D.singleton op v × Op op × bot
evalBwd' (V.Str α str) T.Const = empty × Str α str × α
evalBwd' (V.Int α n) T.Const = empty × Int α n × α
evalBwd' (V.Float α n) T.Const = empty × Float α n × α
evalBwd' (V.Fun α (V.Closure γ _ σ)) T.Const = γ × Lambda σ × α
evalBwd' (V.Fun α (V.Closure γ _ σ)) T.Const = γ × Lambda α σ × α
evalBwd' (V.Record α xvs) (T.Record xts) =
foldr (∨) empty (xγeαs <#> fst)
× Record α (xγeαs <#> (fst <<< snd))
Expand All @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ evalBwd' (V.Constr α _ vs) (T.Constr c ts) =
evalBwd' (V.Matrix α (MatrixRep (vss × (_ × βi) × (_ × βj)))) (T.Matrix tss (x × y) (i' × j') t') =
(γ ∨ γ') × Matrix α e (x × y) e' × (α ∨ α' ∨ α'')
NonEmptyList ijs = nonEmpty $ do
NonEmptyList ijs = nonEmpty do
i <- range 1 i'
j <- range 1 j'
L.singleton (i × j)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ evalBwd' v (T.Let (T.VarDef w t1) t2) =
v' × σ = matchBwd γ2 ContNone α2 w
γ1' × e1 × α1 = evalBwd' v' t1
evalBwd' v (T.LetRec ρ t) =
1 ∨ γ1') × LetRec ρ' e × (α ∨ α')
1 ∨ γ1') × LetRec (α ∨ α') ρ' e × (α ∨ α')
γ1γ2 × e × α = evalBwd' v t
γ1 × γ2 = append_inv (S.fromFoldable $ keys ρ) γ1γ2
Expand Down

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