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Merge pull request #764 from explorable-viz/consolidate
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GaloisConnection abstraction (WIP)
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rolyp authored Sep 26, 2023
2 parents a99cf6e + aa6d940 commit 1f53b7a
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Showing 4 changed files with 81 additions and 67 deletions.
21 changes: 16 additions & 5 deletions src/EvalBwd.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import Dict (fromFoldable, singleton, toUnfoldable) as D
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Eval (eval)
import Expr (Cont(..), Elim(..), Expr(..), RecDefs, VarDef(..), bv)
import GaloisConnection (GaloisConnection)
import Lattice (Raw, bot, botOf, expand, (∨))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Trace (AppTrace(..), Trace(..), VarDef(..)) as T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,8 +200,20 @@ evalBwd' v (T.LetRec ρ t) =
γ1' × ρ' × α' = closeDefsBwd γ2
evalBwd' _ _ = error absurd

traceGC :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Ann a => Raw Env -> Raw Expr -> Trace -> m (GaloisConnection (EvalBwdResult a) (Val a))
traceGC γ e t = pure $
{ fwd: \{ γ: γ', e: e', α } -> snd $ fromRight $ runExcept $ eval γ' e' α
, bwd: \v -> evalBwd γ e v t
-- TODO: somehow extend GaloisConnection, e.g. by aggregation or row polymorphism.
type EvalGaloisConnection a b =
{ γ :: Raw Env
, e :: Raw Expr
, t :: Trace
, v :: Raw Val
, fwd :: a -> b
, bwd :: b -> a

traceGC :: forall a m. MonadError Error m => Ann a => Raw Env -> Raw Expr -> m (EvalGaloisConnection (EvalBwdResult a) (Val a))
traceGC γ e = do
t × v <- eval γ e bot
bwd v' = evalBwd γ e v' t
fwd { γ: γ', e: e', α } = snd $ fromRight $ runExcept $ eval γ' e' α
pure { γ, e, t, v, fwd, bwd }
39 changes: 22 additions & 17 deletions src/EvalGraph.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module EvalGraph
( GraphConfig
, apply
, eval
, evalWithConfig
, eval_module
, graphGC
, match
Expand All @@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError)
import Data.Array (range, singleton) as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Exists (runExists)
import Data.List (List(..), (:), length, snoc, unzip, zip)
import Data.List (List(..), length, snoc, unzip, zip, (:))
import Data.Set (Set, empty, insert, intersection, singleton, union)
import Data.Set as S
import Data.Traversable (sequence, traverse)
Expand All @@ -25,8 +24,7 @@ import DataType (checkArity, arity, consistentWith, dataTypeFor, showCtr)
import Dict (disjointUnion, fromFoldable, empty, get, keys, lookup, singleton) as D
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Expr (Cont(..), Elim(..), Expr(..), VarDef(..), RecDefs, Module(..), fv, asExpr)
import GaloisConnection (GaloisConnection)
import Graph (class Graph, Vertex)
import Graph (class Graph, Vertex, sinks)
import Graph (vertices) as G
import Graph.GraphWriter (class MonadGraphAlloc, alloc, new, runWithGraphAllocT)
import Graph.Slice (bwdSlice, fwdSlice, vertices)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,23 +173,30 @@ eval_module γ = go D.empty
γ'' <- closeDefs (γ <+> γ') ρ αs
go (γ' <+> γ'') (Module ds) αs

evalWithConfig :: forall g m a. MonadError Error m => Graph g => GraphConfig g -> Expr a -> m ((g × Int) × Expr Vertex × Val Vertex)
evalWithConfig { g, n, γα } e =
runWithGraphAllocT (g × n) $ do
<- alloc e
<- eval γα eα S.empty
pure (eα × vα)
type EvalGaloisConnection g a b =
{ gconfig :: GraphConfig g
, :: Expr Vertex
, g :: g
, :: Val Vertex
, fwd :: a -> b
, bwd :: b -> a

:: forall g m
. MonadError Error m
=> Graph g
=> GraphConfig g
-> Raw Expr
-> m (GaloisConnection (Set Vertex) (Set Vertex))
graphGC { g: g0, n, γα } e = do
(g × _) × vα × eα <- evalWithConfig { g: g0, n, γα } e
pure $
{ fwd: \αs -> G.vertices (fwdSlice αs g) `intersection` vertices vα
, bwd: \αs -> G.vertices (bwdSlice αs g) `intersection` vertices eα -- TODO: include γα
-> m (EvalGaloisConnection g (Set Vertex) (Set Vertex))
graphGC gconfig@{ g, n, γα } e = do
(g' × _) × eα × vα <- do
runWithGraphAllocT (g × n) $ do
<- alloc e
<- eval γα eα S.empty
pure (eα × vα)
fwd αs = G.vertices (fwdSlice αs g') `intersection` vertices vα
-- TODO: want (vertices eα `union` foldMap vertices γα) rather than sinks g' here?
bwd αs = G.vertices (bwdSlice αs g') `intersection` sinks g'
pure { gconfig, eα, g: g', vα, fwd, bwd }
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/Graph/Slice.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ bwdSlice αs0 g0 = fst $ runWithGraph $ tailRecM go (empty × L.fromFoldable αs
extend α βs
pure $ Loop ((visited # insert α) × (L.fromFoldable βs <> αs))

-- Doesn't do the final negation..
fwdSliceDeMorgan :: forall g. Graph g => Set Vertex -> g -> g
fwdSliceDeMorgan αs_0 g_0 =
bwdSlice (sinks g_0 `difference` αs_0) (op g_0)

-- | De Morgan dual of backward slicing (◁_G)° ≡ Forward slicing on the opposite graph (▷_{G_op})
bwdSliceDual :: forall g. Graph g => Set Vertex -> g -> g
bwdSliceDual αs0 g0 = fwdSlice αs0 (op g0)
Expand Down
83 changes: 38 additions & 45 deletions test/Util.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,21 +20,20 @@ import Desugarable (desug, desugBwd)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Eval (eval)
import EvalBwd (evalBwd)
import EvalGraph (GraphConfig, evalWithConfig)
import Graph (sinks, sources, vertices)
import EvalBwd (traceGC)
import EvalGraph (GraphConfig, graphGC)
import Graph (sinks, vertices)
import Graph.GraphImpl (GraphImpl)
import Graph.Slice (bwdSlice, bwdSliceDual, fwdSlice, fwdSliceDual, fwdSliceAsDeMorgan) as G
import Graph.Slice (bwdSliceDual, fwdSliceDual, fwdSliceDeMorgan) as G
import Graph.Slice (selectαs, select𝔹s)
import Heterogeneous.Mapping (hmap)
import Lattice (bot, botOf, topOf, erase, Raw)
import Lattice (botOf, topOf, erase, Raw)
import Module (parse)
import Parse (program)
import Pretty (class Pretty, prettyP)
import SExpr (Expr) as SE
import Test.Spec.Assertions (fail)
import Util (MayFailT, (×), successful)
import Util (MayFailT, successful)
import Val (Val(..), class Ann)

type TestConfig =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,96 +65,90 @@ testParse s = do
lift $ fail "not equal"

testTrace :: Raw SE.Expr -> GraphConfig GraphImpl -> TestConfig -> MayFailT Aff TraceRow
testTrace s { γα: γ } { δv, bwd_expect, fwd_expect } = do
let s𝔹 × γ𝔹 = (botOf s) × (botOf <$> γ)
testTrace s { γα } { δv, bwd_expect, fwd_expect } = do
-- | Eval
e𝔹 <- desug s𝔹
e <- desug s
tEval1 <- preciseTime
t × v𝔹 <- eval γ𝔹 e𝔹 bot
gc <- traceGC (erase <$> γα) e
tEval2 <- preciseTime

-- | Backward
tBwd1 <- preciseTime
v𝔹' = δv v𝔹
{ γ: γ𝔹', e: e𝔹' } = evalBwd (erase <$> γ𝔹) (erase e𝔹) v𝔹' t
let { γ: γ𝔹, e: e𝔹 } = gc.bwd (δv (botOf gc.v))
tBwd2 <- preciseTime
let s𝔹' = desugBwd e𝔹' s
let s𝔹 = desugBwd e𝔹 s

-- | Forward (round-tripping)
e𝔹'' <- desug s𝔹'
e𝔹' <- desug s𝔹
tFwd1 <- preciseTime
_ × v𝔹'' <- eval γ𝔹' e𝔹'' top
let v𝔹 = gc.fwd { γ: γ𝔹, e: e𝔹', α: top }
tFwd2 <- preciseTime

lift do
unless (isGraphical v𝔹') $
log (prettyP v𝔹'')
unless (isGraphical gc.v) $
log (prettyP v𝔹)
-- | Check backward selections
unless (null bwd_expect) $
checkPretty "Trace-based source selection" bwd_expect s𝔹'
checkPretty "Trace-based source selection" bwd_expect s𝔹
-- | Check round-trip selections
unless (isGraphical v𝔹') $
checkPretty "Trace-based value" fwd_expect v𝔹''
unless (isGraphical gc.v) $
checkPretty "Trace-based value" fwd_expect v𝔹

pure { tEval: tdiff tEval1 tEval2, tBwd: tdiff tBwd1 tBwd2, tFwd: tdiff tFwd1 tFwd2 }

testGraph :: Raw SE.Expr -> GraphConfig GraphImpl -> TestConfig -> MayFailT Aff GraphRow
testGraph s gconf { δv, bwd_expect, fwd_expect } = do
testGraph s gconfig { δv, bwd_expect, fwd_expect } = do
-- | Eval
e <- desug s
tEval1 <- preciseTime
(g × _) × eα × vα <- evalWithConfig gconf e
gc <- graphGC gconfig e
tEval2 <- preciseTime

-- | Backward
tBwd1 <- preciseTime
αs_out = selectαs (δv (botOf vα)) vα
gbwd = G.bwdSlice αs_out g
αs_in = sinks gbwd
e𝔹 = select𝔹s eα αs_in
αs_out = selectαs (δv (botOf gc.vα)) gc.vα
αs_in = gc.bwd αs_out
e𝔹 = select𝔹s gc.eα αs_in
tBwd2 <- preciseTime
s𝔹 = desugBwd e𝔹 (erase s)
let s𝔹 = desugBwd e𝔹 s

-- | De Morgan dual of backward
tBwdDual1 <- preciseTime
αs_out_dual = selectαs (δv (botOf vα)) vα
gbwd_dual = G.bwdSliceDual αs_out_dual g
αs_out_dual = selectαs (δv (botOf gc.vα)) gc.
gbwd_dual = G.bwdSliceDual αs_out_dual gc.g
αs_in_dual = sinks gbwd_dual
e𝔹_dual = select𝔹s eα αs_in_dual
e𝔹_dual = select𝔹s gc.eα αs_in_dual
tBwdDual2 <- preciseTime

-- | Backward (all outputs selected)
tBwdAll1 <- preciseTime
αs_out_all = selectαs (topOf vα) vα
gbwd_all = G.bwdSlice αs_out_all g
αs_in_all = sinks gbwd_all
e𝔹_all = select𝔹s eα αs_in_all
αs_out_all = selectαs (topOf gc.vα) gc.vα
αs_in_all = gc.bwd αs_out_all
e𝔹_all = select𝔹s gc.eα αs_in_all
tBwdAll2 <- preciseTime

-- | Forward (round-tripping)
tFwd1 <- preciseTime
gfwd = G.fwdSlice αs_in g
v𝔹 = select𝔹s(vertices gfwd)
αs_out' = gc.fwd αs_in
v𝔹 = select𝔹s gc.αs_out'
tFwd2 <- preciseTime

-- | De Morgan dual of forward
tFwdDual1 <- preciseTime
gfwd_dual = G.fwdSliceDual αs_in g
v𝔹_dual = select𝔹s vα (vertices gfwd_dual)
gfwd_dual = G.fwdSliceDual αs_in gc.g
v𝔹_dual = select𝔹s gc.vα (vertices gfwd_dual)
tFwdDual2 <- preciseTime

-- | Forward (round-tripping) using De Morgan dual
tFwdAsDeMorgan1 <- preciseTime
gfwd_demorgan = G.fwdSliceAsDeMorgan αs_in g
v𝔹_demorgan = select𝔹s vα (vertices gfwd_demorgan) <#> not
gfwd_demorgan = G.fwdSliceDeMorgan αs_in gc.g
v𝔹_demorgan = select𝔹s gc.vα (vertices gfwd_demorgan) <#> not
tFwdAsDeMorgan2 <- preciseTime

lift do
Expand All @@ -166,8 +159,8 @@ testGraph s gconf { δv, bwd_expect, fwd_expect } = do
unless (isGraphical v𝔹) do
checkPretty "Graph-based value" fwd_expect v𝔹
checkPretty "Graph-based value (De Morgan)" fwd_expect v𝔹_demorgan
sources gbwd `shouldSatisfy "fwd ⚬ bwd round-tripping property"`
(flip subset (sources gfwd))
αs_out `shouldSatisfy "fwd ⚬ bwd round-tripping property"`
(flip subset αs_out')
-- | To avoid unused variables when benchmarking
unless false do
log (prettyP e𝔹_dual)
Expand Down

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