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🧩 [add-unused]: Eq and Ord instances for terms.
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rolyp committed Oct 26, 2023
1 parent c50fe04 commit 1f40d10
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Showing 12 changed files with 243 additions and 201 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Eval.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import Lattice ((∧), erase, top)
import Pretty (prettyP)
import Primitive (intPair, string)
import Trace (AppTrace(..), Trace(..), VarDef(..)) as T
import Trace (AppTrace, ForeignTrace, ForeignTrace'(..), Match(..), Trace)
import Trace (AppTrace, ForeignTrace(..), ForeignTrace'(..), Match(..), Trace)
import Util (type (×), absurd, both, check, error, orElse, successful, throw, with, (×))
import Util.Pair (unzip) as P
import Val (Fun(..), Val(..)) as V
import Val (class Ann, DictRep(..), Env, ForeignOp'(..), MatrixRep(..), (<+>), Val, for, lookup', restrict)
import Val (class Ann, DictRep(..), Env, ForeignOp(..), ForeignOp'(..), MatrixRep(..), Val, for, lookup', restrict, (<+>))

patternMismatch :: String -> String -> String
patternMismatch s s' = "Pattern mismatch: found " <> s <> ", expected " <> s'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ apply (V.Fun β (V.Closure γ1 ρ σ) × v) = do
γ3 × e'' × β' × w <- match v σ
t'' × v'' <- eval (γ1 <+> γ2 <+> γ3) (asExpr e'') (β ∧ β')
pure $ T.AppClosure (S.fromFoldable (keys ρ)) w t'' × v''
apply (V.Fun α (V.Foreign φ vs) × v) = do
apply (V.Fun α (V.Foreign (ForeignOp (id × φ)) vs) × v) = do
t × v'' <- runExists apply' φ
pure $ T.AppForeign (length vs + 1) t × v''
Expand All @@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ apply (V.Fun α (V.Foreign φ vs) × v) = do
apply' :: forall t. ForeignOp' t -> m (ForeignTrace × Val _)
apply' (ForeignOp' φ') = do
t × v'' <- do
if φ'.arity > length vs' then pure $ Nothing × V.Fun α (V.Foreign φ vs')
if φ'.arity > length vs' then pure $ Nothing × V.Fun α (V.Foreign (ForeignOp (id × φ)) vs')
else first Just <$> φ'.op vs'
pure $ mkExists (ForeignTrace' (ForeignOp' φ') t) × v''
pure $ ForeignTrace (id × mkExists (ForeignTrace' (ForeignOp' φ') t)) × v''
apply (V.Fun α (V.PartialConstr c vs) × v) = do
check (length vs < n) ("Too many arguments to " <> showCtr c)
pure $ T.AppConstr c × v'
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/EvalBwd.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ import GaloisConnection (GaloisConnection(..))
import Lattice (Raw, bot, botOf, expand, (∨))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Trace (AppTrace(..), Trace(..), VarDef(..)) as T
import Trace (AppTrace, ForeignTrace'(..), Match(..), Trace)
import Trace (AppTrace, ForeignTrace(..), ForeignTrace'(..), Match(..), Trace)
import Util (type (×), Endo, absurd, definitely', error, nonEmpty, successful, (!), (×))
import Util.Pair (zip) as P
import Val (Fun(..), Val(..)) as V
import Val (class Ann, DictRep(..), Env, ForeignOp, ForeignOp'(..), MatrixRep(..), Val, append_inv, (<+>))
import Val (class Ann, DictRep(..), Env, ForeignOp(..), ForeignOp'(..), MatrixRep(..), Val, append_inv, (<+>))

closeDefsBwd :: forall a. Ann a => Env a -> Env a × RecDefs a × a
closeDefsBwd γ =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ applyBwd (T.AppClosure xs w t3 × v) =
γ1 × γ2 = append_inv xs γ1γ2
γ1' × δ' × β' = closeDefsBwd γ2
v' × σ = matchBwd γ3 (ContExpr e) β w
applyBwd (T.AppForeign n t × v) =
applyBwd (T.AppForeign n (ForeignTrace (id × t)) × v) =
V.Fun α (V.Foreign φ vs'') × v2'
φ × α × { init: vs'', last: v2' } = second (second (definitely' <<< unsnoc)) $ runExists applyBwd' t
applyBwd' :: forall t. ForeignTrace' t -> ForeignOp × a × List (Val _)
applyBwd' (ForeignTrace' (ForeignOp' φ) t') =
mkExists (ForeignOp' φ) ×
ForeignOp (id × mkExists (ForeignOp' φ)) ×
if φ.arity > n then unsafePartial $ let V.Fun α (V.Foreign _ vs'') = v in α × vs''
else bot × φ.op_bwd (definitely' t' × v)
applyBwd (T.AppConstr c × v) =
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/EvalGraph.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Pretty (prettyP)
import Primitive (string, intPair)
import Util (type (×), check, concatM, error, orElse, successful, throw, with, (×))
import Util.Pair (unzip) as P
import Val (DictRep(..), Env, ForeignOp'(..), MatrixRep(..), Val, for, lookup', restrict, (<+>))
import Val (DictRep(..), Env, ForeignOp(..), ForeignOp'(..), MatrixRep(..), Val, for, lookup', restrict, (<+>))
import Val (Fun(..), Val(..)) as V

type GraphConfig g =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,15 +92,15 @@ apply (V.Fun α (V.Closure γ1 ρ σ)) v = do
γ2 <- closeDefs γ1 ρ (singleton α)
γ3 × κ × αs <- match v σ
eval (γ1 <+> γ2 <+> γ3) (asExpr κ) (insert α αs)
apply (V.Fun α (V.Foreign φ vs)) v =
apply (V.Fun α (V.Foreign (ForeignOp (id × φ)) vs)) v =
runExists apply' φ
vs' = snoc vs v

apply' :: forall t. ForeignOp' t -> m (Val Vertex)
apply' (ForeignOp' φ') =
if φ'.arity > length vs' then
V.Fun <$> new (singleton α) <@> V.Foreign φ vs'
V.Fun <$> new (singleton α) <@> V.Foreign (ForeignOp (id × φ)) vs'
else φ'.op' vs'
apply (V.Fun α (V.PartialConstr c vs)) v = do
check (length vs < n) ("Too many arguments to " <> showCtr c)
Expand Down
151 changes: 78 additions & 73 deletions src/Expr.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,6 +121,80 @@ instance BV (Cont a) where
bv (ContElim σ) = bv σ
bv (ContExpr _) = empty

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (Elim a) where
maybeJoin (ElimVar x κ) (ElimVar x' κ') = ElimVar <$> (x ≞ x') <*> maybeJoin κ κ'
maybeJoin (ElimConstr cκs) (ElimConstr cκs') =
ElimConstr <$> ((keys cκs `consistentWith` keys cκs') *> maybeJoin cκs cκs')
maybeJoin (ElimRecord xs κ) (ElimRecord ys κ') = ElimRecord <$> (xs ≞ ys) <*> maybeJoin κ κ'
maybeJoin _ _ = throw "Incompatible eliminators"

join σ = definedJoin σ

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (Elim a) (Raw Elim) where
expand (ElimVar x κ) (ElimVar x' κ') = ElimVar (x ≜ x') (expand κ κ')
expand (ElimConstr cκs) (ElimConstr cκs') = ElimConstr (expand cκs cκs')
expand (ElimRecord xs κ) (ElimRecord ys κ') = ElimRecord (xs ≜ ys) (expand κ κ')
expand _ _ = error "Incompatible eliminators"

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (Cont a) where
maybeJoin ContNone ContNone = pure ContNone
maybeJoin (ContExpr e) (ContExpr e') = ContExpr <$> maybeJoin e e'
maybeJoin (ContElim σ) (ContElim σ') = ContElim <$> maybeJoin σ σ'
maybeJoin _ _ = throw "Incompatible continuations"

join κ = definedJoin κ

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (Cont a) (Raw Cont) where
expand ContNone ContNone = ContNone
expand (ContExpr e) (ContExpr e') = ContExpr (expand e e')
expand (ContElim σ) (ContElim σ') = ContElim (expand σ σ')
expand _ _ = error "Incompatible continuations"

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (VarDef a) where
join def = definedJoin def
maybeJoin (VarDef σ e) (VarDef σ' e') = VarDef <$> maybeJoin σ σ' <*> maybeJoin e e'

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (VarDef a) (Raw VarDef) where
expand (VarDef σ e) (VarDef σ' e') = VarDef (expand σ σ') (expand e e')

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (Expr a) where
maybeJoin (Var x) (Var x') = Var <$> (x ≞ x')
maybeJoin (Op op) (Op op') = Op <$> (op ≞ op')
maybeJoin (Int α n) (Int α' n') = Int (α ∨ α') <$> (n ≞ n')
maybeJoin (Str α str) (Str α' str') = Str (α ∨ α') <$> (str ≞ str')
maybeJoin (Float α n) (Float α' n') = Float (α ∨ α') <$> (n ≞ n')
maybeJoin (Record α xes) (Record α' xes') = Record (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin xes xes'
maybeJoin (Dictionary α ees) (Dictionary α' ees') = Dictionary (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin ees ees'
maybeJoin (Constr α c es) (Constr α' c' es') = Constr (α ∨ α') <$> (c ≞ c') <*> maybeJoin es es'
maybeJoin (Matrix α e1 (x × y) e2) (Matrix α' e1' (x' × y') e2') =
Matrix (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin e1 e1' <*> ((x ≞ x') `lift2 (×)` (y ≞ y')) <*> maybeJoin e2 e2'
maybeJoin (Lambda α σ) (Lambda α' σ') = Lambda (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin σ σ'
maybeJoin (Project e x) (Project e' x') = Project <$> maybeJoin e e' <*> (x ≞ x')
maybeJoin (App e1 e2) (App e1' e2') = App <$> maybeJoin e1 e1' <*> maybeJoin e2 e2'
maybeJoin (Let def e) (Let def' e') = Let <$> maybeJoin def def' <*> maybeJoin e e'
maybeJoin (LetRec α ρ e) (LetRec α' ρ' e') = LetRec (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin ρ ρ' <*> maybeJoin e e'
maybeJoin _ _ = throw "Incompatible expressions"

join e = definedJoin e

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (Expr a) (Raw Expr) where
expand (Var x) (Var x') = Var (x ≜ x')
expand (Op op) (Op op') = Op (op ≜ op')
expand (Int α n) (Int _ n') = Int α (n ≜ n')
expand (Str α str) (Str _ str') = Str α (str ≜ str')
expand (Float α n) (Float _ n') = Float α (n ≜ n')
expand (Record α xes) (Record _ xes') = Record α (expand xes xes')
expand (Dictionary α ees) (Dictionary _ ees') = Dictionary α (expand ees ees')
expand (Constr α c es) (Constr _ c' es') = Constr α (c ≜ c') (expand es es')
expand (Matrix α e1 (x × y) e2) (Matrix _ e1' (x' × y') e2') =
Matrix α (expand e1 e1') ((x ≜ x') × (y ≜ y')) (expand e2 e2')
expand (Lambda α σ) (Lambda _ σ') = Lambda α (expand σ σ')
expand (Project e x) (Project e' x') = Project (expand e e') (x ≜ x')
expand (App e1 e2) (App e1' e2') = App (expand e1 e1') (expand e2 e2')
expand (Let def e) (Let def' e') = Let (expand def def') (expand e e')
expand (LetRec α ρ e) (LetRec _ ρ' e') = LetRec α (expand ρ ρ') (expand e e')
expand _ _ = error "Incompatible expressions"

-- ======================
-- boilerplate
-- ======================
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,76 +295,7 @@ instance Foldable ProgCxt where
foldr f = foldrDefault f
foldMap f = foldMapDefaultL f

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (Elim a) where
maybeJoin (ElimVar x κ) (ElimVar x' κ') = ElimVar <$> (x ≞ x') <*> maybeJoin κ κ'
maybeJoin (ElimConstr cκs) (ElimConstr cκs') =
ElimConstr <$> ((keys cκs `consistentWith` keys cκs') *> maybeJoin cκs cκs')
maybeJoin (ElimRecord xs κ) (ElimRecord ys κ') = ElimRecord <$> (xs ≞ ys) <*> maybeJoin κ κ'
maybeJoin _ _ = throw "Incompatible eliminators"

join σ = definedJoin σ

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (Elim a) (Raw Elim) where
expand (ElimVar x κ) (ElimVar x' κ') = ElimVar (x ≜ x') (expand κ κ')
expand (ElimConstr cκs) (ElimConstr cκs') = ElimConstr (expand cκs cκs')
expand (ElimRecord xs κ) (ElimRecord ys κ') = ElimRecord (xs ≜ ys) (expand κ κ')
expand _ _ = error "Incompatible eliminators"

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (Cont a) where
maybeJoin ContNone ContNone = pure ContNone
maybeJoin (ContExpr e) (ContExpr e') = ContExpr <$> maybeJoin e e'
maybeJoin (ContElim σ) (ContElim σ') = ContElim <$> maybeJoin σ σ'
maybeJoin _ _ = throw "Incompatible continuations"

join κ = definedJoin κ

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (Cont a) (Raw Cont) where
expand ContNone ContNone = ContNone
expand (ContExpr e) (ContExpr e') = ContExpr (expand e e')
expand (ContElim σ) (ContElim σ') = ContElim (expand σ σ')
expand _ _ = error "Incompatible continuations"

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (VarDef a) where
join def = definedJoin def
maybeJoin (VarDef σ e) (VarDef σ' e') = VarDef <$> maybeJoin σ σ' <*> maybeJoin e e'

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (VarDef a) (Raw VarDef) where
expand (VarDef σ e) (VarDef σ' e') = VarDef (expand σ σ') (expand e e')

instance JoinSemilattice a => JoinSemilattice (Expr a) where
maybeJoin (Var x) (Var x') = Var <$> (x ≞ x')
maybeJoin (Op op) (Op op') = Op <$> (op ≞ op')
maybeJoin (Int α n) (Int α' n') = Int (α ∨ α') <$> (n ≞ n')
maybeJoin (Str α str) (Str α' str') = Str (α ∨ α') <$> (str ≞ str')
maybeJoin (Float α n) (Float α' n') = Float (α ∨ α') <$> (n ≞ n')
maybeJoin (Record α xes) (Record α' xes') = Record (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin xes xes'
maybeJoin (Dictionary α ees) (Dictionary α' ees') = Dictionary (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin ees ees'
maybeJoin (Constr α c es) (Constr α' c' es') = Constr (α ∨ α') <$> (c ≞ c') <*> maybeJoin es es'
maybeJoin (Matrix α e1 (x × y) e2) (Matrix α' e1' (x' × y') e2') =
Matrix (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin e1 e1' <*> ((x ≞ x') `lift2 (×)` (y ≞ y')) <*> maybeJoin e2 e2'
maybeJoin (Lambda α σ) (Lambda α' σ') = Lambda (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin σ σ'
maybeJoin (Project e x) (Project e' x') = Project <$> maybeJoin e e' <*> (x ≞ x')
maybeJoin (App e1 e2) (App e1' e2') = App <$> maybeJoin e1 e1' <*> maybeJoin e2 e2'
maybeJoin (Let def e) (Let def' e') = Let <$> maybeJoin def def' <*> maybeJoin e e'
maybeJoin (LetRec α ρ e) (LetRec α' ρ' e') = LetRec (α ∨ α') <$> maybeJoin ρ ρ' <*> maybeJoin e e'
maybeJoin _ _ = throw "Incompatible expressions"

join e = definedJoin e

instance BoundedJoinSemilattice a => Expandable (Expr a) (Raw Expr) where
expand (Var x) (Var x') = Var (x ≜ x')
expand (Op op) (Op op') = Op (op ≜ op')
expand (Int α n) (Int _ n') = Int α (n ≜ n')
expand (Str α str) (Str _ str') = Str α (str ≜ str')
expand (Float α n) (Float _ n') = Float α (n ≜ n')
expand (Record α xes) (Record _ xes') = Record α (expand xes xes')
expand (Dictionary α ees) (Dictionary _ ees') = Dictionary α (expand ees ees')
expand (Constr α c es) (Constr _ c' es') = Constr α (c ≜ c') (expand es es')
expand (Matrix α e1 (x × y) e2) (Matrix _ e1' (x' × y') e2') =
Matrix α (expand e1 e1') ((x ≜ x') × (y ≜ y')) (expand e2 e2')
expand (Lambda α σ) (Lambda _ σ') = Lambda α (expand σ σ')
expand (Project e x) (Project e' x') = Project (expand e e') (x ≜ x')
expand (App e1 e2) (App e1' e2') = App (expand e1 e1') (expand e2 e2')
expand (Let def e) (Let def' e') = Let (expand def def') (expand e e')
expand (LetRec α ρ e) (LetRec _ ρ' e') = LetRec α (expand ρ ρ') (expand e e')
expand _ _ = error "Incompatible expressions"
derive instance Ord a => Ord (Expr a)
derive instance Ord a => Ord (Elim a)
derive instance Ord a => Ord (Cont a)
derive instance Ord a => Ord (VarDef a)
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/Pretty.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import Prelude hiding (absurd, between)

import Bindings (Bind, key, val, Var, (↦))
import Data.Array (foldl)
import Data.Exists (runExists)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable)
import Data.List (List(..), fromFoldable, null, uncons, (:))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmptyList, groupBy, singleton, toList)
Expand All @@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ import Util (type (+), type (×), Endo, absurd, assert, error, intersperse, (×)
import Util.Pair (Pair(..), toTuple)
import Util.Pretty (Doc(..), atop, beside, empty, hcat, render, text)
import Val (Fun(..), Val(..)) as V
import Val (class Ann, class Highlightable, DictRep(..), ForeignOp', Fun, MatrixRep(..), Val, highlightIf)
import Val (class Ann, class Highlightable, DictRep(..), ForeignOp(..), Fun, MatrixRep(..), Val, highlightIf)

class Pretty p where
pretty :: p -> Doc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,11 +433,11 @@ instance Highlightable a => Pretty (Val a) where

instance Highlightable a => Pretty (a × Fun a) where
pretty (α × V.Closure _ _ _) = (highlightIf α $ text "<closure>")
pretty (_ × V.Foreign φ _) = runExists pretty φ
pretty (_ × V.Foreign φ _) = pretty φ
pretty (α × V.PartialConstr c vs) = prettyConstr α c vs

instance Pretty (ForeignOp' t) where
pretty _ = text "<extern op>" -- TODO
instance Pretty ForeignOp where
pretty (ForeignOp (s × _)) = text s

instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (a + b) where
pretty = pretty ||| pretty
Expand Down

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