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Mark Friedrich edited this page Oct 16, 2016 · 12 revisions

Hint: If you have the chance to use Nginx as webserver, please do it! (Better performance,... )

1. .htaccess configuration

The .htaccess file (which is part or this Repository) should be located in your DocumentRoot (e.g. /var/www/pathfinder/.htaccess). This file is required by Apache! It is used for rewriting and caching rules.

IMPORTANT: There are two predefined configuration files available (.htaccess and .htaccess_HTTP). The default configuration file (.htaccess) is optimized for HTTPS! If you have to stuck with HTTP, delete .htaccess and rename .htaccess_HTTP to .htaccess.

Both files should be self explaining and well documented. There are some rare cases when you have to change something manually (e.g. if .htaccess is not in DocumentRoot).

If you can see the "Landingpage" with the "Login"-form on https:/www.[YOUR_DOMAIN]. You are done! :)

Here is a short explanation what the .htaccess does:

Both versions (HTTP and HTTPS)
  • Rewrite non www. requests to force and add www. (http://[YOUR_DOMAIN] is redirected to http://www.[YOUR_DOMAIN])
  • No rewriting for localhost and ip requests (e.g. http://localhost/ or - for development)
  • Protect config/temp files (e.g. *.ini)
  • Set some required PHP default variables
  • Enable/Disable PHP error logging and set path logs/php_errors.log
  • Set "HTTP Cache Expire Headers" for static files (e.g. images, css, fonts, templates,...)
HTTPS over SSL (info)
  • Rewrite http:// requests to https:// => (http://[YOUR_DOMAIN] is redirected to https://www.[YOUR_DOMAIN])
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