Based on and the incredible talent of: Rudolf Olah via [email protected]
This package is for running protractor tests with a selenium server.
when you're ready to take a screenshot enter
To make it work:
#1. [Create the folder structure you want your screenshots to export to]
Because I'm using it with a CI server, and don't want the png files to be stored in git, I created generated/screenshots folders, and added a .gitignore that simply contains'\*.png
The folder for the screenshots to export to must exist, or protractor will throw errors and fail tests.
#2. Declare screensot as a global function
in your conf.js file locate or create your onPrepare function.
onPrepare: function() {
inside your onPrepare, add this line:
global.screenshot = require('screenshot-protractor').saveScreenshot;
#3. [Advanced screenshoting]
also in my onPrepare function i've added
so that when I take a screenshot I can replace