The XDS development system facilitate software development in the Modula-2 and Oberon-2 languages. The unique feature of XDS is seamless integration between the two, which enables you to mix Modula-2 and Oberon-2 modules in one project freely. It includes two toolchains: Native XDS-x86, XDS-C and TopSpeed Compatibility Pack.
Native XDS-x86 is an optimizing ISO Modula-2 and Oberon-2 compiler for 32-bit Intel x86 systems running Windows. The Windows version comes with additional suite of tools including debugger, disassembler, etc.
XDS-C is a Modula-2/Oberon-2 "via C" compiler: its output is ANSI C, K&R C, or C++ source code, which may then be compiled by a third-party C/C++ compiler for any target platform. This technique allows you to cross program in Modula-2 and/or Oberon-2 for virtually any target environment. XDS-C itself runs on Windows.
TopSpeed Compatibility Pack (TSCP) is an add-on for both XDS toolchains that makes them more compatible with the TopSpeed Modula-2 compiler, thus simplifying porting of legacy TopSpeed Modula-2 sources
To build the XDS development system, you will need:
- Git
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 or higher
- NASM - the Netwide Assembler
- MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows
- Download the sources:
git clone
- Go to the "bin" directory in the root of repository and unpack the binary version of the XDS system:
cd xds-2.60\bin
- Create your building environment:
- Go to the ".config" directory in the root of repository
cd ..\.config
Rename the ".env-COMPUTERNAME.bsc" file according to the name of your workstation,
Set path to external tools in this file.
- Go to the "build\Win32" directory in the root of repository and build XDS using "build.bat" script:
cd ..\build\Win32
New file "" in the current directory is the XDS setup package.
Unpacked version of the XDS development system is located in the "enduser\xds" directory.
To build the XDS development system on Linux, you will need:
- Git
- Binary version od XDS 2.60 ("../../bin/xds-260-linux.tgz")
- GNU make utility (
apt-get install make
) - 32-bit version of GCC (
apt-get install gcc-multilib
) - 32-bit version of ncurses library (
sudo apt-get install libncurses*:i386
) - dos2unix file format converter (
apt-get install dos2unix
- Download the sources:
git clone
Go to the "build/x86Linux" repository directory
chmod a+x *.sh
to grant execution permissions to the build scripts. -
to configure the current folder for the XDS build. -
to build XDS development system.
File "xds-260-linux.tgz" in the current folder is the XDS setup package.
Unpacked version of the XDS development system is located in the "enduser/xds" directory.
Released under the Apache 2.0 license, see LICENSE.
Copyright © 2019 Excelsior LLC