an audio visual synthesizers optimized for x-y oscilloscope displays for the waaave pool distro
check out waaave pool github on what you need to get set up phosphorm can and will run without any kind of external DAC but it is optimized to work with the hifiberry dac plus, if u run this version with anything else you will probably have issues unless u do a bit of reconfiguration!
and as always the simpler way to do things is just download, uncompress and use balena etcher to write one of these images to an sd card!
please note that if you are using the no Dac version you will not be able to use HDMI output at this moment
sorry no manual rn! just try messing around with the kontrols tho and you'll see some cool stuffs. the bottom 5 buttons on the bottom left hand side switch from different scales default is 5et, then from left to right we have 7ET, 12ET, carlos alpha, carlos beta, and no scale at all
heres a real loosey goosey intro to what exactly is going on with the controls!
if you enjoy this program and any of the other open source softwares i make stop by my website
and toss me a donation via the paypal button! the more donations i recieve the more time i have to devote to making cool shit like this available in the world! andreijay