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This is the Dual-Channel Wi-Fi Access Point Daemon code...

This depends on:
  . libdcwproto
  . libdcwsocket
  . macremapper

Layout of this directory:
  . dcw/       -- core DCW functionality C++ classes library
  . dcwlinux/  -- linux DCW functionality C++ classes library
  . dcwposix/  -- posix DCW functionality C++ classes library
  . dcwapd.arrisxb3 -- Arris XB3 specific implementation of this program
  . dcwapd.linuxjsonstatic -- Example implementation of this program using JSON as configuration, statically linked 

Run "./" to see an example dependency checkout and full build of this thing.

Building for a specifig platform:
  The platform must be provided to the "configure" script. For example:
    $ ./configure --enable-platform=linuxjsonstatic

Adding a new platform:
  . Create a directory named "dcwapd.NAME_OF_YOUR_PLATFORM"
  . Copy over "dcwapd.linuxjsonstatic/" into your new platform directory to use as a reference
  . Update
  . Update (the one in the same directory as the file)