Cats vs Foxes is a game that I built as a new, better and more fun sequel of a different project of mine: Jigsaw Puzzle. It is a challenge that I was assigned to in a recruitement process. My task was to rewrite the above mentioned existing project to React.js and add some new features.
- React.js 17.0.2
- Styled Components 5.3.1
- Axios 0.21.1
- React Beautiful DnD 13.1.0
- React Icons 4.2.0
- Eslint 7.32.0
- Prettier 2.3.2
- gets a random image of a cute cat or funny fox from public apis,
- splits the image in puzzle pieces,
- enables two game levels,
- counts your game time and displays it in the end view.
Enjoy the game here: