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Building packages with pbuilder

wiki auto updater edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 1 revision

Using pbuilder is a fancy way of creating deb packages.

You just need to download the .dsc file:

$ wget

Create the chroot environment:

$ sudo apt install qemu-static
$ sudo pbuilder create --architecture armhf --distribution sid --debootstrap qemu-debootstrap --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/sid-armhf.tgz

build the package using the pbuilder chroot:

$ sudo pbuilder build --architecture armhf --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/sid-armhf.tgz --buildresult /tmp/rc10/pkgs opensnitch_1.0.0rc9-1.dsc

You can repeat the process for arm64, amd64, i386, etc..., and other distributions:

--distribution sid
--architecture armhf
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