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A python package for streamlining the front end of the machine learning workflow.


Common to the front end of most machine learning pipelines is an exploratory data analysis (EDA) and feature preprocessing. EDA’s facilitate a better understanding of the data being analyzed and allows for a targeted and more robust model development while feature imputation and preprocessing is a requirement for many machine learning alogirthms. nursepy aims to streamline the front end of the machine learning pipeline by generating descriptive summary tables and figures, automating feature imputation, and automating preprocessing. Automated feature imputations and preprocessing detection has been implemented to minimize time and optimize the processing methods used. The functions in nursepy were developed to provide useful and informative metrics that are applicable to a wide array of datasets.

nursepy was developed as part of DSCI 524 of the MDS program at UBC.


pip install --index-url --extra-index-url nursepy


The package includes the following three functions:

Function Input Output Description
eda - a pandas dataframe - a python dictionary - Dictionary that contains histogram and summary statistics for each column
impute - a pandas dataframe - a pandas dataframe with imputed values - Functionality for automatic imputation detection and user defined imputation method selection
preproc - a pandas dataframe - a pandas dataframe with preprocessed features - Functionality for automatic feature preprocessing detection and user defined feature preprocessing

Python Ecosystem

nursepy was developed to closely align with:

However, the functions herein streamline and automate the front-end machine learning pipeline for use with any machine learning package.


  • numpy==1.18.1
  • pandas==0.25.3
  • sklearn==0.0
  • altair==3.2.0
  • pytest==5.3.2



The eda() function helps to easily explore the data by both giving visual insights and summary statistics for a chosen column.


- Function should be run in Jupyter Lab (or other IDE) to view output. If Jupyter Notebook is used, run altair.renderers.enable('notebook')
- Depending on the data set, alt.data_transformers.disable_max_rows() may be required before running eda

These are required imports:

from sklearn.datasets import load_wine
import pandas as pd
from nursepy.eda import eda

To see how this function works, we will load wine dataset from sklearn.

wine = load_wine()
data = pd.DataFrame(
data.columns = wine.feature_names

After calling the eda() function, we will get the following outputs:

eda_results = eda(data)
##         magnesium
## count  178.000000
## mean    99.741573
## std     14.282484
## min     70.000000
## 25%     88.000000
## 50%     98.000000
## 75%    107.000000
## max    162.000000



The purpose of impute is to automatically impute missing data by comparing test results of multiple models using different imputation methods (currently this function only works on numeric data). An sklearn RandomForestClassifier or RandomForestRegressor is used to compute scores for each imputed data set.

Required imports:

from nursepy.impute import impute
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

To use impute, we need a dataset with missing data. Also, this data needs to be split into training and test sets. Let’s create our data:

Xt = {'one': np.random.randn(10), 'two': np.random.randn(10),
     'three': np.random.randn(10), 'four': np.random.randn(10)}

yt_c = pd.DataFrame({'target': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]})

Xt['two'][3:5] = None
Xt['three'][7] = None
Xt['four'][1] = None
Xt['four'][3] = None
Xt = pd.DataFrame(Xt)

Xv = {'one': np.random.randn(10), 'two': np.random.randn(10),
      'three': np.random.randn(10), 'four': np.random.randn(10)}

yv_c = pd.DataFrame({'target': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]})

Xv['one'][2:4] = None
Xv['two'][2] = None
Xv['four'][1] = None
Xv['four'][4] = None
Xv = pd.DataFrame(Xv)

Now that that’s over with, let’s call impute!

summary = impute(Xt, yt_c, Xv, yv_c, model_type='classification')

A call to impute returns a dictionary with the following keys-values:

  • “imputation_scores_”: a dictionary of the 6 imputation methods and their associated RandomForest scores
    • remove_na
    • forward_fill
    • backward_fill
    • feature_mean
    • feature_median
    • feature_interpolate
  • “missing_value_counts_”: a dictionary with feature’s as keys and number of missing values as associated values
  • “missing_indeces_”: a dictionary with the indeces of rows that contain missing data for the train and test sets
  • “best_imputed_data_”: a dataframe with the imputed data of the imputation method with the best score

We can access the return objects from impute by indexing their keys. Let’s take a look at the RandomForestClassifer scores for each of the imputation methods:

pd.DataFrame({'Method': list(summary['imputation_scores_'].keys()),
              'Score': list(summary['imputation_scores_'].values())})
##                 Method     Score
## 0            remove_na  0.333333
## 1         forward_fill  0.400000
## 2        backward_fill  0.300000
## 3         feature_mean  0.300000
## 4       feature_median  0.300000
## 5  feature_interpolate  0.200000

The number of missing values in each column can be extracted the same way:

pd.DataFrame({'Feature': list(summary['missing_value_counts_'].keys()),
              'Count': list(summary['missing_value_counts_'].values())})
##   Feature  Count
## 0     one      0
## 1     two      2
## 2   three      1
## 3    four      2

And finally, let’s extract the training data (index 0 for training and 1 for validation) with the best imputed score:

##         one       two     three      four
## 0 -1.047538  0.042689 -0.247081 -0.363426
## 1 -0.304713  0.800541 -2.626776 -0.363426
## 2  0.327052 -0.755122 -0.505563  0.915825
## 3  0.679104 -0.755122  1.582215  0.915825
## 4 -0.179888 -0.755122  0.857867  1.016828
## 5 -0.085712 -0.774920  0.107280  1.354976
## 6  0.860473  0.029632 -0.979732  1.270861
## 7  0.217099  0.384991 -0.979732 -0.425301
## 8  0.191896 -1.207064  0.105697  0.742878
## 9  0.207372 -0.607005  1.752648 -0.216495


preproc preprocesses data frames, including onehot encoding, scaling, and imputation, and label encoding.

Required imports:

from nursepy.preproc import preproc
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_wine

Let’s load some data from sklearn:

wine = load_wine()
data = pd.DataFrame(
data.columns = wine.feature_names

The output of preproc is a tuple with the processed training and test sets. Let’s visualize the preprocessed train set:

X_train_processed, X_test_processed = preproc(data)
##      alcohol  malic_acid   ash  ...   hue  od280/od315_of_diluted_wines  proline
## 0      14.23        1.71  2.43  ...  1.04                          3.92   1065.0
## 1      13.20        1.78  2.14  ...  1.05                          3.40   1050.0
## 2      13.16        2.36  2.67  ...  1.03                          3.17   1185.0
## 3      14.37        1.95  2.50  ...  0.86                          3.45   1480.0
## 4      13.24        2.59  2.87  ...  1.04                          2.93    735.0
## ..       ...         ...   ...  ...   ...                           ...      ...
## 173    13.71        5.65  2.45  ...  0.64                          1.74    740.0
## 174    13.40        3.91  2.48  ...  0.70                          1.56    750.0
## 175    13.27        4.28  2.26  ...  0.59                          1.56    835.0
## 176    13.17        2.59  2.37  ...  0.60                          1.62    840.0
## 177    14.13        4.10  2.74  ...  0.61                          1.60    560.0
## [178 rows x 13 columns]


The official documentation is hosted on Read the Docs:


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the UBC-MDS/cookiecutter-ubc-mds project template, modified from the pyOpenSci/cookiecutter-pyopensci project template and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage.


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