Different Scripts that use the official Ogame API:
- createDatabase.php | Puts the data from the XML files into one Database for easier and faster handling.
- diffBetweenMoons.php | Shows all differences between two moons, ordered by the highest distance.
- PHP with SQLite
The Ogame API returns XML Files wich contain different information.
They can easily be downloaded with a webbrowser. These URLs are for the german version of ogame.
For other countries you have to use a different TLD.
http://uni**.ogame.de/api/players.xml - Players - Updateinterval 1 day
http://uni**.ogame.de/api/universe.xml - Planets/Moons - Updateinterval 1 week
http://uni*.ogame.de/api/highscore.xml?category=1&type=1 - Highscores - Updateinterval 1 hour
( all possible parameter http://uni*.ogame.org/api/highscore.xml ) -
http://uni**.ogame.de/api/alliances.xml - Alliances - Updateinterval 1 day
http://uni**.ogame.de/api/serverData.xml - ServerInfos - Updateinterval 1 day
http://uni**.ogame.de/api/playerData.xml?id= - PlayerInfos - Updateinterval 1 week
- The XML Files have to be downloaded manually (till now).