This library provides regular expression (RegEx) patterns for validation of:
Key | Description |
mobile | Mobile no. in India (only ten digits without 0 or country code). Eg - 9xxxxxxxxx |
landline | Landline no. in India (landline number with STD code, no hypens or spaces). Eg - 0204xxxxxxx |
name | Person's name (only uppercase & lowercase letters/characters and space allowed) |
pincode | Pincode/Zipcodes in India |
pan | PAN no. in India |
aadhaar | AADHAAR no. in India (12 digits with no space allowed in between) |
filename | File names (Only letters, digits, '-', '_', '.' are allowed. Spaces allowed only in middle and not at the start or end) |
path | URL's or paths (Only letters, digits, '-', '_', '.', '/' are allowed) |
float | Floating point numbers |
dateString | Date with format = YYYY-MM-DD |
charactersOnly | Only uppercase and lowercase letters |
alphanumeric | Only digits and uppercase & lowercase letters |
ascii | Only ASCII characters |
string | Strings |
address | Address input fields |
gstin | GSTIN no. of businesses in India |
drivingLicence | Driving Licence no. in India (no spaces and hypens allowed) |
vehicleRegistrationNumber | Vehicle Registration no. in India (no spaces and hypens allowed) |
// Node.js or non ES6
const validationRegex = require('@eumentis-cloud/js-validation-regex');
// ES6
import validationRegex from '@eumentis-cloud/js-validation-regex';
const valueToValidate;
// Replace <key> with any key (mentioned in table above) that you want to use
validationRegex.<key>.test(valueToValidate); // true of false