This is a proof of concept of Ethereum sharding peer to peer layer with PubSub in libp2p, based on the idea from the slide.
For more information, please check out the document.
or above is installed and properly configured on your machine.$GOPATH
variable has been specified.$GOPATH/bin/
is part of your$PATH
- If you modify
files, you will also needprotoc
to compile them to*.pb.go
.- e.g., Install protoc on mac.
$ git clone
$ cd sharding-p2p-poc
$ make build
$ go test -v
$ ./sharding-p2p-poc --help
Usage of ./sharding-p2p-poc:
-bootnodes string
multiaddresses of the bootnodes
whether to do bootstrapping or not
is RPC client or server
-ip string
ip listened by the process for incoming connections (default "")
-notifierport int
notifier port listened by the event rpc server
-port int
port listened by the node for incoming connections (default 10000)
-rpcip string
ip listened by the RPC server (default "")
-rpcport int
RPC port listened by the RPC server (default 13000)
-seed int
set random seed for id generation
verbose output, i.e., log level is set to DEBUG, otherwise it's set to ERROR
controls whether to spin up a bootstrap routine, which periodically queries its peers for new peers. There will be no effect if you feed-bootnodes
without specifying the flag-bootstrap
indicates we are running a client of sharding-p2p-poc. If not specifying the flag it will be run as the server by default. Details can be found in this section.
$ ./sharding-p2p-poc -seed=1 -port=10001 -rpcport=13001 -bootstrap -bootnodes=/ip4/,/ip4/
This command spins up a node with seed 1
, listening to new connections at port 10001
, listening to RPC requests at port 13001
, turning on bootstrapping mode with the flag-bootstrap
, with the bootstrapping nodes /ip4/
and /ip4/
Note: /ip4/
is the format of ipfs address, which is in the form of /ip4/{ip}/tcp/{port}/{peerID}
To give commands to the node you have spun up, you can run the command in this format:
$ ./sharding-p2p-poc -client -rpcport={rpcport} {method_name} {params}
The flag -rpcport
is important since it is used to specify which node you are going to communicate with. If you don't specify it, the current default rpcport
is 13000
Since they are still subject to changes, please check out the documentations for further reference to the RPC methods. You can also check out the examples here.
make docker-build
See tracer in the document.
Issues, PRs, or any kind of help are definitely welcomed.