Camptime is a simple command (using Laravel Lumen) that allows you to quickly enter time into Basecamp Classic.
First, clone the repo.
git clone [email protected]:etelford/camptime.git
Next, create a .env file and fill in your Basecamp Classic API key. You can use the .env.example file as a starting point.
To get your API key, log into Basecamp, click the "My info" link, and scroll to the bottom of the page. Next, click the "Show your tokens" link and your 40-character key will be revealed to you.
Once your API key is in place, open up the Terminal and cd
into the root directory of your cloned Camptime repository.
You can then start up the Camptime engine with artisan
using the following command:
php artisan camptime
You'll see a list of all the active projects in your Basecamp account that you have access to.
Entering time for a project is easy. Simply put the Project's ID and type an entry into the prompt like so:
12345|1.5|Added to-do sorting
Press enter
and an entry for 1 1/2 hours will be added for project ID 12345 with a description that reads "Added to-do sorting
If you're adding time for the current day, you don't need to enter a date. However, you can override this with a 4th "argument", like so:
12345|1.5|Added to-do sorting|2015-09-01
After each entry, you'll be able to enter another entry. To quit the application, type CTRL-c