This repository contains the PEPPOL Access Point which is being developed by SendRegning. The project is codenamed Oxalis. The Oxalis solution is an enhancement of the PEPPOL Sample Implementation.
The binary distribution is available under "Downloads".
Oxalis consists of 3 components:
- Oxalis START inbound (war): an access point implementation which runs in Tomcat. The access point receives inbound documents using the START protocol and stores them locally.
- Oxalis START outbound (jar): a component which is able to send PEPPOL business documents. The component may be incorporated into any system which requires to be able to send documents. Documents may be sent with or without SMP lookup to find the remote access point.
- Oxalis standalone (main): enables sending of business documents directly from the command line. Uses START outbound to send documents.
To install:
- make sure that Maven is installed.
- make sure that Tomcat 7 and Metro 2.1.1 are installed
- make sure that the Tomcat manager is available on port 8080 with user manager/manager
- make sure that Tomcat is also up and running on SSL at localhost:8443
- make sure that keystore.jks is installed in a known directory (separate instructions for constructing the keystore)
- change oxalis-commons/src/main/filters/ to reflect your local preferences
To build:
- At oxalis: mvn clean install
- At oxalis-start-inbound: mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip cargo:deployer-undeploy cargo:deployer-deploy. This will start the access point in Tomcat.
- At oxalis-standalone: mvn -Dmaven.test.skip assembly:assembly. This builds the command line component.
- At oxalis-standalone/target: java -jar oxalis-standalone.jar. This gives an overview over the command line options.
Miscellaneous notes:
At oxalis-start-outbound/src/main/assembly you will find an assortment of shell scripts:
- is a freestanding SMP lookup
- contains commands for constructing keystores and truststores
- is used to create the webservices for Oxalis
While we have tried to improve the Sample Implementation as much as possible, some issues remain:
- no check is made of the signature on the SMP lookup reply. Is this a security problem?
- the access point implementation is not thread-safe due to the static SOAP_HEADER field in the SOAPInboundHandler. Should probably be fixed.
- the outbound code does no check of the SSL credentials of the remote access point.
- the authentication level of the SAML token is fixed for all senders. Probably should be made variable.