feat: Bundle CDT-LSP plugins with Espressif-IDE #659
233 passed, 2 failed and 0 skipped
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.build.test.EspIdfErrorParserTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 44ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.build.test.EspIdfErrorParserTest | 3✔️ | 44ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.build.test.EspIdfErrorParserTest
✔️ shutdown should trigger property change listener with error hints pairs as new value
✔️ process line returns true if hint available for error line
✔️ process line returns false if no hint found for error line
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.ActiveLaunchConfigurationTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 1s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.ActiveLaunchConfigurationTest | 2✔️ | 1s |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.ActiveLaunchConfigurationTest
✔️ get active launch configuration returns expected config when init launchbar job is not active
✔️ get active launch configuration returns expected config when init launchbar job is active
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.DefaultBoardProviderTest.xml
14 tests were completed in 230ms with 14 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.DefaultBoardProviderTest | 14✔️ | 230ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.DefaultBoardProviderTest
✔️ [1] esp32s3, [ESP32-S3 chip (via ESP-PROG), ESP32-S3 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP32-S3 chip (via builtin USB-JTAG)], 2
✔️ [2] esp32c3, [ESP32-C3 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP32-C3 chip (via builtin USB-JTAG), ESP32-C3 chip (via ESP-PROG)], 1
✔️ [3] esp32, [ESP-WROVER-KIT 1.8V, ESP32 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP-WROVER-KIT 3.3V], 0
✔️ [4] esp32s2, [ESP32-S2 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP32-S2-KALUGA-1, ESP32-S2 chip (via ESP-PROG)], 0
✔️ [5] esp32c2, [ESP32-C2 chip (via ESP-PROG), ESP32-C2 chip (via ESP USB Bridge)], 0
✔️ [6] esp32c6, [ESP32-C6 chip (via builtin USB-JTAG), ESP32-C6 chip (via ESP-PROG), ESP32-C6 chip (via ESP USB Bridge)], 0
✔️ [7] esp32h2, [ESP32-H2 chip (via ESP-PROG), ESP32-H2 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP32-H2 chip (via builtin USB-JTAG)], 0
✔️ [1] esp32s3, [ESP32-S3 chip (via ESP-PROG), ESP32-S3 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP32-S3 chip (via builtin USB-JTAG)], 2
✔️ [2] esp32c3, [ESP32-C3 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP32-C3 chip (via builtin USB-JTAG), ESP32-C3 chip (via ESP-PROG)], 1
✔️ [3] esp32, [ESP-WROVER-KIT 1.8V, ESP32 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP-WROVER-KIT 3.3V], 0
✔️ [4] esp32s2, [ESP32-S2 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP32-S2-KALUGA-1, ESP32-S2 chip (via ESP-PROG)], 0
✔️ [5] esp32c2, [ESP32-C2 chip (via ESP-PROG), ESP32-C2 chip (via ESP USB Bridge)], 0
✔️ [6] esp32c6, [ESP32-C6 chip (via builtin USB-JTAG), ESP32-C6 chip (via ESP-PROG), ESP32-C6 chip (via ESP USB Bridge)], 0
✔️ [7] esp32h2, [ESP32-H2 chip (via ESP-PROG), ESP32-H2 chip (via ESP USB Bridge), ESP32-H2 chip (via builtin USB-JTAG)], 0
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.IDFVersionReaderTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 417ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.IDFVersionReaderTest | 4✔️ | 417ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.IDFVersionReaderTest
✔️ testCanItDiscardversion335
✔️ testCanGetVersionsMap
✔️ testCanGetVersionsFromDLEspressif
✔️ testIsVersionsFilterWorkingCorrectly
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.InputStreamThreadReaderTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 19ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.InputStreamThreadReaderTest | 7✔️ | 19ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.InputStreamThreadReaderTest
✔️ testShouldReadInputStreamWithDefaultCharsetName
✔️ testShouldReadInputStreamWithCustomCharsetName
✔️ testShouldReadInputStreamAndReturnExpectedResult
✔️ testShouldThrowExceptionForNullInputStreamInConstructor
✔️ testShouldThrowExceptionForNullNewLineSeparatorInConstructor
✔️ testShouldReturnEmptyResultOnIOException
✔️ testShouldReturnEmptyResultForEmptyInputStream
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.OpenocdVariableResolverTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 55ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.OpenocdVariableResolverTest | 5✔️ | 55ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.OpenocdVariableResolverTest
✔️ resolveValue on openocd path dynamic variable returns openocd path
✔️ resolveValue on openocd scripts dynamic variable returns openocd scripts
✔️ resolveValue on openocd exe dynamic variable returns openocd exe
✔️ resolveValue on non existing enum variable returns variable name
✔️ resolveValue on null throws exception
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.OutputStreamThreadTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 13ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.OutputStreamThreadTest | 5✔️ | 13ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.OutputStreamThreadTest
✔️ testOutputStreamShouldBeEmptyIfIncorrectCharsetSent
✔️ testOutputStreamThreadWithNullOutputStreamShouldThrowException
✔️ testOutputStreamThreadShouldWriteContentToOutputStream
✔️ testOutputStreamThreadWithDefaultCharsetShouldWriteContentToOutputStream
✔️ testOutputStreamThreadWithNullContentStreamShouldThrowException
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.ProcessBuilderFactoryTest.xml
8 tests were completed in 160ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.ProcessBuilderFactoryTest | 8✔️ | 160ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.ProcessBuilderFactoryTest
✔️ testRunInBackgroundShouldReturnOkStatusWithAllCorrectArguments
✔️ testRunShouldReturnEmptyResultWithDummyCommandAndNullWorkingDir
✔️ testRunShouldReturnEmptyResultWithDummyCommandAndEmptyEnviromentMap
✔️ testRunInBackgroundShouldReturnOkStatusWithOnlyDummyCommand
✔️ testRunShouldReturnEmptyResultWithDummyCommandAndWithAllArguments
✔️ testRunShouldThrowExceptionWithIncorrectWorkingDir
✔️ testRunShouldThrowExceptionWithNonExistingFileCommand
✔️ testRunShouldReturnEmptyResultWithDummyCommandWithNullEnviromentMap
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.VersionTest.xml
29 tests were completed in 38ms with 29 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.VersionTest | 29✔️ | 38ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.VersionTest
✔️ Generating hash code for versions should return the same hash code for equal versions
✔️ Equals method should return false when comparing with a different object type
✔️ [1] 1.2.3
✔️ [2]
✔️ [3] 1.5.1
✔️ Get version should return the correct version string
✔️ Creating version with null value should throw an IllegalArgumentException
✔️ Equals method should return false when comparing with null
✔️ Comparing different versions for equality should return false
✔️ Hash code should be consistent for the same version object
✔️ Comparing version with itself should return zero
✔️ Comparing same versions for equality should return true
✔️ [1] 1.2.4
✔️ [2] 1.2.4
✔️ [3] 1.3
✔️ [4]
✔️ Equals method should return true when comparing object to itself
✔️ [1] 1.2.2
✔️ [2] 1.2.1
✔️ [3] 1.2
✔️ [4]
✔️ [5] 1.1
✔️ [1] 1.1.4
✔️ [2] 1.1
✔️ [3] 1.0.5
✔️ Creating version with an invalid format should throw an IllegalArgumentException
✔️ Comparing same versions should return 0
✔️ Hash code should be different for different version objects
✔️ Comparing null version should return a positive result
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.test.ZipUtilityTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 58ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.test.ZipUtilityTest | 5✔️ | 58ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.test.ZipUtilityTest
✔️ decompress should extract files from zip to output directory (Path)
✔️ decompress nested directories should extract nested files (Path)
✔️ decompress non zip file returns true (Path)
✔️ decompress folder returns false (Path)
✔️ decompress non existent zip file returns false (Path)
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.unittest.DefaultSystemWrapperTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 2ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.unittest.DefaultSystemWrapperTest | 2✔️ | 2ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.unittest.DefaultSystemWrapperTest
✔️ testGetEnvExecutables
✔️ testGetPathEnv
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.unittest.ExecutableFinderTest.xml
15 tests were completed in 25ms with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.unittest.ExecutableFinderTest | 15✔️ | 25ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.unittest.ExecutableFinderTest
✔️ testWindowsReturnsNullWhenSystemReturnsIncorrectExecutable
✔️ testWindowsFindReturnsNullOnNull
✔️ testUnixFindReturnsNullOnNull
✔️ testWindowsFindReturnsNullOnFoundableNonExecutable
✔️ testUnixFindReturnsNullOnFoundableNonExecutable
✔️ testWindowsFindReturnsNullOnNonFoundableExecutable
✔️ testWindowsFindReturnsNullWithEmpyPathExt
✔️ testUnixFindReturnsNullOnNonFoundableExecutable
✔️ testUnixFindReturnsNullWithEmpyPath
✔️ testUnixFindReturnsNullOnNonFoundableNonExecutable
✔️ testWindowsFindReturnsNullOnNonFoundableNonExecutable
✔️ testWindowsFindReturnsExpectedResultOnFoundableExecutable
✔️ testUnixFindReturnsExpectedResultOnFoundableExecutable
✔️ testUnixFindReturnsExpectedResultWithEmpyPathExt
✔️ testWindowsFindReturnsNullWithEmpyPath
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.BigIntDecoderTest.xml
41 tests were completed in 90ms with 41 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.BigIntDecoderTest | 41✔️ | 90ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.BigIntDecoderTest
✔️ value '0xA3F' decoded to 2623
✔️ value '0XA3F' decoded to 2623
✔️ value '0xAA' decoded to 170
✔️ value '0XFF' decoded to 255
✔️ value '-12345' decoded to -12345
✔️ value '-234' decoded to -234
✔️ value '-564' decoded to -564
✔️ test decode invalid number
✔️ value '12345' decoded to 12345
✔️ value '234' decoded to 234
✔️ value '564' decoded to 564
✔️ value '-0xA3F' decoded to -2623
✔️ value '-0XA3F' decoded to -2623
✔️ value '-0xAA' decoded to -170
✔️ value '-0XFF' decoded to -255
✔️ value '+12345' decoded to 12345
✔️ value '+234' decoded to 234
✔️ value '+564' decoded to 564
✔️ value '#A3F' decoded to 2623
✔️ value '#A3F' decoded to 2623
✔️ value '#AA' decoded to 170
✔️ value '#FF' decoded to 255
✔️ value '017' decoded to 15
✔️ value '023' decoded to 19
✔️ value '075' decoded to 61
✔️ value '0127' decoded to 87
✔️ value '0456' decoded to 302
✔️ value '+0xA3F' decoded to 2623
✔️ value '+0XA3F' decoded to 2623
✔️ value '+0xAA' decoded to 170
✔️ value '+0XFF' decoded to 255
✔️ value '-017' decoded to -15
✔️ value '-023' decoded to -19
✔️ value '-075' decoded to -61
✔️ value '-0127' decoded to -87
✔️ value '-0456' decoded to -302
✔️ value '+017' decoded to 15
✔️ value '+023' decoded to 19
✔️ value '+075' decoded to 61
✔️ value '+0127' decoded to 87
✔️ value '+0456' decoded to 302
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.HintsUtilTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 192ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.HintsUtilTest | 4✔️ | 192ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.HintsUtilTest
✔️ getHintsYmlPath returns correct hints yml path
✔️ getReHintsList returns simplified entries
✔️ getReHintsList returns empty array when not existing path is provided
✔️ getReHintsList returns correct parsed list
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.core.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.NvsBeanValidatorTest.xml
88 tests were completed in 109ms with 88 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.NvsBeanValidatorTest | 88✔️ | 109ms |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.core.util.test.NvsBeanValidatorTest
✔️ [1] u8, 0
✔️ [2] u8, 120
✔️ [3] u8, 255
✔️ [4] i8, -128
✔️ [5] i8, 0
✔️ [6] i8, 120
✔️ [7] i8, 127
✔️ [8] u16, 0
✔️ [9] u16, 360
✔️ [10] u16, 65535
✔️ [11] i16, -32768
✔️ [12] i16, 0
✔️ [13] i16, 120
✔️ [14] i16, 32767
✔️ [15] u32, 0
✔️ [16] u32, 1000
✔️ [17] u32, 4294967295
✔️ [18] i32, -2147483648
✔️ [19] i32, 9
✔️ [20] i32, 2147483647
✔️ [21] u64, 0
✔️ [22] u64, 2000
✔️ [23] u64, 18446744073709551615
✔️ [24] i64, -9223372036854775808
✔️ [25] i64, 3000
✔️ [26] i64, 9223372036854775807
✔️ validate non integer number returns validation error
✔️ [1] file
✔️ [2] data
✔️ [3] namespace
✔️ validate key longer then 15 returns validation error
✔️ validate out of limit value with data type and string encoding returns validation error
✔️ validate empty type returns empty string
✔️ validate first bean with type other then namespace returns validation error
✔️ validate non empty value with type namespace returns validation error
✔️ validate valid value with data type and binary encoding returns empty string
✔️ [1] file, hex2bin
✔️ [2] file, base64
✔️ [3] file, string
✔️ [4] file, binary
✔️ [5] data, u8
✔️ [6] data, i8
✔️ [7] data, u16
✔️ [8] data, i16
✔️ [9] data, u32
✔️ [10] data, i32
✔️ [11] data, u64
✔️ [12] data, i64
✔️ [13] data, string
✔️ [14] data, hex2bin
✔️ [15] data, base64
✔️ [16] namespace,
✔️ [17] ,
✔️ validate empty key returns validation error
✔️ validate not specified index returns empty string
✔️ validate with empty value with type namespace returns empty string
✔️ [1] C:
✔️ [2] test
✔️ [3] file.exe
✔️ validate out of limit value with data type and binary encoding returns validation error
✔️ validate not supported encoding returns validation error
✔️ validate first with namespace type returns empty string
✔️ validate data value with non existing encoding returns empty string
✔️ validate valid value with data type and string encoding returns empty string
✔️ validate valid key returns empty string
✔️ [1] u8, -1
✔️ [2] u8, -20
✔️ [3] u8, 256
✔️ [4] i8, -129
✔️ [5] i8, -150
✔️ [6] i8, 150
✔️ [7] i8, 128
✔️ [8] u16, -1
✔️ [9] u16, -50
✔️ [10] u16, 65536
✔️ [11] i16, -32769
✔️ [12] i16, -2147483649
✔️ [13] i16, -38000
✔️ [14] i16, 32768
✔️ [15] u32, -1
✔️ [16] u32, -1000
✔️ [17] u32, 4294967296
✔️ [18] i32, -2147483649
✔️ [19] i32, 2147483648
✔️ [20] u64, -1
✔️ [21] u64, 18446744073709551616
✔️ [22] i64, -9223372036854775809
✔️ [23] i64, 9223372036854775808
✔️ tests/com.espressif.idf.ui.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.ui.test.EspressifMenuTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 19s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.ui.test.EspressifMenuTest | 1✔️ | 19s |
✔️ com.espressif.idf.ui.test.EspressifMenuTest
✔️ testProductInformation
❌ tests/com.espressif.idf.ui.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.launchconfiguration.LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 5s with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.launchconfiguration.LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest | 1❌ | 5s |
❌ com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.launchconfiguration.LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest
org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Install Tools}
❌ tests/com.espressif.idf.ui.test/target/surefire-reports/TEST-com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.project.NewEspressifIDFProjectTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 5s with 0 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.project.NewEspressifIDFProjectTest | 1❌ | 5s |
❌ com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.project.NewEspressifIDFProjectTest
org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Install Tools}
github-actions / Windows Test Reports
com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.launchconfiguration.LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest ►
Failed test found in:
org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Install Tools}
Raw output
org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Install Tools}
at com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.launchconfiguration.LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest.beforeEachTest(LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest.java:52)
Caused by: org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.TimeoutException: Timeout after: 5000 ms.: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Install Tools}
at com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.launchconfiguration.LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest.beforeEachTest(LaunchBarCDTConfigurationsTest.java:52)
github-actions / Windows Test Reports
com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.project.NewEspressifIDFProjectTest ►
Failed test found in:
org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Install Tools}
Raw output
org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.exceptions.WidgetNotFoundException: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Install Tools}
at com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.project.NewEspressifIDFProjectTest.beforeTestClass(NewEspressifIDFProjectTest.java:57)
Caused by: org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.TimeoutException: Timeout after: 5000 ms.: Could not find menu bar for shell: Shell with text {Install Tools}
at com.espressif.idf.ui.test.executable.cases.project.NewEspressifIDFProjectTest.beforeTestClass(NewEspressifIDFProjectTest.java:57)