released this
06 Aug 14:52
139 commits
to release/v2.2.0.0_esp8266
since this release
ESP8266 AT Release v2.2.1.0
Documentation for v2.2.1.0 is available at https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-at/en/release-v2.2.0.0_esp8266/
You can download the firmwares to use them, which support OTA from espressif‘s server.
ESP-AT v2.2.1.0 is a minor update for ESP-AT v2.2.0.0.
This is the list of changes since release v2.2.0.0:
Known Issue
- AT+CWQIF: AT+CWQIF could not output "+STA_DISCONNECTED" prompt
1. Feature
version updated to release v3.4 (d92d00e)- Set flash mode to DOUT for ESP8266/ESP8285 1MB configuration based on compatibility
2. Bugfix
- Fixed ./build.py menuconfig returned error
- Fixed the issue that AT+HTTPCPOST set content-type request header did not take effect