Configures a server for rails hosting. Delegates as much as possible to other cookbooks & ties everything together.
app_dir location on remote system where rails project will be found. Defaults to "/vagrant".
I suggest installing through librarian-chef. Librarian manages chef recipes analogous to how bundler managers gems. So first install librarian:
# Install librarian
gem install librarian
# Add its work directories to your gitignore
echo cookbooks >> .gitignore
echo tmp >> .gitignore
# Create the Librarian config file
librarian-chef init
# Create a spot for vendored cookbooks
mkdir cookbooks-src
# Clone rails-lastmile into vendored cookbooks
git submodule add git:// cookbooks-src/rails-lastmile
Next setup your Cheffile (think Gemfile) with the following recipes
cookbook 'build-essential'
cookbook 'ruby_build',
:git => 'git://', :ref => 'v0.6.2'
cookbook 'rbenv',
:git => '', :ref => '7d9b66f20d6edb786720b22919fd53e698fce12b'
cookbook 'apt',
:git => ''
cookbook 'unicorn'
cookbook 'nginx'
cookbook 'runit'
Any time you make changes to your Cheffile be sure to run
librarian-chef install
Note that you can customize rails-last mile (or any other cookbook you put into cookbooks-src). If you make changes to cookbooks managed by librarian they will be overwritten.
The goal of rails-lastmile is to make deployments to different environments as similar as possible. Check the subsections below for how to deploy to a particular environment.
Vagrant is the first environment rails-lastmile supports. Firstly you need to install and setup Vagrant in this project. Make sure to install the lastest virtual box from here
# Install the gem
gem install vagrant
# Grab the 64-bit base box. This could take a while
vagrant box add precise64
# Make sure you're in the application directory and create a Vagrantfile
vagrant init precise64
In order to use with vagrant make a Vagrantfile something like this:
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = ["cookbooks","cookbooks-src"]
chef.add_recipe "rails-lastmile"
chef.json = {
'rails-lastmile' => {
'app_dir' => '/path/to/app',
'ruby_version' => '1.9.3-p385'
Don't forget that you need to have the unicorn gem in your Gemfile.
Last thing to do is boot up the virtual machine. With the command vagrant up
This will take a while depending on your internet connection and computer speed. After the command completes you should have a fully deployed app on your vagrant box.
Q. My cpu is pegged at 100% after deploying. Ensure that you have the following two lines in your Gemfile when deploying to a linux box:
gem "execjs"
gem "therubyracer"