- command-line calculator written in Python. Unlike Bash, it is not limited by integer size or precision constraints, allowing it to handle very large numbers and perform calculations with high precision, including many decimal places.
- grab WAN IP from your fritzbox.
- grab IP from host.
- monitors CPU usage and log processes that consume all available CPU resources to identify potential bottlenecks and performance issues.
- Start it as a daemon with a high priority, so that it keeps logging, even if all other processes are frozen (as user root):
nohup nice -n -20 "system-monitoring/cpumon" &>/dev/null &
- Stop (as user root):
kill $(pgrep -f "cpumon");fg
- Start it as a daemon with a high priority, so that it keeps logging, even if all other processes are frozen (as user root):
- convert human readable date format to unixtime (seconds since the unix epoch = 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC)
- convert unixtime to human readable date format
- convert unixtime to human readable long date format
- convert windows filetime (a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since 1601-01-01- 00:00 UTC) to unixtime and human readable time format
- convert unixtime or human readable time to windows filetime
- little calendar of actual month, today is highlighted
- little calendar of actual year