MGG is a cytoscape app that enables the straightforward and user-friendly way to perform the microbetag workflow and to visualise microbetag-annotated networks. MGG was built based on the scNetViz source code. MGG allows users to import their data, retrieve the important annotations and investigate them. It provides a visual style to distinguish annotated nodes, it utilizes CyPanels for node and edge filtering and visualization of important annotations, and supports enrichment analysis based on assigned phenotypic traits and clusters.
- Cytoscape 3.7 or above
- Internet connection to allow App to connect to remote services
MGG will be in the Cytoscape App Store soon!!
Building manually: Requirements to build
- Java 8+ with jdk
- Maven 3.4 or above
Commands below assume Git command line tools have been installed
#Can also just download repo and unzip it
git clone
cd MGG
mvn clean test install
The above command will create a jar file under target/ named mgG-<VERSION>.jar
In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Users\Your-User-Name. You will find the CytoscapeConfiguration directory inside there. Inside the CytoscapeConfiguration open 3, then open apps. You will find the installed folder there. Copy and paste the MgG jar file to the installed folder .
In Linux and Mac the procedure is the same. Find the CytoscapeConfiguration directory and then paste the mgG jar inside the installed folder.
Apache-2.0 license