Group Members: Carlo Abelli - cfa25 Michael Hong - mth43 Lan Luo - ll773 Abhi Sivaprasad - ass52
Description of files: DATABASE INITIALIZATION:
- InitDatabaseAll: creates csv file that contains anonymized student records; coordinates are added afterwards
index.html: the graphical layout of the application
index.js: the JavaScript that populates the HTML with based on the backend API and handles user actions
BACK END: The backend implements the api defined in the spec using a Flask Server.
- script to read from data csv and upload rows into database
- runs the flask server and sets up routes on port 5000
- data.csv: anonymized data used
- database
- dao
- crud: directory containing data access objects for each table
- base_dao: base class for data access objects which creates a wrapper over mysqlquerybuilder
- application_dao: implements higher level database operations which need multiple tables
- models: directory containing data objects defining their properties
- serializers: directory containing serializers which take data objects and output objects ready for json dumping
- .env: configuration file for database
- connection_manager: responsible for connecting to database and returning connection
- dao