When run, user has two available options:
Attempts detection of host IP address, then iterates through subnet current host is on
(x.x.x.1 - x.x.x.254)
and outputs:- IP Address, ping
response time, Hostname and MAC address for each device found
- IP Address, ping
Enter any IP address (in subnet range host is part of), and output (for that device):
- IP Address, ping
response time, Hostname and MAC address
- IP Address, ping
Results are optionally written to /YYYY-MM-DD_output/HH_mm_{AM/PM}.csv
There are several command line flags available.
Linux / OSX:
$ ./hostmac.py -h
C:\>python hostmac.py -h
~/Code/HostMAC/tests $ python hostmac_test.py
Ran 15 tests in 1.207s
OS | Python Version |
Fedora 21 | 2.7.8 |
Fedora 21 | 3.4.1 |
CentoOS 7.0 | 2.7.5 |
Ubuntu 14.10 | 2.7.8 |
Windows 8 | 2.7.9 |
Windows 8 | 3.4.3 |
Windows 7 | 2.7.2 |
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS | 2.7.6 |
OSX 10.10.2 | 2.7.6 |
- IPv4 compatible only.
Class C
) subnets only- Cygwin not supported.