Fusion-C 1.2 is a free C library with which you can program software and games for MSX computers under MSX-DOS with C language. You must use Fusion-C with SDCC 3.6.0 compiler (other versions have not been tested, but should work with more or less changes in the FUSION-C compilation script) Library is providing functions to work with every aspects of MSX computers (MSX1, MSX2, MSX2+, MSX TURBO-C) easily. The package is ready to use to make games and others tools.
The Fusion-C Library can be supplemented by the book "FUSION-C COMPLETE JOURNEY" which you can buy on Amazon : https://www.amazon.fr/FUSION-C-MSX-Library-complete-journey/dp/1730828612/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=msx+Fusion-c
Have fun coding for MSX ! Eric Boez January/august 2019
—————————————————— 2019 - Sptember 13 —————————————————— FUSION-c 1.2 Changes :
added support functions for GFX9000/V990 and TCPIP for the Gr8NET. Both in beta version
New Library compilation Scripts
Fixed error or rewritten functions : RleWBToRam and RleWBToVram (msx_fusion.h) MouseRead (msx_fusion.h) LMMM ( !/ variables order changed) (vdp_graph2.h) Line (Now Works on Screen 7) (vdp_graph2.h) Point (Now Works on Screen 7) (vdp_graph2.h) Pset (Now Works on Screen 7) (vdp_graph2.h) CheckBreak (msx_fusion.h) PutCharHex (msx_fusion.h) PrintHex (msx_fusion.h)
added function to library and to manual/book : HMMM (Vram to Vram copy function) (vdp_graph2.h) LMMC (Ram to Vram copy function) (vdp_graph2.h) YMMM (Vram to Vram CopyY position) (vdp_graph2.h) HMMV (High speed rectangle fill) (vdp_graph2.h) LMMV (High speed rect. fill with OP) (vdp_graph2.h) MouseReadTo (Read mouse to structure) (msx_fusion.h) Itoa (Integer to Char cons.) (msx_fusion.h) StrReverse (Reverse a char string) (msx_fusion.h) BoxFill (vdp_graph2.h) BoxLine (vdp_graph2.h)
Removed functions : Rect (Same as BoxFill)
examples added or modified : loadScreen5Image.c ReadMouseTo.c MouseRead.c RlewbToVram.c sprites-msx2.c lineandbox.c vdptest5.c vdptest8.c
GFX9000 examples Folder Gr8NET_TCPIP Example Folder
Updates on SublimeText Build System and Makefile Compilation script for MacOS users.
Now the current file you are working on with SublimeText is detected and can be
compile on the fly the build Sublime Text Build system.
-Update your Build Script by copying
./Working Folder/Tools/_for Sublime Text/MacOs/sdcc-build.sublime-build
To /Users//Library/Application\ Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/
-update the Makefile provide with this Fusion-C version.
—————————————————— 2019 - June 17 —————————————————— FUSION-c 1.1a Changes :
- Correction of a bug introduced in 1.1 version inside Print function
—————————————————— 2019 - May 28 —————————————————— FUSION-c 1.1 Changes :
Missing function definition added in msx_fusion.h : SetBorderColor
Errors in definitions fixed in msx_fusion.h : StrToLower renamed into CharToLower StrToUpper renamed into CharToLower keyboardRead renamed into KeyboardRead EnableInterupt renamed into EnableInterrupt DisableInterupt enamed into DisableInterrupt
Mistakes or Errors Fixed in Manual/Book : SetScrollH SetScrollV Sprite16 Sprite8 SetSC5Palette Vpoke other typo
Removed fonctions from previous version : WaitForKey (msx_fusion.h) idem as WaitKey KeyboardHit (msx_fusion.h) idem as Inkey Getcon (msx_fusion.h) idem as Getche
Errors in variable type fixed : Ltell second parameter is Long type variable Lseek second parameter is Long type variable
added instruction details in manual/book : printf
added long support to printf
Fixed or rewritten source code’s functions : getche.s vdp_graph2.s setdate.s inkey.s waitkey.s getche.s joystickRead.c triggeread.c killekeybuffer.c fillvram.c crt0_msxdos.s
added functions to library and to manual/book : MouseRead (msx_fusion.h) SetRealTimer (msx_fusion.h) RealTimer (msx_fusion.h) CovoxPlay (msx_fusion.h) SC2Circle (vdp_circle.h) SC2FilledCircle (vdp_circle.h) VDPLinesSwitch (msx_fusion.h) RleWBToVram (msx_fusion.h) RleWBToRam (msx_fusion.h) GetDiskParam (io.h) GetDiskTrAddress (io.h) SetDiskTrAddress (io.h) SectorRead (io.h) SectorWrite (io.h) CopyRamToVram (msx_fusion.h) CopyVramToRam (msx_fusion.h) PutText (msx_fusion.h) (Function Enhanced with Logical Operator) GetVramSize (msx_fusion.h) InitInterruptHandler (msx_fusion.h) EndInterruptHandler (msx_fusion.h) SetInterruptHandler (msx_fusion.h)
added code example : random-number.c hardware-scroll.c mouse.c timer.c 16x16_pixels_sprites.c arguments.c vsync_do.c vdp_blanking_test.c Circle_Msx1.c sc5Palette.c rlewbToVram.c riewb-test.c rlewbToRam.c readDiskParamandsectors.c printTextGraphic.c RamVramCopy.c interrupt.c
Compilation scripts Makefile & Compil.bat enhanced with conditional starting of openMSX
—————————————————— 2019 - January 08 ——————————————————
- Fusion-C V1.0 Initial Release