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Gram2Vec is a document embedding algorithm that embeds documents into a higher dimensional space based off grammatical style.


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Gram2Vec is a grammatical style embedding algorithm that embeds documents into a higher dimensional space by extracting the normalized relative frequencies of stylistic features present in the text.

More specifically, Gram2vec vectorizes based off features pertaining to grammar, such as POS tags, punctuation, syntactic constructions, and much more.


Vector representations produced by deep neural networks excel at capturing meaning from natural language text. However, they infamously lack innate explainability. Each position in the vector is learned through a training period of weight optimizations. This means the numbers in these vectors don't have concrete features they pertain to. For certain tasks, this is not ideal.

In authorship attribution (AA), the task of using an automated system to identify the author of a document, explainability is an important factor. This task is interested in identifying what stylometric choices authors make that differentiate them from each other. Why was author A chosen over author B? What linguistic choices did author A make that caused my AA algorithm to choose them?

Additionally, deep embeddings are known to capture semantic content from text. For authorship attribution, this is not ideal since the task is primarily concerned with writing style, such as grammar usage, lexical word choice, etc...

Gram2vec was born with these ideas in mind. Given a document, it produces a vector such that each position corresponds to a tangible stylistic feature.

Instead of using uninterpretable deep embeddings inside of an AA model, getting high numbers, and calling it a day, using gram2vec vectors will provide you with reasons behind a model's predictions.


In your working directory, create an environment by running (I think any version > 3.9 should work, not 100% sure though):

python3.11 -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate

which will create a directory called venv/ to store all the dependencies.

Next, run:

pip install git+

which will install gram2vec into your environment, as well as all of its dependencies.

If you'd like to play around with the source code, you can instead clone the repo directly and install with the -e flag (editable installation):

pip install -e gram2vec/



There are two options for calling the vectorizer.

The first option, vectorizer.from_jsonlines(), is used to generate a dataframe from either a single .jsonl file OR a directory of .jsonl files.

>>> from gram2vec import vectorizer
>>> my_df = vectorizer.from_jsonlines("path/to/dataset/data.jsonl")
>>> my_df = vectorizer.from_jsonlines("path/to/dataset/directory/")

vectorizer.from_jsonlines() expects a jsonlines file with the following fields:

  • fullText - raw document text
  • authorIDs - author identifier (no authors can have the same ID)
  • documentID - document identifier(no documents can have the same ID)

The second option,vectorizer.from_documents(), is used to generate a dataframe from a list of strings. Note that this does NOT take into account author or document IDs, unlike the .from_jsonlines() function.

>>> from gram2vec import vectorizer
>>> documents = [
    "This is a test string πŸ˜„!!!",
    "The string below me is false.",
    "The string above me is true 😱!"
>>> vectorizer.from_documents(documents)
pos_unigrams:ADJ pos_unigrams:ADP pos_unigrams:ADV ... sentences:obj-relcl sentences:tag-question sentences:coordinate-clause
0.000000 0.000000 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.142857 0.142857 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.142857 0.142857 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0

You can also enable or disable select feature extractors by using the config parameter, which takes a dictionary of feature names mapped to 1 or 0 (1 = ON, 0 = OFF).

By default, all features are activated. Here's an example of what a configuration looks like:

>>> config = {
>>> my_df = vectorizer.from_jsonlines("path/to/dataset/directory/", config=config)

Additionally, there is an option to include the document embedding produced by word2vec. This option should ONLY be used for experimenting, NOT official authorship attribution evaluations.

The purpose of this is to test how well the grammatical stylistic features perform during authorship attribution with and without the embedding. The point of stylistic feature extraction is to create vectors completely independent of content, only capturing the style from documents. Since we know that word2vec embeddings do include content, they are useful to compare gram2vec vectors to.

>>> my_df = vectorizer.from_jsonlines("path/to/dataset/directory/", include_content_embedding=True)


The goal of the verbalizer is to calculate zscores from a given grammatical feature vector dataframe and produce string representations for the most "salient" features. Given a dataset, Verbalizer will calculate and store the zscores for each row. This works on the document and author levels.

The theory behind this is that when calculating the zscores for each feature, that will tell us how many standard deviations away that feature is from the average feature. We can then answer questions like: "which features does author A use frequently that sets them apart from authors B, C, and D?". This also works on the document level too. Given an unseen document vector, we can also answer: "how much does it's features deviate from the other document vectors?"

Additionally, a threshold value is used to select the zscores that deviate from the mean that many times. By default, this value is 2.0

To get started, import both vectorizer and verbalizer from gram2vec. Verbalizer needs a dataframe with authorIDS and documentID fields included. You can use vectorizer.from_jsonlines() which will include them automatically, or use vectorizer.from_documents() and manually add those required columns to the dataframe.

>>> from gram2vec import vectorizer, verbalizer

>>> my_df = vectorizer.from_jsonlines("path/to/dataset/directory/") 
>>> verbalized = verbalizer.Verbalizer(my_df)

You can also change the zscore threshold if desired:

>>> verbalized = verbalizer.Verbalizer(my_df, zscore_threshold=2.5)

Zscores and verbalizations can be done on the author and document levels. For the author level, the .verbalize_author() method is used. It accepts a unique author id and returns a dataframe with the feature names, zscores, and verbalizations as columns:

>>> verbalized.verbalize_author_id("en_112")
>>> verbalized.head(3)
index feature_name zscore verbalized
0 pos_unigrams:ADV 2.437037 This author uses the part of speech unigram 'ADV' more than the average author
1 pos_bigrams:ADV ADP 2.759779 This author uses the part of speech bigram 'ADV ADP' more than the average author
2 pos_bigrams:ADP SYM 2.192766 This author uses the part of speech bigram 'ADP SYM' more than the average author

To verbalize unseen documents, use the .verbalize_document_vector() method. This function takes an unseen document vector as input and calculates the zscores and verbalized string for it with respect to the data the Verbalizer data is initially fit with:

>>> my_df = vectorizer.from_jsonlines("path/to/dataset/directory/") # this is essentially the "training data"
>>> verbalized = verbalizer.Verbalizer(my_df)
>>> verbalized.verbalize_document_vector(my_unseed_doc_vector_here) # unseen document vector
index feature_name zscore verbalized
30 emojis:πŸ₯° 5.518523 This document uses the emoji 'πŸ₯°' more than the average document
31 dep_labels:cc 2.400670 This document uses the dependency parse label 'cc' more than the average document
32 dep_labels:meta -4.329617 This document uses the dependency parse label 'meta' less than the average document
33 morph_tags:ConjType=Cmp -2.118285 This document uses the morphological tag 'ConjType=Cmp' less than the average document
34 sentences:coordinate-clause 2.517907 This document uses the sentence type 'coordinate-clause' more than the average document


This section provides more details about how vocabulary works in gram2vec and is not needed to understand how to use the software.

In general, each feature is frequency based. A vocab is therefore the collection of items that get counted for a feature. Each vocab is stored in a local vocab/ directory. These files are read by gram2vec and used in the feature extractors.

If new vocabularies are added, for the sake of consistency, the vocabulary files should have the same name as the feature function. Examples of this can be seen in

Some features, in particular the sentences feature produced by SyntaxRegexMatcher, do not require a vocab (at least, not in the same way the others do).

Some vocabularies require more explanation. The following subsections go into more detail about them

POS Bigrams

From the list of POS tags from Universal dependencies (18 total tags), I create all possible combinations.

So $18^2$ = 324 possible POS bigrams

Adding more features

This section is for gram2vec development. If you'd like to extend the code and add more countable features, here is a detailed guide on how to do so.

Step 1

Define what you want to count and why. What is the intuition behind it and what could it tell you about authors' writing styles?

Step 2

Define a vocabulary. This will be some collection of countable objects. In the vocab directory, the vocabularies are just text files of countable items. If using an external file for vocabulary, give it the same name as the feature you're counting. Alternatively, you may want to add a regex matching feature similar to how my other package, Syntax Regex Matcher, works.

After defining your vocab, register it inside of the Vocab class in There are two methods for doing so based on how you implement the features. Use what's already there as a guide.

Step 2.5

If possible, create a custom spaCy extension for your countable items. It makes the code cleaner (imo) and works well. See the functions as examples. This functionality is not a requirement, as not all of the features make use of spaCy extensions.

Step 3

Inside of, define a function that returns a Counter object of your countable feature (again, see the other feature functions as example). Make sure to use the @Feature.register decorator to register it as a feature.

Each feature function returns a Counter object by itself. However, upon calling each function, they become instances of the Feature class, where things like normalization and zero vocab counts are calculated. They are also added to the global REGISTERED_FEATURES dictionary which is used by the from_jsonlines and from_documents() functions to create vectors.

Step 4

Add your feature to the default_config dictionary and give it a value of 1

Step 5

Finally, if you want to also use the Verbalizer with your new features, you should add it to the Verbalizer._template() method's name_mapping dictionary. The purpose of this is to give it a cleaner string representation.


This research is supported in part by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via the HIATUS Program contract #2022-22072200005. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation therein.


Gram2Vec is a document embedding algorithm that embeds documents into a higher dimensional space based off grammatical style.







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