AWS Server-less demo application / movie database.
Run gradlew build
cd terraform
terraform apply
- Checkout the source code and import the project from existing sources; select build.gradle when importing.
- In Intellij settings, search for annotation processors and check Enable annotation processing (required for Lombok)
The tests start a local Dynamo instance that requires native libraries. These libraries are downloaded by the gradle build in build/test-libs.
When running unit tests from within Intellij, you will have to add the -Djava.library.path=build/test-libs
JVM option.
This is best done on the JUnit run configuration in Defaults.
The local Dynamo instance also requires (dummy) credentials. Either create a file in your user home dir ${user.home}/.aws/credentials with following content:
aws_access_key_id ="id"
aws_secret_access_key ="key"
or set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables with a non-empty value.
- docker
- python 2.x
- aws cli:
pip install awscli
- sam cli:
pip install aws-sam-cli
Prepare local dynamodb docker:
- create a docker network so that sam can connect to the dynamodb docker:
docker network create lambda-local
- create dynamodb docker:
docker run -d -v "$PWD/build":/dynamodb_local_db -p 8000:8000 --network lambda-local --name dynamodb cnadiminti/dynamodb-local
- start dynamodb docker:
docker start dynamodb
- build the lambda:
gradlew build
- start sam local:
sam local start-api --docker-network lambda-local
Sam local should output the API URLs at
Start sam local with a debug port: sam local start-api --debug-port 5858
You have to wait for the lambda JVM to start, which will only happen when you make a API request. Then you can attach
a debugger (with breakpoint set) to the lambda.