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Graph embedding approach for classifying metabolic pathways from a metabolic profile

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Metabolites Pathway Classifier

This project is a research expriment on metabolites pathway classification. Given a labled data of metabolites pathway and a metabolic profile, we classify postivie and negative pathways by using graph embedding.


The project used the following versions for the packages. other versions needs to be test but should work fine pandas 0.023 numpy 1.15.4 networkx 2.3 scikit-learn 0.21.3 gensim 3.80

How to use

Run the file with the config.ini file as an argument to the program. Change the needed parameters in the config.ini file (listed below).

run results will be saved in data/classifier_results

Config Parameters:

num_of_runs = num of times to run the classifier


input_file_path - metabolic profile as in xlsx format where metabolites are the rows and proteins are the columns.

output_file_path - post process path of metabolic profile

CorrMaxtrix (correlation matrix)

input_file_path - input path of the correlation matrix

output_path_folder - output path of the correlation matrix

Correlation Matrix Creator

matrix_output_path - output path of the matrix to be used

matrix_output_name - name of the matrix to be used.


corr_matrix_path- correlation matrix input path

labels_dir_path- subgraph labels path (to determine if they are positive or negative)

threshold - the treshold from which we add an edge

sub_graphs_output_directory - output directory of subgraph in case you want to save them as .gml files

main_graph_output_directory - output path of main_graph to be saved as .gml

adj_matrix_extensions - dictionary of extensions to be used in the graph. options : power_graph , adj_matrix_power , adj_matrix_and_add. they all take parameter p which is the power of the graph used.

sub2vecMethod - determine the sub2vec mode going to be used. structural or neighberhood


random_walk_length = the number of steps in the random walks

random_walk_number - the number of times we do random walk from each node

random_walk_directory_path_output - random walks output as .gml file

classifier_files_directory - path to save the location of the classifier files

statistic_output - path to save the statistics (if turned on in the code) in order to debug the classifier results

doc2vec_args- pass arguments to doc2vec as a dictionary in python

randomwalk_args - support weighted random walk multiplier if defined

rw_extensions - can define weighted_random_walk or rw_on_main_graph - (see)[]


metrics_list - support metrics of accuracy, precision, recall, f1score, TP, TN , FP, FN - they all will be showed in the xlsx results


validation_list - takes the name of the validation you wish to use. support multiple validations. options : KFold , LeaveOneOut and StratifiedKfold

vaidation_args - define args for the validation wrappers i.e : {"kfold_split": 10, "stratifiedkfold_split": 5}

train_directory_path - embeddings path

train_label_directory_path - embeddings label path


classifiers_list - define which classifier you want to use. can use multiple classifiers at once. options - RandomForest, lightgbm, Svm, CatBoost

classifier_args - pass arguments to the classifier - for example classifiers_args={"random_forest_max_depth": 7,"random_forest_n_estimators": 500} csv_output_directory - results output path output_file_name - results file name output_model_path - saved model in pkl file


to make sure you run the project without any interferance of previous runs you should enable cleaner to delete temporary files.


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