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Teletype loop command interpreter and network interface


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TTY loop gateway software
eric volpe, [email protected], Sept. 2016

This was written basically as a bare-bones alternative to HeavyMetal, with the goal
of using external modules to add functionality rather than having everything inside 
one program, and of being easy to extend and maintain as APIs change, etc. Further,
it is meant to be compact and light on resource usage so it can run on even small,
slow linux computers like Raspberry Pi Zero. 

There are surely plenty of bugs and omissions. It's been briefly cleaned up and
commented in response to a request to share it. 

All components are in the directory /opt/ttycommands. 

The master program is "", the program that talks directly to the teletype loop.  
Using a usb-teletype adapter in 5-bit passthru mode, this is usually /dev/ttyACM0, 
Look for the comment "Open the tty loop serial interface." It assumes it will be 
doing the character set conversion, not the adapter. It should work with anything
that passes the lower 5 bits of characters at the correct speed but i've only 
tested it with my adapters (


First, it processes tty loop input and output. 

  1. Duplex: each character sent to the loop also comes back from the loop;
       ignores the return chars and does not consider them as input. 

  2. Garble detection: if a character transmitted to the loop is not echoed intact,
       output is stopped since this means something else on the loop is typing too.

  3. Break detection: If a break (>500mS) is received from the loop, all current
       printing is stopped and it returns to waiting for tty loop user input. This
       depends on the USB-teletype adapter. 

  4. Input special characters: (see MACROS) - ASCII characters that don't exist in 
       ITA-2 can be entered using macros, for instance "$AT" --> "@"

  5. Lines exceeding maximum tty line length (wrap_output =) are wrapped to the next 

  6. While the tty loop user is typing a line of text, any other output is suppressed
      until the end of the line to avoid interrupting. If the tty remains mid-line
      without activity for more than 60 seconds, output suppression is cancelled.


It accepts commands from the teletype loop and does things based on them. 
The commands are defined in, look for "COMMAND DEFINITIONS"
You can have a tty-typed command run basically any linux command/script. 
The definition governs how it will be run and given its input/output. 

 '$sms2': { 'cmd': '/opt/ttycommands/', 'stdin': True, 'args': '1', 'prompt': 'Message:\r\n'},

"$sms2"  -  is the command typed from the tty. 

'cmd': '/path/to/your/command'  -  the program on the rpi to execute when the command is typed

'stdin': True/False  -  (default False)
      if False, the program is run immediately and its output sent to the tty loop
      if True, it waits for more lines of text to be typed on the tty loop followed by NNNN
         Once finished, the program is then run and the block of text is fed to it as input, 
         and its output is sent to the tty loop. 

'args': False, or a number in single quotes  (default False)
      if False, the program is invoked with no arguments and arguments following $COMMAND are ignored.
      if a number, that number of space-delimited arguments will be accepted from the tty command line
         and appended to the linux command when executed. 
      if True, any number of commands will be accepted. 

'prompt': 'prompt text' -
      if included in the definition, for a command with 'stdin': True, the prompt text will
         be printed to the tty loop as a prompt before waiting for lines of text input. 

'shell': True/False  -  (default False)
       if True, the whole command as typed from the tty loop is lowercased and fed to the 
         linux bash shell as a single commandline. This is dangerous because it inherently
         allows arbitrary commands to be run on the rpi and arbitrary files read/modified. 

When accepting input from the tty loop, the string "$ABORT" anywhere on a line aborts the
input in progress and returns to waiting for text. 

Pressing the BREAK key at any time stops the current output and returns to waiting for text. 


Secondly, listens for incoming tcp connections on port 11123. 

Connected clients can send ascii text, which will be lightly cleaned up and line-wrapped
and sent to the tty loop; text typed from the tty loop will be sent to all connected
clients.  The exception to this is that commands (lines starting with $), and lines 
being collected as input to a command, are evaluated locally, and not sent to clients.
This is useful for more complex clients which do realtime input/output connected to the
tty loop. 

MODULES - included modules, which can be used in command definitions., cgi-bin - programs to accept incoming web API calls from SMS providers - forward email to this using procmail to have it printed on the tty - linux command run by $FEED to print an API top headlines summary, weather - linux command run by $WX to print a weather forecast by zip code - used by to extract only text from incoming email, - client for teletype - linux command to submit text to tty loop for printing - Streaming twitter search client - print queue processor - basic Reddit client for teletype
reperf-on, reperf-off, tty-on, tty-off - use X10 home control hw to power machines on and off - linux command run by $EMAIL to send email from teletype - linux command run by $SMS to send an SMS using Flowroute service - linux command run by $SMS2 to send an SMS using Twilio service - the master program - linux command to start all the other components - linux script run by $STATUS to print system status to teletype
ttyicb, - ICB chat network client, - lock/unlock unsolicited text output to loop - linux program run by $TWEETS to display twitter updates - linux program to update Emoji description database - linux program run by $WPRESS to post WordPress blog updates


The various modules are mostly in python and introduce various module dependencies. 
At some point I need to enumerate them carefully but for now, at least the following:
email getpass HTMLParser logging praw serial signal sleekxmpp smtplib sqlite3 
textwrap tweepy unicodedata wordpresslib


Teletype loop command interpreter and network interface







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