This is a sample Ruby on Rails application that can be deployed on Kubernetes using Epinio.
- Create the encrypted credentials file
$ EDITOR=vi rails credentials:edit
The contents of the opened file should look something like this:
secret_key_base: e01281a074dd079e27024412060e8ed5366d1b34a438d07042c1bd325da9459180ac0f1d365e654a7d8695d7b610fc1cee359d254d147283e3bee364bb668646
Save and exit the file (:qw!
This command created a config/master.key
file which is the key to decrypt the
generated config/credentials.yml.enc
!!! Warning: The file config/master.key
should not be committed in git. You
should put it in .gitignore
(which we already did on this project).
You will need the contents of the master.key
file laters in this guide.
You should already got a cluster with Epinio installed on it. Follow the Epinio documentation if you need to do that first.
Next step is to create a database for your Rails application. Let's use Epinio services to deploy a postgresql database inside the cluster:
$ epinio service create postgresql-dev mypostgres
Create a new application on Epinio:
$ epinio apps create rails-example
Bind the service to the application
$ epinio service bind mypostgres rails-example
Check the generated password in the created configuration
$ epinio configuration show x8eeaca2ad14ed8ab93e6a123ba20-postgresql
and the service internal endpoint
$ epinio service show mypostgres
Now use this values to setup the configuration:
$ epinio configuration create mydb username postgres password 4itJ3vwWpw host x8eeaca2ad14ed8ab93e6a123ba20-postgresql.workspace.svc.cluster.local port 5432
Create an environment variable for RAILS_MASTER_KEY (
$ epinio apps env set rails-example RAILS_MASTER_KEY $(cat config/master.key)
$ epinio apps env set rails-example BP_NODE_VERSION '16.*'
Note: we need to set the BP_NODE_VERSION=16.*
to use a compatible Node version.
(look at the output and make sure the value of the environment variable matches
the contents of the config/master.key
Now push the rails application with Epinio and bind the new database service at the same time:
$ epinio push -n rails-example -b mydb
If everything works as expected, the application deployment should finish soon and the command should print the url of your app. Visit that in your browser and see the greeting message.
- Ruby/rails/epinio/whatever versions?