BED files for the VNTR regions in hg19/hg38 from Severus .
The appropriate file will be automatically selected for the appropriate genome, unless a user provides a custom bed with --tr_bed
IGV configuration supporting VCF files from --snv
and --sv
Aligned BAM to the output, when re-alignment is required.
Tweaked parameters for Severus to refine SV calling.
More informative log when a BAM called with an invalid basecaller model is provided.
Failures of processes involved in differentially modified loci and regions detection will not cause workflow to fail.
Updated modkit
to v0.3.3.
Reconciled workflow
from wf-human-variation v2.4.0 and wf-template v5.2.6.
failing for some snv
Excessive memory usage for sample_probs process when using --mod
leading to exit code 137.
Erroneous handling of inputs for the joint report.
Missing re-aligned XAM files in the output directory.
You can’t perform that action at this time.