L'application mobile de la FÉÉCUM sera bientôt disponible pour les plateformes mobiles iOS et Android. Elle vous permettra d'accéder directement au calendrier d'événements de la FÉÉCUM, et vous donnera la possibilité de sauvegarder des événements à votre calendrier de téléphone: oublier un événement important sera bientôt chose du passé, avec toutes les fonctionnalités de votre téléphone mobile intégré (rappels avant l'événement, push notifications, alarmes, etc.).
Pour plus d'information sur l'application mobile de la FÉÉCUM, veuillez lire cet article paru dans Le Front le 29 mars 2016.
- Implement flow
- Implement React Performance Tools
Dependencies and their instructions are subject to change. These are provided as a rough guide.
The first step is to install node.js (it comes with npm, required for the rest of the setup).
Installing Apache Cordova:
$ npm install -g cordova
Installing Babel and the ES2015 object rest spread syntax plugin:
$ npm install --global babel-cli
$ npm install babel-plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread
Installing webpack:
$ npm install webpack -S
Installing the babel-loader plugin for webpack:
$ npm install babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev
Installing the react and react-dom plugins for webpack:
$ npm install react react-dom -S
Installing Redux, the React bindings and the Redux developer tools:
$ npm install --save redux
$ npm install --save react-redux
$ npm install --save-dev redux-devtools
Installing cordova-plugin-calendar:
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-calendar
- Xcode
- Xcode Command Line Tools
- ios-sim
- ios-deploy
Installing Xcode Command Line Tools:
$ xcode-select --install
Installing ios-sim and ios-deploy (requires npm):
$ npm install -g ios-sim
$ npm install -g ios-deploy
If ios-deploy fails to install on El Capitan, try:
$ npm install --global --unsafe-perm=true ios-deploy
Update instructions are subject to change, but should be relatively stable.
Update Apache Cordova CLI:
$ sudo npm update -g cordova
Check for platform updates (note: this doesn't seem to behave properly on my setup):
$ cordova platform check
Update platforms (example):
$ cordova platform update android
$ cordova platform update ios
Deployment instructions are stable.
To build the application:
$ npm run build // run webpack in production mode (minimize automatically)
$ npm run dev // run webpack in watch mode (auto-bundles whenever files change)
$ npm run browser // equivalent to `npm run dev && cordova run browser`
To deploy and launch in the browser:
$ cordova run browser // will launch in default browser
$ cordova run browser --target=Chrome
$ cordova run browser --target=Safari
$ cordova run browser --target=Firefox
To deploy and launch on Android:
$ cordova build android
$ cordova run android --emulator
$ cordova run android --device
To deploy and launch on iOS simulator:
$ cordova build ios
$ cordova run ios --emulator
To find out what simulator images are available:
$ cordova emulate ios --list
Available iOS Virtual Devices:
iPhone-4s, 9.3
iPhone-5, 9.3
iPhone-5s, 9.3
iPhone-6, 9.3
iPhone-6-Plus, 9.3
iPhone-6s, 9.3
iPhone-6s-Plus, 9.3
iPad-2, 9.3
iPad-Retina, 9.3
iPad-Air, 9.3
iPad-Air-2, 9.3
iPad-Pro, 9.3
Then use one of the simulator names in the --target
$ cordova emulate ios --target="iPhone-4s, 9.3"
$ cordova emulate ios --target="iPad-Air-2, 9.3"
$ cordova emulate ios --target="iPhone-6s, 9.3"
$ cordova emulate ios --target="iPhone-6-Plus, 9.3"
- Make sure code is being processed by the webpack loader.
- Make sure Babel is working fine.
- Install and use the React Developer Tools
- TODO: implement flow
- See Debugging with Android Studio.
- See Remote Debugging Android Devices. Note that Remote Debugging only works since Android 4.4.
There is a known issue where Redux stores will not work properly if more than one version of the React module is loaded. If this becomes an issue, try running npm dedupe:
$ npm dedupe
If there are issues attaching to the Android device, check to make sure that you don't have the Chrome Developer Tools open to a device inspector. Remote Debugging of Android devices is only supported since Android 4.4. To troubleshoot Android device attachment issues, try:
$ adb kill-server
$ adb start-server
$ adb devices
If cordova build android
complains about Gradle after you update Android Studio,
try updating the cordova android platform. This might downgrade Gradle to an
earlier version, but it will make the bitchin' stop:
$ cordova platform update android