miniRT is a simple and small ray tracer created for my studies at the 42 school codam in Amsterdam.
Just clone the repository and type make :D You will find a executable called miniRT. To showcase rendered images just run the program with one of my existing scenes.
./miniRT scenes/cube.rt
You can also add a --save option to save the output as a .bmp file.
./miniRT scenes/cube.rt --save
If a scene has more than one you can swap the camera in your rendered image with the right arrow key.
My miniRT takes a scene file as a first argument with the.rt extension. The scene file contains all the information my mini ray tracer needs to render a full image. Each element first’s information is the type identifier, followed by all specific information for each object in a strict order.
- Resolution R
- Ambient lightning A
- Camera c
- Light l
- Sphere sp
- Plane pl
- Square sq
- Cylinder cyl
- Triangle tr
Mandatory elements are: Resolution, Ambient Light and atleast one Camera.
You find a detailed explanation of the scene file here :)
./miniRT scenes/7-wolfie.rt
./minirt scenes/cube.rt