PagerMon is an API driven client/server framework for parsing and displaying pager messages from multimon-ng.
It is built around POCSAG messages, but should easily support other message types as required.
The UI is built around a Node/Express/Angular/Bootstrap stack, while the client scripts are Node scripts that receive piped input.
- Capcode aliasing with colors and FontAwesome icons
- API driven extensible architecture
- Multi-user support
- SQLite or MySQL database backing
- Configurable via UI
- Pagination and searching
- Filtering by capcode or agency
- Duplicate message filtering
- Native POCSAG / FLEX / EAS Client Support
- Keyword highlighting
- WebSockets support - messages are delivered to clients in near realtime
- Pretty HTML5
- Native browser notifications
- Plugin Support - Current Plugins:
- Pushover near realtime muti-device notification service
- Prowl near realtime iOS notification service with Apple Watch support
- Telegram near realtime cloud based multi-device messaging
- Discord near realtime cloud based messaging service
- Gotify Self-Hosted messaging service
- Microsoft Teams Team colaboration platform
- Slack Team colabortation platform
- SMTP Email Support for conventional SMTP email notifications
- Regex Filters - Filter incoming messages via regex
- Regex Replace - Modify incoming messages via regex
- Message Repeat - Repeat incoming messages to another pagermon server
- May or may not contain cute puppies
- Horizontal scaling
- Enhanced message filtering
- Bootstrap 4 + Angular 2 support
- Enhanced alias control
- Graphing
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- nodejs 12.x or higher
- sqlite3
- Probably some other stuff
- nvm
- nginx or some kind of reverse proxy for SSL offloading
- Copy server/process-default.json to server/process.json and modify according to your environment
- Launch the app from the Terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install npm sqlite3
$ npm install npm@latest -g
$ npm install pm2 -g
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ export NODE_ENV=production
$ pm2 start process.json
- To start on boot, let pm2 handle it:
$ sudo pm2 startup
$ pm2 save
- You probably want to rotate logs, too:
$ pm2 install pm2-logrotate
$ sudo pm2 logrotate -u user
- Now login via the website, default port is 3000, default credentials are 'admin' / 'changeme'
- Head to /admin, change your password, and generate some API keys
- Grab your API keys and drop them in the PagerMon client, then you're good to go!
Alternatively a production ready setup guide is available here,-PM2,-Nginx-Reverse-Proxy,-Let's-Encrypt-SSL,-Pagermon-server
You can use image already built for you or you can build it yourself:
# For PC
docker build -t pagermon/pagermon .
# For Raspberry Pi
docker build -t pagermon/pagermon:latest-armhf -f Dockerfile.armhf .
docker create \
--name=pagermon \
-e APP_NAME=pagermon \
-p 3000:3000 \
-e TZ=Europe/London \
-v </path/to/config-mount>:/config \
--restart unless-stopped \
docker start pagermon
version: "2"
#build: ./server # To build localy
image: pagermon/pagermon:<VERSION>
container_name: pagermon
- APP_NAME=pagermon
- PUID=1000 # Not required since node user inside docker has UID 1000
- PGID=1000 # Not required since node user inside docker has GID 1000
- TZ=Europe/London
- "3000:3000"
- </path/to/config-mount>:/config
restart: unless-stopped
Then run:
# Building with compose file
docker-compose build
# Running from compose file in foreground
docker-compose up
# Running from compose file in background
docker-compose up -d
Parameter | Function |
-e APP_NAME=<name> |
Application name |
-e HOSTNAME=<hostname> |
Hostname |
Use cookie host. |
-e NO_CHOWN=true |
Disable fixing permissions. |
-e PUID=1000 |
for UserID |
-e PGID=1000 |
for GroupID |
-e SKIP_APP=true |
Don't start app, useful for development. |
-e TZ=Europe/London |
Specify a timezone to use eg. Europe/London. |
-v <path>:/config |
Mount config diretory, so config persist during container restarts (option 1) |
-v <volumename>:/config |
Create named volume for config diretory, so config persist during container restarts (option 2) |
-v /config |
Create unnamed volume for config diretory, so config persist during container restarts (option 3) |
-p 3000:3000 |
Expose container port |
- Configuration is stored in
inside container and it is owned by node user with UID/GID 1000. To fix config directory ownership use-e PUID=<UID>
and-e PGID=<GID>
. (Here are database and config file stored) - The local port
will be forwarded to the docker container to port3000
(by-p 3000:3000
) - In case you would like to follow the logfile, run
docker logs -f pagermon
(by--name pagermon
) - To shutdown and remove the container (if using compose), run
docker-compose down
- If you make changes to the app for testing, you will need to re-build the image, run
docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build
- To run on Raspberry Pi use armhf variant (add
at the end of version), but be aware that OracleDB does not work there.
Tip: You probably want to setup docker log rotation before, more can be found here.
These programs/libraries are required for Pagermon Client to work
- RTL-SDR - RTL-SDR tools/libraries to access RTL-SDR dongle
- RTL-SDR dongle - You can get these from Ebay, Amazon or other stores (Has to have RTL2832U chip)
- nodejs - JavaScript Programming Language (Only if installing separate from server)
- npm - Javascript Package Manager (Only if installing separate from server)
- Git Client - client for getting source code (Only if installing separate from server)
To install the Prerequisites run
sudo apt install nodejs npm git rtl-sdr
Run the following commands from Terminal:
git clone
cd pagermon/client
npm install
and edit frequency and rtl_device number, Edit Multimon-ng command
rtl_fm -d 0 -E dc -F 0 -A fast -f 148.5875M -s22050 - |
multimon-ng -q -b1 -c -a POCSAG512 -f alpha -t raw /dev/stdin |
node reader.js
-d 0
- change this to your rtl_device number using rtl_test
-f 148.5875M
- change this to the frequency you are decoding
multimon-ng -q -b1 -c -a POCSAG512 -f alpha -t raw /dev/stdin
multimon-ng -a FLEX -t raw /dev/stdin
multimon-ng -a EAS -t raw /dev/stdin
Before running Pagermon Client you have to configure it to send the decoded info to the pagermon server.
copy default.json to config.json
cp config/default.json config/config.json
Edit config.json with your favorite editor
"apikey": "changeme",
"hostname": "",
"identifier": "TEST",
"sendFunctionCode": false,
"useTimestamp": true,
"EAS": {
"excludeEvents": [],
"includeFIPS": [],
"addressAddType": true
apikey: This is the API key generate on the Pagermon Server http://serverip/admin/settings
hostname: The host name or IP of the Pagermon server (If you run Pagermon Server and Client on same PC then you can put this as
identifier: This will show up in the source column on the server web page good for when you have multiple sources and want to know which one the pager message is coming from
sendFunctionCode: This will appand the function code to the address of the message true or false
useTimestamp: This will use the time in the message true or false
excludeEvents: Allows a list of Events to exclude ie ["RWT","RMT","SVA"]
includeFIPS: Allows you to filter on a list of FIPS to alert on ie ["031109", "031000"]
addressAddType: Will append the event code to the address so KOAX-WXR
would become KOAX-WXR-W for ZCZC-WXR-TOR-031109+0015-3650000-KOAX/NWS -
true or false
Check out our Raspberry Pi Image for Pi3 & Pi4 which has Pagermon pre-loaded on it.
Check out the following links:
Releases for the latest version Wiki for PagermonPi support
General PagerMon support can be requested in the #support channel of the PagerMon discord server.
Click Here to join
Bugs and Feature requests can be logged via the GitHub issues page.
All are welcome to contribute. Contributors should submit a pull request with the requested changes. is to be updated on each pull request.
If a pull request is the first pull request since a release, then the version number should be bumped in
, server/app.js
, and server/package.json
If a database schema change is required, this must be done using KnexJS Migration files. Insert Instructions for this here
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under The Unlicense - because fuck licenses. Do what you want with it. :>