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Ben Combee edited this page Feb 21, 2013 · 4 revisions



onyx.Drawer is a control that appears or disappears based on its open property. open is a Boolean that defaults to true, meaning that the control is visible.

By default, a Drawer appears or disappears with a sliding animation whose direction is determined by the orient property. The default value of orient is "v", indicating that the drawer opens and closes along the vertical axis. To create a horizontally-oriented drawer, set orient to "h".

In Enyo 2.1 and later, onyx.Drawer exposes an animated property, which may be set to false to disable the sliding animation.

Vertical Drawers

Here's a kind that implements a simple vertically-oriented drawer:

	name: "VDrawer",
	components: [
        {kind: "FittableRows", classes: "outer-box", components: [
            {content: "Activate Vertical", classes: "inner-box inner-box-v", ontap: "activateDrawer"},
            {name: "drawer", kind: "onyx.Drawer", open: false, components: [
        	    {content: "Vertical Drawer<br>Vertical Drawer</br>Vertical Drawer",
                    classes: "inner-box inner-box-v", allowHtml: true}
    activateDrawer: function(inSender, inEvent) {

Because we've set "open: false" on the drawer, it starts out in the closed state when this view is loaded.

Vertical Drawer (Closed)

Then, when the "Activate Vertical" box is tapped, the activateDrawer method toggles the open state (and visibility).

Vertical Drawer (Open)

(For details on the CSS classes used in this example, see "A Note on CSS" below.)

Horizontal Drawers

The following kind implements a simple horizontally-oriented drawer:

    name: "HDrawer",
    components: [
        {kind: "FittableColumns", ontap: "activateColumnsDrawer", classes: "outer-box",
            components: [
                {content: "Activate Horizontal", classes: "inner-box inner-box-h"},
                {name: "columnsDrawer", orient: "h", kind: "onyx.Drawer", fit: true, open: false,
                    components: [
                        {content: "Horizontal Drawer Horizontal Drawer",
                            classes: "inner-box inner-box-h"}
    activateColumnsDrawer: function(inSender, inEvent) {

As in the previous example, we've set "open: false", so the drawer first appears in its closed state.

Horizontal Drawer (Closed)

A subsequent tap on the activation box toggles the open state to true (i.e., visible).

Horizontal Drawer (Open)

Note that "fit: true" is set on the drawer control. This causes the drawer to expand horizontally--beyond the natural width of its content--to fill the available space in the container. If we do not set "fit: true", the drawer assumes the natural width of its content:

Horizontal Drawer (Open)

A Note on CSS

The examples in this document make use of the following CSS styles:

.outer-box {
    border: 2px solid orange;
    padding: 4px;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    margin-top: 3px;
    margin-bottom: 3px;

.inner-box {
    border: 2px solid lightblue;
    padding: 4px;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;

.inner-box-v {
    margin-top: 2px;
    margin-bottom: 2px;

.inner-box-h {
    margin-left: 2px;
    margin-right: 2px;

Note that there are slight differences in how margins are handled, depending on the orientation of the drawer.

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