Create a UE4 empty project and copy the folders except RTS_Tutorial and Extras to the project directory. RTS_Tutorial should be copied into the content folder. There will be missing textures and materials possibly after copying, due to some assets being from marketplace packages. If you really want to see them download the Infinity Blade assets, and the Kite Demo. Run either the start map or the test map to begin seeing the contents of this project.
*Source folder contains C++ code *RTS_Tutorial contains lot of gameplay blueprints and assets. Names of the subfolders represent what kind of assets in them. Blueprints is the largest subfolder with blueprints for AI, some visual effects that are triggered by the characters, the quest system, and the spell system. *Extras contains some artwork and possibly one day my story although I'd like to keep it private just becuase I worked very hard on it and don't want those ideas stolen.
Unbounded Perceptions is a game with one goal: To help us understand each other. To accomplish this, there are some reoccuring themes present in the story that will keep being reiterated such as:
- The real horror comes from the hearts of human beings not the bloody mess
- Appreciate others not for their accomplishments, but for their story
There are 8 chapters in the game story (not shown in this github for privacy reasons) with a specific message in each.
1 - A gnawing sense of emptiness - We look at others who are sucessful and are oblivious to their body rotting from the inside
"To exist is the same as waiting for death. Even if life is an illusion, the only way out is by living." --Undead Morpheus
- Introduces Cyphina the MC and how he became a monster (Undead Morpheus) through exposure to Aurelius in the "Awakening"
- Talk about Cyphina's feeling of emptiness in his life despite being on the road to what everyone considers success
- Introduces Cyphina's strange dream about the future 6 years from now in which he dreams about another boy Zone
- Introduces Cyphina's only friend a young monster known as Snake Girl
- Shows the sacrifices made by several people for Snake Girl to even be alive
- Introduce the main antagonist Divine Chaos
- Show off Cyphina's monster's main plotline ability used in the game known as Shared Psychosis allowing him to live out the memories of others in a dangerous world
- Show Cyphina's usage of this power to exonerate himself from the events at the beginning of the game
2 - I want to change the world (Place where demo starts) - Sometimes the only way to erase the emptiness inside is to make a difference
"In this day and age, where it’s hard enough sweeping our day’s broken promise, a new momentum brings a chapter of a backwards story. Hold your hand out to catch the breeze, and maybe, if you remember hard enough, the beginning will reveal itself.
By now I’m sure you understand, that there’s no survival, if you cannot think for yourself. Perhaps there’s a meaning behind what I’ll say, but what matters more is that you feel these words. Don’t worry if there’s a shared perception of these ideas, but rather, feel your own feelings. Or don’t. Sometimes it’s not about what we feel, but rather, it’s the meaning we find behind life." -- Narrarator
- Introduces the importance of Zone's timeline and his character
- Introduces Snake Girl who is known as Sylphia in this timeline since she lost all her memories somewhere along the way
- Develop Zone's otherwise unheroic persona through the first dungeon in this timeline "The Factory"
- Convey Zone's hatred for Sylphia after the turning point in "Finding Sylphia"
- Establish a link between the future timeline and Cyphina's timeline in "Finding Sylphia" through Zone figuring out that Cyphina died 4 years ago.
- Establish a link between the characters in that when Zone passes before being killed, Cyphina gets all his pain meaning that Cyphina will die if he lets Zone die and vice versa since the other timelines don't proceed until one the main character of that timeline falls asleep
- Introduce the main journey which is Cyphina going on a long journey to figure out his cause of death
- Establish Cyphina's growing sense of purpose and happiness with the situation compared to his otherwise normal life
- Cyphina and Snake Girl saves Zone from his death by changing the future
- Zone still lost his arms and legs from before he fell asleep but Cyphina's sacrifice motivates him enough to escape the burning orphanedge
- Zone meets the most important figure in his life Ari Shizuka who convinces him not to bleed out in the middle of a dark ally
- Cyphina hunts down the mysterious figure he saw in the memories of Mr. Swinac which leads him to Kitty Hawk
- At first Cyphina doesn't think much of her, until he sees her funny side from her livestream
- Cyphina meets Kitty's sister Minerva and her partner Desath who he decides to work with in trying to making society a more acceptable place so they can one day reveal their position as Ancients.
3 - You be you, I'll be me - Don't try to change people, try to understand them
"It’s not about being selfish. It’s quite the opposite. We must first better ourselves so we can help other people further. If you spend your time worrying about what others think, you’ll never be able to help people to the fullest." -- Cyphina
- Cyphina meets Emelyene, a girl who ran away from her past life as a spoiled daughter after being the target in her father's company experiment turning her partly into an Abyssal Warden.
4 - Remember Elaine - Sometimes it's impossible to fix the issues inside of us, so the best we can do is to keep reminding ourselves of those issues
5 - Tying Together these Special Days - If you really want to be happy, you better be willing to die for it
6 - Bleeding Time - It’s impossible to try your best… and it’s impossible to have no regrets, but that’s why redemption exists…
7 - Sacrifices must be made -
Look, I love you a lot, but you need to learn to be more selfish… From now on, it’s just you, me and everybody else alright? -- Kitty
- Ari Shizuka gives Zone her eyes before she dies. This grants him Unbounded Perceptions ability
- A lot of events happen in Cyphina's timeline but at the end the player realizes the whole chapter was a party lead by Kitty entering Cyphina's memories
8 - Starry Trancendence - Every story is a lenticular picture...
- Cyphina confronts DivineChaos to find the real purpose behind her actions
- Cyphina figures out his cause of death and then thinks about whether not to die again which could cause Zone's timeline to never had exist or to sacrifice himself for Zone
- Cyphina fights final boss 2v1 with DivineChaos
And 2 more in NG+
9 - Death is not the End
10 - Memory's Fragment
Currently using version 4.21.2 of UE4.