Set of programs to perform taxonomic binning.
From metagenomic or metabarcoding data, it is often necessary to assign taxonomy to DNA sequences. This is generally performed by aligning sequences to a reference database, usually resulting in multiple database alignments for each query sequence. Using these alignment results, metabinkit assigns a single taxon to each query sequence, based on user-defined percentage identity thresholds. In essence, for each query, the alignments are filtered based on the percentage identity thresholds and the lowest common ancestor for all alignments passing the filters is determined. The metabin program is not limited to BLAST alignments, and can accept alignment results produced using any program, provided the input format is correct. However, functionality is also available to create BLAST databases and to perform BLAST alignments, which can be passed directly to metabin.
Metabinkit is available as a conda package in Bioconda. Simply run the following commands to install metabinkit
conda install -c bioconda metabinkit
conda activate base
or you may also try this if you encounter problems with the command above
conda create -n your_env_name -c bioconda -c conda-forge metabinkit
conda activate your_env_name
A docker image with metabinkit is available at DockerHub ( This facilitates the setup and installation of metabinkit, makes it easy to track all software versions used in the analyses, and ensures that only dependency versions compatible with metabinkit are used. See the Docker userguide for more details.
Alternatively you may install the software from source following the instructions provided next. A 64bit computer with an up to date Linux OS installed will be required.
metabinkit is developed and tested on multiple distributions of Linux (e.g. Fedora, Ubuntu). Consider the Docker container if you use a non-supported pperating system or operating system version.
Option 1: download the latest source release tarball from, and then from your download directory type:
tar xzf metabinkit-x.x.x.tar.gz
cd metabinkit-x.x.x
Option 2: to use git to download the repository with the entire code history, type:
git clone
cd metabinkit
A full installation of metabinkit requires third-party components. A script ( is provided to facilitate the installation of metabinkit and some dependencies, others need to be already installed in the system (R 3.6.0 or above).
To install metabinkit to the home folder, type:
./ -i $HOME
A file will be created on the toplevel installation folder ($HOME in the above example) with the configuration setup for the shell. To enable the configuration is necessary to load the configuration with the source command, e.g.,
source $HOME/
This needs to be run each time a terminal is opened, or add the above line to the $HOME/.bash_profile file.
To install only certain programs/dependencies use the -x
argument, e.g.
./ -i $HOME -x taxonkit
Available options for -x
are: taxonkit
, blast
, metabinkit
, R_packages
, taxonomy_db
metabin -i filename -o outfile [other options]
run metabin -h
for a list of all options and defaults
The minimum required input for metabin is:
-i, --input
: a tab-separated file with three compulsory columns: qseqid
, pident
, and taxids
, plus, optionally, seven columns more columns K
: id of the query sequencepident
: the percentage identity of the alignmenttaxids
: NCBI taxid of the database subject sequence (staxid
are also accepted)K
: kingdom, pylum, class, order, family, genus, species of the database subject sequence
Other columns may be present and will be ignored, unless specified by the --FilterCol
argument (see How it Works)
Click on image to view larger version
Example 1. Default settings
$ head metabinkit/tests/test_files/in0.blast.short.tsv
taxids qseqid pident
41217 query1 69.565
148819 query1 73.442
148819 query2 65.775
148819 query3 73.243
148819 query4 69.211
52396 query5 70.629
55837 query5 84.722
55837 query5 84.722
96912 query5 66.897
run metabin
$ metabin -i metabinkit/tests/test_files/in0.blast.short.tsv -o out0.short.bins
Explanation: Do not filter any alignments based on Accession Number or blacklisted taxa. Do not apply any "Top.." thresholds. Attempt to bin alignments with the default %identity thresholds: species-99%, genus-97%, family-95%, above family-90%. Use taxids
column to retrieve taxonomy. Output three files: Main results - out0.short.bins.tsv, Information statistics -, version info - out0.short.bins.versions.txt
screen output (stderr)
metabinkit version: 0.1.8
[info] Starting Binning
[info] Read 12259 entries from in0.blast.short.tsv
WARNING! missing columns in input table with taxonomic information:K,P,C,O,F,G,S
[info] Trying to get taxonomic information from the database in /home/tutorial/TOOLS/metabinkit.install/exe/../db/ ...
[info] taxonomic information retrieval complete.
[info] binning at species level
[info] excluding 11279 entries with pident below 99
[info] applying top threshold of 100
[info] binned 72 sequences at species level
[info] binning at genus level
[info] excluding 8918 entries with pident below 97
[info] applying top threshold of 100
[info] binned 24 sequences at genus level
[info] binning at family level
[info] excluding 8187 entries with pident below 95
[info] applying top threshold of 100
[info] binned 75 sequences at family level
[info] binning at higher-than-family level
[info] excluding 5937 entries with pident below 90
[info] applying top threshold of 100
[info] binned 119 sequences at higher than family level
[info] Total number of binned 290 sequences
[info] not binned 1211 sequences
[info] Complete. 12259 hits from 1501 queries processed in 1.69 mins.
Note: By default, if a taxon cannot be assigned at a given taxonomic level the following codes are used to explain the motive:
- mbk:bl-S,mbk:bl-G,mbk:bl-F - taxid blacklisted at species, genus or family (respectively)
- mbk:nb-thr - pident was below the threshold
- mbk:nb-lca - the lowest common ancestor was above this taxonomic level
- mbk:tnf - the taxid was not found in the taxonomy database
If --no_mbk option was used the codes will be NA
[info] binned table written to out0.short.bins.tsv
[info] information stats written to
[info] Versions info written to out0.short.bins.versions.txt
[info] Binning complete in 1.72 min
view results
$ head -n 4 out0.short.bins.tsv
qseqid pident min_pident K P C O F G S
query663 100 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Sinanodonta Sinanodonta woodiana
query1227 100 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Sinanodonta Sinanodonta woodiana
query1482 99.265 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Sinanodonta Sinanodonta woodiana
some other selected results
qseqid pident min_pident K P C O F G S
query283 100 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Unio Unio elongatulus
query900 99.242 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Anodonta Anodonta exulcerata
query163 99.265 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Anodonta Anodonta exulcerata
query487 99.265 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Anodonta Anodonta exulcerata
query305 99.153 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Corbiculidae Corbicula mbk:nb-lca
query592 98.276 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Corbiculidae Corbicula mbk:nb-thr
query1494 99.153 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Corbiculidae Corbicula mbk:nb-lca
query589 97.842 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae mbk:nb-lca mbk:nb-thr
query557 99.275 0 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae mbk:nb-lca mbk:nb-lca
query762 80.986 NA mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr
query560 71.942 NA mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr mbk:nb-thr
Example 2. Custom settings
$ head metabinkit/tests/test_files/in1.blast.short.tsv
taxids qseqid pident qcovs saccver staxid ssciname old_taxids K P C O F G S
41217 query1 69.565 99 KY081324.1 41217 Barbatia lima 41217 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Arcoida Arcidae Barbatia Barbatia lima
148819 query1 73.442 99 AF305058.1 148819 Scapharca broughtonii 148819 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Arcoida Arcidae Scapharca Scapharca broughtonii
148819 query2 65.775 99 AF305058.1 148819 Scapharca broughtonii 148819 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Arcoida Arcidae Scapharca Scapharca broughtonii
148819 query3 73.243 99 AF305058.1 148819 Scapharca broughtonii 148819 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Arcoida Arcidae Scapharca Scapharca broughtonii
148819 query4 69.211 99 AF305058.1 148819 Scapharca broughtonii 148819 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Arcoida Arcidae Scapharca Scapharca broughtonii
52396 query5 70.629 100 MF326974.1 52396 Lampsilis siliquoidea 52396 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Lampsilis Lampsilis siliquoidea
55837 query5 84.722 100 MH349358.1 55837 Unio pictorum 55837 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Unio Unio pictorum
55837 query5 84.722 100 MH349357.1 55837 Unio pictorum 55837 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Unio Unio pictorum
96912 query5 66.897 100 AY498702.1 96912 Fusconaia flava 96912 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Fusconaia Fusconaia flava
From previous experience we have identified entries in genbank that appears erroneous, so we provide a list of those in a file. In this example we are using genbank entries flagged by Mioduchowska et al. 2018.
$ head -n 4 metabinkit/tests/test_files/Mioduchowska2018_flaggedAccessions.txt
For the purposes of this example, we are certain that Mizuhopecten yessoensis can not be in our DNA samples. Note this should be used with caution. An example of where it could be justified to blacklist a taxon is: 1) the taxon is only known from a distant country, with very little or no chance that it is present in the sampled environment, even as a recent invasive; and 2) the taxon has not been worked on in the laboratory that processed the samples. Note also, for example, if providing a file to the --FamilyBL
argument, all taxa under each taxid provided will be blacklisted when binning at family level.
$ head metabinkit/tests/test_files/testspecies2exclude.txt
run metabin
$ metabin -i in1.blast.short.tsv -o out1.blast.short.bins -S 98 -G 94 -F 93 -A 88 --SpeciesBL testspecies2exclude.txt --FilterFile Mioduchowska2018_flaggedAccessions.txt --FilterCol saccver --TopSpecies 2 --TopGenus 2 --TopFamily 2 --TopAF 2 --sp_discard_sp --sp_discard_mt2w --sp_discard_num
Explanation: First remove any alignments that have one of the flagged Accession Numbers in the saccver
column. During species-level binning, first remove the species that we have blacklisted. Note that as we only provided a --SpeciesBL
, these taxa still be considered during binning at other levels. Furthermore, during species-level binning do not consider species with "sp.", more than two spaces, or numbers in their names. Apply a "Top.." threshold of 2 for all taxonomic levels. Attempt to bin alignments with the following %identity thresholds: species-98%, genus-94%, family-93%, above family-88%. Use the K
columns as the taxonomy.
screen output (stderr)
metabinkit version: 0.1.8
[1] TRUE
[info] Starting Binning
[info] Read 12259 entries from in1.blast.short.tsv
[info] Filtering table (12259) using saccver column.
[info] Filtered table (12259) using saccver column.
16:29:14.561 [WARN] taxid 2746931 not found
[info] Maximum # Taxa disabled at species level:1
[info] binning at species level
[info] Not considering species with 'sp.'
[info] Not considering species with more than two words
[info] Not considering species with numbers
[info] excluding 10453 entries with pident below 98
[info] applying top threshold of 2
[info] binned 50 sequences at species level
[info] binning at genus level
[info] excluding 8367 entries with pident below 94
[info] applying top threshold of 2
[info] binned 49 sequences at genus level
[info] binning at family level
[info] excluding 7469 entries with pident below 93
[info] applying top threshold of 2
[info] binned 139 sequences at family level
[info] binning at higher-than-family level
[info] excluding 4298 entries with pident below 88
[info] applying top threshold of 2
[info] binned 67 sequences at higher than family level
[info] Total number of binned 305 sequences
[info] not binned 1196 sequences
[info] Complete. 12259 hits from 1501 queries processed in 0.46 mins.
Note: By default, if a taxon cannot be assigned at a given taxonomic level the following codes are used to explain the motive:
- mbk:bl-S,mbk:bl-G,mbk:bl-F - taxid blacklisted at species, genus or family (respectively)
- mbk:nb-thr - pident was below the threshold
- mbk:nb-lca - the lowest common ancestor was above this taxonomic level
- mbk:tnf - the taxid was not found in the taxonomy database
If --no_mbk option was used the codes will be NA
[info] binned table written to out1.blast.short.bins.tsv
[info] information stats written to
[info] Versions info written to out1.blast.short.bins.versions.txt
[info] Binning complete in 0.49 min
view results
$ head out1.blast.short.bins.tsv
qseqid pident min_pident K P C O F G S
query16 98.551 96.551 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Sinanodonta Sinanodonta woodiana
query31 98.529 96.529 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Unio Unio elongatulus
query122 98.561 96.561 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Sinanodonta Sinanodonta woodiana
query142 100 98 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Sinanodonta Sinanodonta woodiana
query163 99.265 97.265 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Anodonta Anodonta exulcerata
query251 100 98 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Sinanodonta Sinanodonta woodiana
query263 98.529 96.529 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Unio Unio elongatulus
query270 98.54 97.27 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Unio Unio elongatulus
query277 100 98 Eukaryota Mollusca Bivalvia Unionida Unionidae Sinanodonta Sinanodonta woodiana
A wrapper for running BLAST. Minimum input is a fasta file and a BLAST-formatted database.
Usage: metabinkit_blast -f fasta file -D reference_DB -o outfile [options]
run metabinkit_blast -h
for a list of all options and defaults
run blastn -help
for more details about specific options
Note that the defaults run a "thorough" BLAST. That is: it uses the blastn task and a small word size to increase sensitivity; it uses relaxed gap settings and a high query cover percentage to tell BLAST to only report full-length (or almost full-length) alignments; it uses a low minimum percentage identity; it keeps 100 hits per query. These defaults are targeted towards metabarcoding purposes, i.e. we really only care about close to full length alignments (anything less can be misleading) with many alignments (keeping only a few can be misleading), ranging anywhere from 100-50%, which will help to provide accurate taxonomic binning. The relaxed gap settings mean that almost all queries will result in close to full alignments, otherwise we would get many queries without hits. Note that these defaults are at the expense of requiring more CPU time.
The BLAST can be limited to certain sections of the BLAST-formatted database with the -N
and P
A wrapper for generated a BLAST-formatted database. Minimum input is a fasta file.
Usage: metabinkit_blastgendb -f fasta file -t taxid_map -o db [options]
run metabinkit_blastgendb -h
for a list of all options and defaults
To allow full functionality of a BLAST database, taxonomic information is required. This can be provided by specifying a file with -T
: mapping between the sequence id and the NCBI taxid (tab separated). If none is found it will look for taxid=xxxx;
in the fasta header after the first space and consider the word up to the first space or | as the sequence id.
Checks on the created database can be included by using the -c
option. As well as checking that the taxonomic information was correctly added, this performs a small BLAST and checks the results.
The main %identity thresholds (-S, --Species
,-G, --Genus
,_F, --Family
,-A, --AboveF
) are absolute minimum thresholds. In contrast, the "Top.." %identity thresholds (--TopSpecies
) are relative minimum thresholds, applied after the main %identity. For each query, the "Top.." threshold is the %identity of the best hit minus the "Top.." value. In the example below, a "Top.." of 2 corresponds to 97.8 and alignments below this are discarded prior to binning. A "Top.." of 5 corresponds to 94.8, so alignments below this are discarded.
qseqid taxids pident
query1 1234 99.8
query1 1234 99.6
query1 12345 97.7
query1 12345 97.6
query1 12345 97.6
query1 123456 94.8
query1 123456 94.8
query1 123456 93.6
"Top.." will mainly affect the resolution of the results. The lower the "Top.." value, the greater the number of alignments discarded. As is also required for the main %identity thresholds, "Top.." thresholds should be identifed empirically. Below is an illustration of how "Top.." can affect results, when using an identical main %identity.
P C O F pident
phy1 cla1 ord1 fam1 85
phy1 cla1 ord1 fam1 84
phy1 cla1 ord1 fam1 84
phy1 cla1 ord1 fam1 83
phy1 cla1 ord1 fam2 79
phy1 cla1 ord1 fam2 78
phy1 cla1 ord2 fam3 74
phy1 cla1 ord2 fam3 70
phy1 cla2 ord3 fam4 60
settings bin reason
--TopFamily=1,--Family=70 fam1 alignments below 70 are removed, additionally alignments below 84 are removed
--TopFamily=2,--Family=70 fam1 alignments below 70 are removed, additionally alignments below 83 are removed
--TopFamily=5,--Family=70 fam1 alignments below 70 are removed, additionally alignments below 80 are removed
--TopFamily=8,--Family=70 ord1 alignments below 70 are removed, additionally alignments below 77 are removed
--TopFamily=10,--Family=70 ord1 alignments below 70 are removed, additionally alignments below 75 are removed
--TopFamily=15,--Family=70 cla1 alignments below 70 are removed, additionally alignments below 70 are removed
--TopFamily=30,--Family=70 phy1 alignments below 70 are removed, additionally alignments below 55 are removed
Using a very low "Top.." threshold, e.g. 0, may lead to over-classifying the sequence to the incorrect taxonomy, as many very similar alignments will be discarded. Nevertheless, this is still more conservative than, for example, taking only the best alignment, as all alignments that have an identical % identity to the top alignment will be kept. Using a Top threshold is particularly relevant when, for example, a query has a best alignment of 85 % identity and the family level threshold (-F, --Family
) is low e.g. 70%; in such a case it is reasonable to apply a --TopFamily
threshold to only consider alignments within a certain range of the best alignment, increasing the likelihood of binning at family level.
- This is the usual format used in this field of research, and can be extracted from most databases
- Version 2 will be extended to include subspecies
- Catering for all potential ranks would produce different outputs which would complicate downstream analyses
Why are binning thresholds specifically implemented at species, genus and family ranks, but for above family are combined?
will report the final bins obtained for all ranks, even if they could not be assigned at family rank.- In the classical seven rank taxonomy, the NCBI taxonomy almost always has information at the species, genus and family ranks, but is often missing this information for phylum, class and order rank, making it difficult to apply thresholds at every level. For example, the NCBI taxid 570251, a species of Platyhelminthes, Catenula turgida, has the taxonomy Eukaryota, Platyhelminthes, Catenulida, unknown, Catenulidae, Catenula, Catenula turgida
- The
argument is effectively an order-level threshold, andmetabin
will assign at order rank where possible (i.e. the lowest common ancestor is at the order rank and this order is not "unknown"). Where order-level assignation fails it will report the lowest common ancestor regardless of the rank.
- Providing the
columns in the-i, --input
file will avoid using the NCBI taxonomy - If you have neither the NCBI taxids nor the
columns and only have taxon names, NCBI taxids can be generated from these using the NCBI TaxIdentifier. Be careful to double check the results make sense, and understand the error codes (e.g. duplicates, not found etc.). Or consider using taxonkit - Consider using
to align sequences to your reference database. This will output the taxids of the reported alignments.
is not a classifer, in that it does not attempt to find optimal binning thresholds. All settings are user-defined. The thresholds should be based on an analysis of the target DNA region. It is possible that a future version of metabinkit will include classifer functionality. For further reading consider exploring:
- Alberdi et al. 2017 Scrutinizing key steps for reliable metabarcoding of environmental samples
- Richardson et al. 2016 Evaluating and optimizing the performance of software commonly used for the taxonomic classification of DNA metabarcoding sequence data
- Elbrecht et al. 2017 PrimerMiner : an r package for development and in silico validation of DNA metabarcoding primers
- Ficetola et al. 2010 An In silico approach for the evaluation of DNA barcodes
- Riaz et al. 2011 ecoPrimers: inference of new DNA barcode markers from whole genome sequence analysis