0.33.0 (2022-03-29)
- Add associate_public_ip_address variable to windows AMI too (#1819) (0b8e1fc), closes /github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/pull/1816#issuecomment-1060650668
- Add associate_public_ip_address variable (#1816) (052e9f8)
- Add option for ephemeral to check builds status before scaling (#1854) (7eb0bda)
- Add option for KMS encryption for cloudwatch log groups (#1833) (3f1a67f)
- Add output image id used in launch template (#1676) (a49fab4)
- Add possibility to create multiple ebs (#1845) (7a2ca0d)
- Add SQS queue resource policy to improve security (#1798) (96def9a)
- Add Support for Alternative Partitions in ARNs (like govcloud) (#1815) (0ba06c8)
- Add variable to specify custom commands while building the AMI (#1838) (8f9c342)
- images: Added ubuntu-focual example packer configuration (#1644) (997b171)
- Parameterise delete_on_termination (#1758) (6282351), closes #1745
- runner: Ability to disable default runner security group creation (#1718) (94779f8)
- runner: Add option to disable auto update (#1791) (c2a834f)
Bug Fixes
- Autoupdate should be disabled by default (#1797) (828bed6)
- Create SQS DLQ policy only if DLQ is created (#1839) (c88a005)
- Don't delete busy runners (#1832) (0e9b083)
- examples: Update AMI filter (#1673) (39c019c)
- Limit AWS Terraform Provider to 3.* (#1741) (0cf2b5d)
- Retention days was used instead of kms key id for pool (#1855) (aa29d93)
- runner: Cannot disable cloudwatch agent (#1738) (0f798ca)
- syncer: Fix for windows binaries in action runner syncer (#1716) (63e0e27)
- Upgrade Amazon base AMI to Amazon Linux 2 kernel 5x (#1812) (9aa5532)