Feat: support OpenTofu #451
on: pull_request
Unit Tests
Terragrunt Integration Tests
OpenTofu Integration Tests
Matrix: Integration Tests
8 errors
Integration Tests (14)
Unable to resolve action `actions/checkout@v5`, unable to find version `v5`
Integration Tests (15)
Unable to resolve action `actions/checkout@v5`, unable to find version `v5`
OpenTofu Integration Tests
Unable to resolve action `actions/checkout@v5`, unable to find version `v5`
Unit Tests
Unable to resolve action `actions/checkout@v5`, unable to find version `v5`
Integration Tests (12)
Unable to resolve action `actions/checkout@v5`, unable to find version `v5`
Integration Tests (13)
Unable to resolve action `actions/checkout@v5`, unable to find version `v5`
Terragrunt Integration Tests
Unable to resolve action `actions/checkout@v5`, unable to find version `v5`
Integration Tests (latest)
Unable to resolve action `actions/checkout@v5`, unable to find version `v5`