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radeusgd committed Apr 21, 2023
1 parent add43a7 commit 2bf87d2
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Showing 12 changed files with 84 additions and 121 deletions.
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions distribution/lib/Standard/Table/0.0.0-dev/src/Data/Table.enso
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Expand Up @@ -1354,29 +1354,29 @@ type Table
join : Table -> Join_Kind -> Join_Condition | Text | Vector (Join_Condition | Text) -> Text -> Problem_Behavior -> Table
join self right join_kind=Join_Kind.Inner on=[Join_Condition.Equals 0 0] right_prefix="Right_" on_problems=Report_Warning =
if check_table "right" right then
# [left_unmatched, matched, right_unmatched]
rows_to_keep = case join_kind of
Join_Kind.Inner -> [False, True, False]
Join_Kind.Left_Outer -> [True, True, False]
Join_Kind.Right_Outer -> [False, True, True]
Join_Kind.Full -> [True, True, True]
Join_Kind.Left_Exclusive -> [True, False, False]
Join_Kind.Right_Exclusive -> [False, False, True]

columns_to_keep = case join_kind of
Join_Kind.Left_Exclusive -> [True, False]
Join_Kind.Right_Exclusive -> [False, True]
_ -> [True, True]

join_resolution = make_join_helpers self right . resolve on on_problems
right_columns_to_drop = join_resolution.redundant_column_names

java_conditions = join_resolution.conditions
new_java_table = self.java_table.join right.java_table java_conditions ( 0) ( 1) ( 2) ( 0) ( 1) right_columns_to_drop right_prefix

on_problems.attach_problems_after (Table.Value new_java_table) <|
problems = new_java_table.getProblems
Java_Problems.parse_aggregated_problems problems
# [left_unmatched, matched, right_unmatched]
rows_to_keep = case join_kind of
Join_Kind.Inner -> [False, True, False]
Join_Kind.Left_Outer -> [True, True, False]
Join_Kind.Right_Outer -> [False, True, True]
Join_Kind.Full -> [True, True, True]
Join_Kind.Left_Exclusive -> [True, False, False]
Join_Kind.Right_Exclusive -> [False, False, True]

columns_to_keep = case join_kind of
Join_Kind.Left_Exclusive -> [True, False]
Join_Kind.Right_Exclusive -> [False, True]
_ -> [True, True]

join_resolution = make_join_helpers self right . resolve on on_problems
right_columns_to_drop = join_resolution.redundant_column_names

java_conditions = join_resolution.conditions
new_java_table = self.java_table.join right.java_table java_conditions ( 0) ( 1) ( 2) ( 0) ( 1) right_columns_to_drop right_prefix

on_problems.attach_problems_after (Table.Value new_java_table) <|
problems = new_java_table.getProblems
Java_Problems.parse_aggregated_problems problems

## ALIAS Cartesian Join
Joins tables by pairing every row of the left table with every row of the
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Expand Up @@ -335,7 +335,10 @@ type Auto
A helper for generating the `Value_Type.expect_` checks.
expect_type : Any -> (Value_Type -> Boolean) -> Text|Value_Type -> Any -> Any ! Invalid_Value_Type
expect_type value predicate type_kind ~action =
typ = Value_Type_Helpers.find_argument_type value
if predicate typ then action else
Value_Type_Helpers.raise_unexpected_type type_kind value
expect_type value predicate type_kind ~action = case value of
# Special handling for `Nothing`. Likely, can be removed with #6281.
Nothing -> action
_ ->
typ = Value_Type_Helpers.find_argument_type value
if predicate typ then action else
Value_Type_Helpers.raise_unexpected_type type_kind value
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Expand Up @@ -96,16 +96,14 @@ find_argument_type value = case value of
A helper which resolves if numeric addition or string concatenation should be
used when the a `+` operator is used with the two provided types.
It will return an error if the provided types are incompatible.
The `other_type` may be `Nothing` if the other operand is `Nothing`, then the
operation will depend only on the `self_type`.
resolve_addition_kind self other =
self_type = find_argument_type self
other_type = find_argument_type other
if self_type.is_numeric && (other_type.is_nothing || other_type.is_numeric) then 'ADD_NUMBER' else
if self_type.is_text && (other_type.is_nothing || other_type.is_text) then 'ADD_TEXT' else
resolve_addition_kind arg1 arg2 =
type_1 = find_argument_type arg1
type_2 = find_argument_type arg2
if type_1.is_numeric && (type_2.is_nothing || type_2.is_numeric) then 'ADD_NUMBER' else
if type_1.is_text && (type_2.is_nothing || type_2.is_text) then 'ADD_TEXT' else
Error.throw <| Illegal_Argument.Error <|
if other_type.is_nothing then "Cannot perform addition on a value of type " + self_type.to_display_text + ". Addition can only be performed if the column is of some numeric type or is text." else
"Cannot perform addition on a pair of values of types " + self_type.to_display_text + " and " + other_type.to_display_text + ". Addition can only be performed if both columns are of some numeric type or are both are text."
if type_2.is_nothing then "Cannot perform addition on a value of type " + type_1.to_display_text + ". Addition can only be performed if the column is of some numeric type or is text." else
"Cannot perform addition on a pair of values of types " + type_1.to_display_text + " and " + type_2.to_display_text + ". Addition can only be performed if both columns are of some numeric type or are both are text."

Checks that both provided arguments have numeric type and runs the action
Expand All @@ -132,11 +130,9 @@ check_binary_boolean_op arg1 arg2 ~action =
- arg_or_args: a single value or column or a vector of values or columns.
- action: the action to run if the arguments are compatible.
check_multi_argument_comparable_op column arg_or_args ~action =
column_type = column.value_type
args = Vector.unify_vector_or_element arg_or_args
other_types = find_argument_type
checked = other_type->
Value_Type.expect_comparable column_type other_type <|
checked = arg->
Value_Type.expect_comparable column arg <|
checked.if_not_error <|
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion distribution/lib/Standard/Table/0.0.0-dev/src/Errors.enso
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Expand Up @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ type Invalid_Value_Type
to_display_text : Text
to_display_text self = case self of
Invalid_Value_Type.Column expected actual related_column ->
"Expected type "+expected.to_display_text+", but got a column "+related_column+" of type "+actual.to_display_text+"."
"Expected type "+expected.to_display_text+", but got a column ["+related_column+"] of type "+actual.to_display_text+"."
Invalid_Value_Type.Value expected actual value ->
"Expected type "+expected.to_display_text+", but got a value "+value.to_text+" of type "+actual.to_display_text+"."
Invalid_Value_Type.Not_Ordered actual ->
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Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ make_filter_column source_column filter_condition on_problems = case filter_cond
# Boolean
Is_True ->
Value_Type.expect_boolean source_column <| source_column
Is_False ->
Value_Type.expect_boolean source_column <| source_column.not
Is_False -> source_column.not
# Comparisons
Less value -> (source_column < value)
Equal_Or_Less value -> (source_column <= value)
Expand All @@ -41,52 +40,21 @@ make_filter_column source_column filter_condition on_problems = case filter_cond
Between lower upper -> source_column.between lower upper
# Text
Starts_With prefix case_sensitivity ->
Value_Type.expect_text source_column <|
expect_column_or_value_as_text "prefix" prefix <|
source_column.starts_with prefix case_sensitivity
source_column.starts_with prefix case_sensitivity
Ends_With suffix case_sensitivity ->
Value_Type.expect_text source_column <|
expect_column_or_value_as_text "suffix" suffix <|
source_column.ends_with suffix case_sensitivity
source_column.ends_with suffix case_sensitivity
Contains substring case_sensitivity ->
Value_Type.expect_text source_column <|
expect_column_or_value_as_text "substring" substring <|
source_column.contains substring case_sensitivity
source_column.contains substring case_sensitivity
Not_Contains substring case_sensitivity ->
Value_Type.expect_text source_column <|
expect_column_or_value_as_text "substring" substring <|
source_column.contains substring case_sensitivity . not
source_column.contains substring case_sensitivity . not
Is_Empty ->
Value_Type.expect_text source_column <|
Not_Empty ->
Value_Type.expect_text source_column <|
Like pattern ->
Value_Type.expect_text source_column <|
expect_column_or_value_as_text "pattern" pattern <| pattern pattern
Not_Like pattern ->
Value_Type.expect_text source_column <|
expect_column_or_value_as_text "pattern" pattern <| pattern . not pattern . not
# Vector
Is_In values -> source_column.is_in values
Not_In values -> source_column.is_in values . not

expect_column_or_value_as_text field_name column_or_value ~action = case column_or_value of
_ : Text -> action
## A bit of a hack, because due to lack of interfaces we cannot check if the
thing is a Column (as there are various column implementations based on
the backend). So we assume it is a column and if it doesn't quack like a
column, we fall back to a type error.
maybe_column ->
result = Panic.catch No_Such_Method (Value_Type.expect_text maybe_column True) _->
Error.throw (Type_Error.Error Text (Meta.type_of maybe_column) field_name)
## We don't run the action above, to avoid catching spurious
`No_Such_Method` from the action itself. Instead we just return
True there and if it went through successfully we can then execute
the action. If it fails, we forward the dataflow error instead.
result.if_not_error <|
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,9 +47,10 @@ type Join_Condition_Resolver
left = resolve_left left_selector
right = resolve_right right_selector
if is_nothing left || is_nothing right then Nothing else
if == then
self.make_equals problem_builder left right
Value_Type.expect_comparable left right <|
if == then
self.make_equals problem_builder left right
converted = condition-> case condition of
Join_Condition.Equals left_selector right_selector ->
handle_equals left_selector right_selector
Expand All @@ -66,7 +67,9 @@ type Join_Condition_Resolver
right_lower = resolve_right right_lower_selector
right_upper = resolve_right right_upper_selector
if is_nothing left || is_nothing right_lower || is_nothing right_upper then Nothing else
self.make_between problem_builder left right_lower right_upper
Value_Type.expect_comparable left right_lower <|
Value_Type.expect_comparable left right_upper <|
self.make_between problem_builder left right_lower right_upper
problem_builder.attach_problems_before on_problems <|
if converted.contains Nothing then Panic.throw (Illegal_State.Error "Impossible: unresolved columns remaining in the join resolution. This should have raised a dataflow error. This is a bug in the Table library.") else
Join_Condition_Resolution.Result converted redundant_names.to_vector
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument

from project.Internal.Table_Helpers import is_column

polyglot java import as Java_Column

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,10 +45,3 @@ type Naming_Helpers
to_expression_text value =
if is_column value then "[" + "]" "]]" + "]" else

Checks if the value is a column of any backend.
is_column value =
case Meta.get_qualified_type_name value of
Nothing -> False
typename : Text -> typename.ends_with ".Column"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ polyglot java import
split_to_columns : Table -> Text | Integer -> Text -> Integer | Nothing -> Problem_Behavior -> Table
split_to_columns table input_column_id delimiter="," column_count=Nothing on_problems=Report_Error =
column = input_column_id
Value_Type.expect_text (column.value_type) related_column=column <|
Value_Type.expect_text column <|
fan_out_to_columns table input_column_id (handle_nothing (_.split delimiter)) column_count on_problems

Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ split_to_columns table input_column_id delimiter="," column_count=Nothing on_pro
split_to_rows : Table -> Text | Integer -> Text -> Table
split_to_rows table input_column_id delimiter="," =
column = input_column_id
Value_Type.expect_text (column.value_type) related_column=column <|
Value_Type.expect_text column
fan_out_to_rows table input_column_id (handle_nothing (_.split delimiter))

Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ split_to_rows table input_column_id delimiter="," =
tokenize_to_columns : Table -> Text | Integer -> Text -> Case_Sensitivity -> Integer | Nothing -> Problem_Behavior -> Table
tokenize_to_columns table input_column_id pattern case_sensitivity column_count on_problems =
column = input_column_id
Value_Type.expect_text (column.value_type) related_column=column <|
Value_Type.expect_text column
fan_out_to_columns table input_column_id (handle_nothing (_.tokenize pattern case_sensitivity)) column_count on_problems

Expand All @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ tokenize_to_columns table input_column_id pattern case_sensitivity column_count
tokenize_to_rows : Table -> Text | Integer -> Text -> Case_Sensitivity -> Table
tokenize_to_rows table input_column_id pattern="." case_sensitivity=Case_Sensitivity.Sensitive =
column = input_column_id
Value_Type.expect_text (column.value_type) related_column=column <|
Value_Type.expect_text column
fan_out_to_rows table input_column_id (handle_nothing (_.tokenize pattern case_sensitivity))

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -578,11 +578,11 @@ spec setup =

Test.specify "should check types" <|
[(.min), (.max)].each op->
op a c . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
op a [1, 2, c] . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
op a [1, Nothing, c, Nothing] . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
op c 1 . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
op a True . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
op a c . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
op a [1, 2, c] . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
op a [1, Nothing, c, Nothing] . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
op c 1 . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
op a True . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type prefix+"Column Operations - Text Replace" <|
if setup.is_database.not then
Expand All @@ -608,9 +608,9 @@ spec setup =

Test.specify "should only allow replace on Text columns" <|
c.replace "a" "#" . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
a.replace 1 "#" . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
a.replace 1 "#" . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
a.replace c "#" . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
a.replace "a" 1 . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
a.replace "a" 1 . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
a.replace "a" c . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type

Test.specify "should not replace if Empty term" <|
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Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ spec setup =
t = table_builder [["A", [1, 2, 3]], ["B", ["a", "b", "c"]], ["C", [True, False, True]]]
r1 = "A" . year
r1.should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
r1.catch . to_display_text . should_start_with "Expected A column to have Date or Date_Time type, but got Integer"
r1.catch . to_display_text . should_start_with "Expected type Date or Date_Time, but got a column [A] of type Integer" "B" . month . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type "C" . day . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ spec setup =
t = table_builder [["X", [ 2021 12 3]], ["Y", [ 2021 12 5 12 30 0]], ["Z", [ 12 30 0]]]

[(<), (<=), (>), (>=)].each op->
op ( "X") ( "Y") . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
op ( "X") ( "Z") . should_fail_with Illegal_Argument
op ( "X") ( "Y") . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type
op ( "X") ( "Z") . should_fail_with Invalid_Value_Type

if setup.test_selection.date_time.not then prefix+"partial Date-Time support" <|
Expand Down

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