Node and launch file organization for the IEEE ENCS Humanoid Robot Project
CAUTION: incomplete and not debugged yet
Installation (to be completed on each separate computer):
Build a catkin workspace if you haven't already:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
Fetch the structure code and run the boot_node installer:
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd structure/scripts
This installs the boot-time node initialization script, so that the robot will organize itself upon startup of all its computers.
Will run on boot, but can be manually run with this command:
sudo service ros-boot-node start
WARNING: For vagrant, run the above by hand after startup. The /vagrant directory will not be available at boot time, so this is necessary for now.
Launch file organization:
Launch files are stored in catkin_ws/src/structure/ken at this time.