clone the repos needed into the same top folder:
git clone
git clone
git clone
build Encointer node
cd encointer-node
git checkout polkadot-v0.9.42
cargo build --release
cp target/release/encointer-node-notee ../personhood-oracle/bin/
build Integritee node
cd integritee-node
cargo build --release
cp target/release/integritee-node ../personhood-oracle/bin/
setup development environment in docker:
cd personhood-oracle
docker run --name integritee-dev-personhood-and-nodes -it -p 9944:9944 -p 9966:9966 -p 9988:9988 -v $(pwd):/home/ubuntu/personhood-oracle -v $(pwd)/../encointer-node:/home/ubuntu/encointer-node -e MYUID=$(id -u) -e MYGUID=$(id -g) integritee/integritee-dev:0.2.2 /bin/bash
build personhood oracle (inside docker)
cd personhood-oracle
(re)enter the docker container created above
docker start -a -i integritee-dev-personhood-and-nodes
use tmux to split into 3 panes
If you want to use our launch script, use
./local-setup/ ./local-setup/config/personhood-oracle.json
Logs will be piped to ./log/*
and you could watch them using tmux:
cd local-setup && ./
otherwise, you can start everything manually:
run blockchain node
cd ~/encointer-node
./target/release/encointer-node-notee --dev --enable-offchain-indexing true --ws-external --rpc-cors all
the port 9944 will be mapped to the host, so you can observe what's happening
run community simulation (on host)
encointer-node/client/ -p 9966
wait a few minutes until bootstrapping has completed
run oracle (inside docker)
cd ~/personhood-oracle/bin
export RUST_LOG=info,substrate_api_client=warn,ws=warn,mio=warn,its_consensus_common=info,sidechain=info,integritee_service=trace,enclave_runtime=trace,ac_node_api=warn,sp_io=warn,itc_parentchain_indirect_calls_executor=trace,itp_stf_executor=trace,itc_parentchain_light_client=trace,itc_parentchain_block_importer=trace,itp_stf_state_handler=trace,itc_direct_rpc_server=trace
./integritee-service -c run --skip-ra --dev
in the best case, wait a few minutes until you see a teerex.registerSgxEnclave Event on the blockchain. Not strictly necessary
create demo account for Alice:
we created this one: npub1xq33nsus0d2d00jzdea4unl08p35cd05md7mmgtxky5sncsjgxvqw2p77y
cd ~/personhood-oracle/bin
./integritee-cli -p 9966 personhood-oracle issue-nostr-badge //Alice npub1xq33nsus0d2d00jzdea4unl08p35cd05md7mmgtxky5sncsjgxvqw2p77y sqm1v79dF6b wss://
you should see
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