One page application to determine if restaurants in a given radius are open at the current moment.
You should be able to download the files on your computer and run locally or access via our github pages link below:
No prior software needed to run
- Google Places - Used library to interact with Places API
- Google Maps - Used library to interact with Maps API
- Google Geocoder - Used geocoder to find user location
- Google Fonts - Used google fonts to style page
- Jquery - Javascript library
- Bootstrap - Web framework
- Moment - Time library for easy time manipulation
- OverlayingMarkerSpiderfier - Helps place markers
Please feel free to branch off and make some tweaks and make a PR. We're open to any cool suggestions!
- Create a functional 'Next' button to show more restaurants
- Add backend to make API calls
- Add a delete button on list elements
- Make a favoriting function
- Thanks to all the diligent programmers who work on the code we worked with
- Thanks to Josh for getting hungry after class