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File metadata and controls

292 lines (234 loc) · 11.9 KB


version 5.25.x

  • The emsco:environment:align will after publication also unpublish documents that are not aligned.

version 5.24.x

There is breaking changes in the options of the File Reader Import command. Command's options must be defined in a json format now, and that JSON can be passed to the --config option as:

  • a JSON string
  • a path to a JSON file
  • the hash of a JSON file in the storage services

Please update your worker's jobs.

version 5.23.x

From this version, the upload of web's assets via the command emsch:local:upload-assets wont upload a zip anymore but each assets independently. The hash provided at the end of the command, is the hash of a JSON containing the structure of the assets within the asset folder, we called those JSON an ElasticMS archive or EMS Archive. E.g.:

    "filename": "css/index.css",
    "hash": "9408821ad2bd8f65b7cd7d3913c01218532fc6b2",
    "type": "text/css",
    "size": 244030
    "filename": "img/head/icon.png",
    "hash": "cf4effd785abdb6b58e560c7645cedda5c9fda16",
    "type": "image/png",
    "size": 74640
    "filename": "img/logos/ems-logo.svg",
    "hash": "10b8fa0d6c1e1b1a21b713341424820d379b0a6b",
    "type": "image/svg+xml",
    "size": 24638
    "filename": "img/logos/full-logo.svg",
    "hash": "1f59b7246eb4f6856d42128ad17c4fb59d15f038",
    "type": "image/svg+xml",
    "size": 17415
    "filename": "js/index.js",
    "hash": "010a2066374e5980be0b68d628acd1b624602ab5",
    "type": "text/javascript",
    "size": 190044

Using those EMS Archive has a huge impact on the performances. Especially at the website warming up. You can use that EMS Archive's hash where ever you want instead of the old ZIP's hash. E.g. in the Twig function emsch_assets_version:

{% do emsch_assets_version(include('@EMSCH/template/asset_hash.twig'), null) %}

If, for some reason you want, you can continue to use ZIP archives. Or by active the option --archive=zip int the emsch:local:upload-assets command. Or by manually uploading the ZIP file in the Admin UI. ElasticMS detects if it's a EMR archive or a zip archive.

It's not required, but warmly recommended to re-upload your assets and update the asset's hash in the website templates.

version 5.22.x

  • Updates on json menu nested template (copy/paste functionality)

  • Removed environment variable: EMSCO_FALLBACK_LOCALE

  • Add new method getLanguage on user object

    preferred locale 'nl_FR' returns 'nl'

    {% set language = app.user.localePreferred[0:2] %} //before 
    {% set language = app.user.language %} //now
    {# sort based on user language #}
    {% set languages = ['fr', 'nl']|sort((a, b) => a == app.user.language ? -1 : b == app.user.language ? 1 : 0) %}

version 5.21.x

  • Core twig component Media library: Removed the option fieldPathOrder, use new option sort (defining all possible sorts)

version 5.19.x

  • The core command emsco:release:publish has been removed, emsco:job:run will now publish releases
  • All indexes must be rebuilt (as a new field _image_resized_hash as been defined in file fields)
  • The function emsch_unzip is deprecated and should not be used anymore. use the function ems_file_from_archive or the route EMS\CommonBundle\Controller\FileController::assetInArchive instead
  • Xliff command options have been updated
    • The --filename option in the emsco:xliff:extract command has been replaced by a --basename option and does not contains a path anymore, just a file basename.

      Example replace emsco:xliff:extract live '{}' nl de title --filename=/tmp/pages-nl-to-de.xlf by emsco:xliff:extract live '{}' nl de title --basename=pages-nl-to-de.xlf

    • In case of warning or error in the emsco:xliff:update command the report file is no more available locally. The report is upladed in the admin's storages. The directly get a link to the report you need to specify a --base-url option.

      Example emsco:xliff:update /tmp/pages-nl-to-de.xlf --base-url=

  • You should not specify a folder where to expand website assets in the emsch_assets_version twig function, in this case the function returns null.
    • By default, if you specify null (e.g. {% do emsch_assets_version(include('@EMSCH/template/asset_hash.twig'), null) %}) as second arguments, the emsch assets will have a an url like /bundles/253b903b1fb3ac30975ae9844a0352a65cdcfa3d/site.css which urls will be resolved by the route EMS\CommonBundle\Controller\FileController::assetInArchive
    • It's also possible the defined you own route for assets in archive, if the route is not immutable (does not contain the archive hash) you must specify the maxAge argument (by default it's set to one week):
    path: '/assets_in_archive/{path}'
    requirements: { path: .* }
    defaults: { hash: 253b903b1fb3ac30975ae9844a0352a65cdcfa3d, maxAge: 3600 }
    controller: 'EMS\CommonBundle\Controller\FileController::assetInArchive'
  • Check if you can refactor the use of the _file_names attribute in processor config. You should refer to file in an archive (e.g. 8ef54d1e170aede4fa78687f466f35bb6292f4ad:img/banners/banner-home.jpg) instead of file on the local file system.

version 5.17.x

  • Check routes single colon is deprecated

    Example replace emsch.controller.router:redirect by emsch.controller.router::redirect

version 5.15.x

  • Form routes are available inside the elasticms-admin
    • Skeleton no longer need to proxy the form routes for making form working inside channels. #848
  • The form debug routes are no longer 'dev' mode only
  • The form debug routes are available inside the elasticms-admin

version 5.14.x

  • All tasks records will be deleted after deployment

    • Because we had to upgrade the database schema. #778
  • If you are using revision versions, you should run ems:environment:updatemetafield after deployment.

version 5.7.x

  • Added twig function ems_template_exists

  • Added probe routes /_readiness and /_liveness for admin and web

  • Added header support for Redirect controller.

  • Added multipart support for s3

  • Added infinity scrolling for MediaLibrary

  • Added draggable file upload for MediaLibrary

  • Added ems:admin:restore command

    ems:admin:restore --configs --force
    ems:admin:restore --documents --force
  • Added filename option for upload assets command

    emsch:local:upload-assets --filename=/opt/src/local/skeleton/template/asset_hash.twig
    {% set assetPath = emsch_assets_version(include('@EMSCH/template/asset_hash.twig')) %}
  • Deprecated cant_be_finalized use emsco_cant_be_finalized

version 5.3.x

Deprecated emsch_add_environment

In dashboards/views and action, we call emsch_add_environment for rendering a template from emsch. If elasticms-admin defines EMSCH_ENV and EMSCH_ENVS, this is not needed anymore.

EMSCH_ENVS='{"preview":{"alias":"example_preview", "router": false}}' 

EMSCH_ENV will mark the preview environment as default, the following can also be done:

EMSCH_ENVS='{"preview":{"alias":"example_preview", "default": true, "router": false}}' 

Router false, will disable the clientHelperBundle router the default environment. Maybe the skeleton has a match all route defined.

After defining remove the following line from all contentType(s) and dashboard(s).

{% do emsch_add_environment('preview'|get_environment.alias) %} 

version 4.2.x

Content type roles in twig

Replace is_granted(contentType.createRole)is_granted(contentType.roles.create)

  • createRole → roles.create
  • editRole → roles.edit

version 4.x

Deprecated twig functions

  • replace {% spaceless %} by {% apply spaceless %}
  • replace {% endspaceless %} by {% endapply %}
  • replace {% for key, item in array if test %} by {% for key, item in array|filter(key, item => test) %}
  • replace transchoice by trans
    • I.e. replace {{ 'search.results'|transchoice(|default( -}}
    • by {{ 'search.results'|trans({'%count%':|default(}) -}}

Asset custom twig functions

  • replace {{ emsch_assets(assets) }} or {%- do emsch_assets(assets) -%} by {%- set assetPath = emsch_assets_version(assets) -%}
  • replace {{ assets('resource') }}?{{ assets_hash }} by {{ assets('resource', 'emsch') }}

Email custom twig functions

{%- set email = emsco_generate_email(subjectMail) -%}
{%- set email = email.setTo(toMail) -%}
{%- set email = email.setBody(bodyMail, 'text/html') -%}
{%- set email = email.setFrom(fromMail) -%}
{{- emsco_send_email(email) -}}

{%- set email = emsco_generate_email(subjectMail) -%}
{%- set email = -%}
{%- set email = email.html(bodyMail) -%}
{%- set email = email.from(fromMail) -%}
{{- emsco_send_email(email) -}}


  • replace /\.hits\.total/ by {%|default( %}
    • replace /\[\'hits\'\][\'total\']/ by var['hits']['total']['value']|default(var['hits']['total'])
  • remove the template environment
    • align template and preview for route, template and label
    • switch default environment emsco:content:swith template preview
  • Do a force push to override the document
    • Keep in mind that all ouuids have changed, check in your content types for datalink to template documents
    • Rollback, in the routes.yaml, static templates have been replaced by their OUUID

Tips and tricks

Backward compatibility route to old school assets path

New route to redirect to the new asset's url. Route:

        path: 'bundles/emsch_assets/{slug}'
        requirements: { slug: '^.+$' }
        controller: 'emsch.controller.router::redirect'
    template_static: template/redirects/asset.json.twig

Template (template/redirects/asset.json.twig):

{% extends '@EMSCH/template/variables.twig' %}

{% block request -%}
{% apply spaceless %}
    {{ { url: asset(app.request.get('slug'), 'emsch') }|json_encode|raw }}
{% endapply %}
{% endblock -%}

Create an old school "Corresponding revision" in the action menu

Create an action for the content types you want with those parameters:

  • Name: corresponding-revision
  • Label: Corresponding revision
  • Icon: Archive
  • Public: unchecked
  • Environment: empty
  • EDit with WYSIWYG: unchecked
  • Role: User
  • Render option: Raw HTML
  • Body:
<a href="{{ path('emsco_data_revision_in_environment', {
    ouuid: object._id,
}) }}">
	<i class="fa fa-archive"></i> Corresponding revision