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File metadata and controls

354 lines (291 loc) · 11.8 KB



Skeleton routes can have the following options

  • config: required: define the symfony routing config (path, defaults, requirements)
  • template_static: optional: define a template path
  • template_source: optional: define a property path in the document received from the route query. example [template]
  • query: optional: search a document, if not found 404.
  • index_regex: optional: define an index regex for executing the query

The following route demonstrates the power of skeleton routes. Inside template_static|query|index_regex options we can replace by route params, pattern %param%.

        path: '{_locale}/{alias}/page/{id}'
        defaults: { _locale: 'nl' }
        requirements: { _locale: 'nl|fr', alias: 'snapshot1|snapshot2' }
    template_static: template/homepage_%alias%.html.twig
    query: '{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"term":{"_contenttype":{"value":"page"}}},{"term":{"_id":{"value":"%id%"}}}]}},"size":1}'
    index_regex: demo_ma_%alias%

Config Defaults

Name value Description
_profiler true/false You can disable the profiler for a specific route, by setting _profiler to false.
_authenticated true/false The AuthenticatedListener will throw an AccessDeniedException if the user is not fully authenticated. See security


Redirect controller

A route can be defined in order to redirect the request to another url. An easy approach is by using the redirect Symfony controller:

      path: /favicon.ico
      controller: 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\RedirectController::urlRedirectAction'
      defaults: { permanent: true, path: '/bundles/assets/static/icon64.png' }

But if you need logic to specify the redirect url you may use the emsch redirect controller's function:

    path: /favicon.ico
    controller: 'emsch.controller.router::redirect'
  template_static: template/ems/redirect_favicon.json.twig

And in the redirect_favicon.json.twig template:

{% apply spaceless %}
      {% do emsch_assets_version('240c99f842c118a733f14420bf40e320bdb500b9') %}
      {{ {'url': asset('static/favicon-96x96.png', 'emsch'), 'status': 301 }|json_encode|raw }}
{% endapply %}

The template's response should be a JSON containing those optional parameters:

  • path: path for returning BinaryFileResponse
  • url: the target url to redirect to, required if path is not defined
  • status: the HTTP return's code. Default value: 302
  • message: A 404 message. Default value 'Page not found'
  • headers: array for defining the response headers

If the url parameter is not defined, the controller will throw a 404 with the message parameter.

Instead of redirecting via an HTTP redirect response you can also directly return an assets. To do so, instead of giving a path to redirect to, give a path to a file:

{% extends '@EMSCH/template/variables.twig' %}

{%- block request %}
    {% apply spaceless %}
        {{ {
            path: emsch_asset('img/head/icon.png', {
                _config_type: 'image',
                _width: 128,
                _height: 128,
                _quality: 0,
                _get_file_path: true,
        }|json_encode|raw }}
    {% endapply %}
{% endblock request -%}

In this previous example we assume that a call to the emsch_assets_version function has been made in the template/variables.twig template.

This controller can also be used to redirected to another controller (as a subrequest). In this example we internally redirect a route into the FileController in order to exploit to range headers for a media file content type.

        path: '/media-files{path}'
        requirements: { path: .+ }
        controller: 'emsch.controller.router::redirect'
    query: '{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"terms":{"_contenttype":["media_file"]}},{"terms":{"media_path":["%path%"]}}]}},"size":1}'
{%- block request %}
    {% apply spaceless %}
        {{ {
            controller: 'EMS\\CommonBundle\\Controller\\FileController::resolveAsset',
            path: {
               fileField: source.media_file,
        }|json_encode|raw }}
    {% endapply %}
{% endblock request -%}

This redirect may take 3 parameters:

  • controller: string identifying the controller where the request must be redirected. This parameter is mandatory.
  • path: associative array containing the named parameters to pass to the controller's method. Default value [].
  • query: associative array containing the non-mandatory parameters (such those passed via the request to the controller). Default value [].

Redirect a host

When you have a domain fqdn.tld you may want that the website answers to those both FQDNs fqdn.tld and www.fqdn.tld. But, for SEO reasons, you also would like to redirect fqdn.tld requests to www.fqdn.tld. Use the following recipe:

In routes.yaml

    path: '{path}'
    host: 'fqdn.tld'
    requirements: { path: '.*' }
    controller: 'emsch.controller.router::redirect'
  template_static: template/redirects/hosts.json.twig

In template/redirects/hosts.json.twig

{%- block request %}
    {% apply spaceless %}
        {{ {
            url: 'https://www.fqdn.tld/' ~ app.request.get('path', '/'),
            status: 301,
        }|json_encode|raw }}
    {% endapply %}
{% endblock request -%}

Search controller

See the search documentation fo more information.


        path: { en: search, fr: chercher, nl: zoeken, de: suche }
        defaults: {
             "types": ["page", "publication", "slideshow"],
             "fields": ["_all"],
             "sizes": [10],
             "sorts": {
               "recent": {"field": "published_date", "order": "desc", "unmapped_type": "date", "missing":  "_last"}
        controller: ''

Pdf controller

For enabling pdf generation use the emsch.controller.pdf controller

    "path": "/{_locale}/example-pdf",
    "controller": "emsch.controller.pdf",
    "requirements": {
      "_locale": "fr|nl"

In Twig you can set/override the pdf options with custom meta tags in the head section

    <meta name="pdf:filename" content="example.pdf" />
    <meta name="pdf:attachment" content="true" />
    <meta name="pdf:compress" content="true" />
    <meta name="pdf:html5Parsing" content="true" />
    <meta name="pdf:orientation" content="portrait" />
    <meta name="pdf:size" content="a4" />

Spreadsheet controller

For enabling spreadsheet generation use the emsch.controller.spreadsheet controller

    path: /example-spreadsheet
    controller: 'emsch.controller.spreadsheet'
  template_static: template/test/spreadsheet.json.twig
  order: 4

Add style on Cell are available See on EMSCommonBundle documentation

Example writer xlsx

{% set config = {
    "filename": "example",
    "disposition": "attachment",
    "writer": "xlsx",
    "sheets": [
        { "name": "Sheet 1", "rows": [ ["A1", "A2"], ["B1", "B2"] ] },
        { "name": "Sheet 2", "rows": [ ["A1", "A2"], ["B1", "B2"] ] },
} %}
{{- config|json_encode|raw -}}

Example writer csv

{% set config = {
    "filename": "example",
    "disposition": "attachment",
    "writer": "csv",
    "csv_separator": ",",
    "sheets": [
        { "rows": [ ["A1", "A2"], ["B1", "B2"], ["C1", "C2"] ] }
} %}
{{- config|json_encode|raw -}}

Asset controller

Routes can also return an assets, generated by a template containing json.

        path: /example-asset/{filename}
        controller: 'emsch.controller.router::asset'
    template_static: template/example_asset.json.twig
{% set assetConfig = {
  "hash": "c3499c2729730a7f807efb8676a92dcb6f8a3f8f",
  "config": {
    "_mime_type": "application/pdf",
    "_disposition": "inline"
  "filename": "demo.pdf",
  "headers": {
    "X-Robots-Tag": "noindex"
  "immutable": false
} %}
{{- assetConfig|json_encode|raw -}}
  • hash: Asset's hash
  • config: Config's hash or config array (see common's processor config)
  • filename: File name
  • headers: Associative with response headers.
  • immutable: optional for defining if the asset is immutable [devault value = false]

EMSCH cache (sub-request)

For routes that not return a streamable response we can enable caching that is generated in a subRequest. The pdf controller already has support for streams and can fallback to response when using _emsch_cache.

        path: '/my-pdf-example/{_locale}/{id}/{timestamp}'
        requirements: { _locale: fr|nl, id: .+, timestamp: .+ }
        defaults: { 
          _emsch_cache: { key: 'pdf_example_%_locale%_%id%_%timestamp%', limit: 300 } 
        controller: emsch.controller.pdf
    query: '{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"term":{"_contenttype":{"value":"page"}}},{"term":{"id":{"value":"%id%"}}}]}}}'
    template_static: template/my-pdf-example.html.twig

Return HTTP codes:

  • 201: On the first request when nothing is cached, this means the sub-request is started
  • 202: If the sub-request is still running
  • 200: The sub-request was finished and the response comes from the cache
  • 500: An exception has occurred and this is now in cache. Check the error logs.
    • Max memory limit reached?
    • Max execution limit reached, you can increase this on the route.

For now everything is cached using the symfony cache, this means if we restart the server the cache is cleared. The timestamp in the route can be the max _finalization time of your content types, this way the cache will not be used if the content has changed.

This setup only works with php-fpm (no windows) because we continue the process after the response is finished (onKernelTerminate).

Internally, the HttpKernel makes uses of the fastcgi_finish_request PHP function. This means that for now, only the PHP FPM server API can send a response to the client while the server's PHP process still performs some tasks.

With all other server APIs, listeners to kernel.terminate are still executed, but the response is not sent to the client until they are all completed.

Route to assets in archive

With this controller you can specify routes to files in zip archives.

If the route is not immutable (does not contain the archive hash) you must specify the maxAge argument (by default it's set to one week).

    path: '/assets_in_archive/{path}'
    requirements: { path: .* }
    defaults: { hash: 253b903b1fb3ac30975ae9844a0352a65cdcfa3d, maxAge: 3600 }
    controller: 'EMS\CommonBundle\Controller\FileController::assetInArchive'