- Overview
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
Manage BackupPC 4 server and clients.
This module uses PuppetDB exported resources to allow a BackupPC client to define its own client configuration that is then collected by the BackupPC server.
This module does not support BackupPC 3.x for the server class
It's sufficient to just include the backuppc::server
include backuppc::server
Below are some examples for Hiera to setup BackupPC to be served directly via a FQDN or alias:
backuppc::server::server_host: "%{facts.networking.fqdn}"
backuppc::server::cgi_url: "https://%{lookup('backuppc::server::server_host')}"
Example of creating an Apache VirtualHost for BackupPC
include backuppc::server
apache::vhost { $backuppc::server::server_host:
servername => $backuppc::server::server_host,
port => '443',
ssl => true,
manage_docroot => false,
ssl_cert => "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${backuppc::server::server_host}/cert.pem",
ssl_key => "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${backuppc::server::server_host}/privkey.pem",
ssl_chain => "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${backuppc::server::server_host}/chain.pem",
aliases => [
'alias' => $backuppc::server::cgi_image_dir_url,
'path' => $backuppc::server::cgi_image_dir,
'scriptalias' => '/',
'path' => "${backuppc::server::cgi_dir}/BackupPC_Admin",
directories => [
'provider' => 'location',
'path' => '/',
'auth_type => 'ldap',
'auth_ldap_url' => 'CHANGEME',
...more auth items...
'require' => 'valid-user',
For backup clients you must have PuppetDB to handle exported resources. Include the backuppc::client
include backuppc::client
Below is an example of setting baseline backups that could be added to common.yaml
in Hiera
merge: unique
backuppc::client::ensure: present
backuppc::client::config_name: "%{facts.networking.hostname}"
backuppc::client::client_name_alias: "%{facts.networking.fqdn}"
backuppc::client::backuppc_hostname: backuppc.example.com
- /etc
- /root
The server class is only supported on EL8 (via EPEL), Debian 11 or Ubuntu 22.04