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Add highlight.scm for Clojure (#206)
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* Add highlight.scm for Clojure

* Comment invalid
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jcs090218 authored Oct 11, 2023
1 parent e7d34c3 commit 2084954
Showing 1 changed file with 340 additions and 0 deletions.
340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions queries/clojure/highlights.scm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
;; >> Explanation
;; Parsers for lisps are a bit weird in that they just return the raw forms.
;; This means we have to do a bit of extra work in the queries to get things
;; highlighted as they should be.
;; For the most part this means that some things have to be assigned multiple
;; groups.
;; By doing this we can add a basic capture and then later refine it with more
;; specialied captures.
;; This can mean that sometimes things are highlighted weirdly because they
;; have multiple highlight groups applied to them.

;; >> Literals

(kwd_lit) @symbol
(str_lit) @string
(num_lit) @number
(char_lit) @character
(bool_lit) @boolean
(nil_lit) @constant.builtin
(comment) @comment
(regex_lit) @string.regex

["'" "`"] @string.escape

["~" "~@" "#"] @punctuation.special

["{" "}" "[" "]" "(" ")"] @punctuation.bracket

;; >> Symbols

; General symbol highlighting
(sym_lit) @variable

; General function calls

; Quoted symbols
(sym_lit) @symbol)
(sym_lit) @symbol)

; Used in destructure pattern
((sym_lit) @parameter
(#match? @parameter "^[&]"))

; Inline function variables
((sym_lit) @variable.builtin
(#match? @variable.builtin "^[%]"))

; Constructor
;;((sym_lit) @constructor
;; (#match? @constructor "^-\\>[^\\>].*"))

; Dynamic variables
((sym_lit) @variable.builtin
(#match? @variable.builtin "^[*].+[*]$"))

; Gensym
;; Might not be needed
((sym_lit) @variable
(#match? @variable "^.*#$"))

; Types
;; TODO: improve?
((sym_lit) @type
(#match? @type "^[A-Z][^/]*$"))
;; Symbols with `.` but not `/`
((sym_lit) @type
(#match? @type "^[^/]+[.][^/]*$"))

; Interop
((sym_lit) @method
(#match? @method "^\\.[^-]"))
((sym_lit) @field
(#match? @field "^\\.-"))
((sym_lit) @field
(#match? @field "^[A-Z].*/.+"))
(sym_lit) @method
(#match? @method "^[A-Z].*/.+"))
;; TODO: Special casing for the `.` macro

; Operators
((sym_lit) @operator
(#any-of? @operator
"*" "*'" "+" "+'" "-" "-'" "/"
"<" "<=" ">" ">=" "=" "=="))
((sym_lit) @keyword.operator
(#any-of? @keyword.operator
"not" "not=" "and" "or"))

; Definition functions
((sym_lit) @keyword
(#any-of? @keyword
"def" "defonce" "defrecord" "defmacro" "definline"
"defmulti" "defmethod" "defstruct" "defprotocol"
((sym_lit) @keyword
(#eq? @keyword "declare"))
((sym_lit) @keyword.function
(#match? @keyword.function "^(defn|defn-|fn|fn[*])$"))

; Comment
((sym_lit) @comment
(#any-of? @comment "comment"))

; Conditionals
((sym_lit) @conditional
(#any-of? @conditional
"case" "cond" "cond->" "cond->>" "condp"))
((sym_lit) @conditional
(#match? @conditional "^if(\\-.*)?$"))
((sym_lit) @conditional
(#match? @conditional "^when(\\-.*)?$"))

; Repeats
((sym_lit) @repeat
(#any-of? @repeat
"doseq" "dotimes" "for" "loop" "recur" "while"))

; Exception
((sym_lit) @exception
(#any-of? @exception
"throw" "try" "catch" "finally" "ex-info"))

; Includes
((sym_lit) @include
(#any-of? @include "ns" "import" "require" "use"))

; Builtin macros
;; TODO: Do all these items belong here?
((sym_lit) @function.macro
(#any-of? @function.macro
"." ".." "->" "->>" "amap" "areduce" "as->" "assert"
"binding" "bound-fn" "delay" "do" "dosync"
"doto" "extend-protocol" "extend-type" "future"
"gen-class" "gen-interface" "io!" "lazy-cat"
"lazy-seq" "let" "letfn" "locking" "memfn" "monitor-enter"
"monitor-exit" "proxy" "proxy-super" "pvalues"
"refer-clojure" "reify" "set!" "some->" "some->>" "sync"
"time" "unquote" "unquote-splicing" "var" "vswap!"
"ex-cause" "ex-data" "ex-message"))
((sym_lit) @function.macro
(#match? @function.macro "^with\\-.*$"))

; All builtin functions
; (->> (ns-publics *ns*)
; (keep (fn [[s v]] (when-not (:macro (meta v)) s)))
; sort
; cp/print))
;; ...and then lots of manual filtering...
((sym_lit) @function.builtin
(#any-of? @function.builtin
"->ArrayChunk" "->Eduction" "->Vec" "->VecNode" "->VecSeq"
"-cache-protocol-fn" "-reset-methods" "PrintWriter-on"
"StackTraceElement->vec" "Throwable->map" "accessor"
"aclone" "add-classpath" "add-tap" "add-watch" "agent"
"agent-error" "agent-errors" "aget" "alength" "alias"
"all-ns" "alter" "alter-meta!" "alter-var-root" "ancestors"
"any?" "apply" "array-map" "aset" "aset-boolean" "aset-byte"
"aset-char" "aset-double" "aset-float" "aset-int"
"aset-long" "aset-short" "assoc" "assoc!" "assoc-in"
"associative?" "atom" "await" "await-for" "await1"
"bases" "bean" "bigdec" "bigint" "biginteger" "bit-and"
"bit-and-not" "bit-clear" "bit-flip" "bit-not" "bit-or"
"bit-set" "bit-shift-left" "bit-shift-right" "bit-test"
"bit-xor" "boolean" "boolean-array" "boolean?"
"booleans" "bound-fn*" "bound?" "bounded-count"
"butlast" "byte" "byte-array" "bytes" "bytes?"
"cast" "cat" "char" "char-array" "char-escape-string"
"char-name-string" "char?" "chars" "chunk" "chunk-append"
"chunk-buffer" "chunk-cons" "chunk-first" "chunk-next"
"chunk-rest" "chunked-seq?" "class" "class?"
"clear-agent-errors" "clojure-version" "coll?"
"commute" "comp" "comparator" "compare" "compare-and-set!"
"compile" "complement" "completing" "concat" "conj"
"conj!" "cons" "constantly" "construct-proxy" "contains?"
"count" "counted?" "create-ns" "create-struct" "cycle"
"dec" "dec'" "decimal?" "dedupe" "default-data-readers"
"delay?" "deliver" "denominator" "deref" "derive"
"descendants" "destructure" "disj" "disj!" "dissoc"
"dissoc!" "distinct" "distinct?" "doall" "dorun" "double"
"double-array" "eduction" "empty" "empty?" "ensure" "ensure-reduced"
"enumeration-seq" "error-handler" "error-mode" "eval"
"even?" "every-pred" "every?" "extend" "extenders" "extends?"
"false?" "ffirst" "file-seq" "filter" "filterv" "find"
"find-keyword" "find-ns" "find-protocol-impl"
"find-protocol-method" "find-var" "first" "flatten"
"float" "float-array" "float?" "floats" "flush" "fn?"
"fnext" "fnil" "force" "format" "frequencies"
"future-call" "future-cancel" "future-cancelled?"
"future-done?" "future?" "gensym" "get" "get-in"
"get-method" "get-proxy-class" "get-thread-bindings"
"get-validator" "group-by" "halt-when" "hash"
"hash-combine" "hash-map" "hash-ordered-coll" "hash-set"
"hash-unordered-coll" "ident?" "identical?" "identity"
"ifn?" "in-ns" "inc" "inc'" "indexed?" "init-proxy"
"inst-ms" "inst-ms*" "inst?" "instance?" "int" "int-array"
"int?" "integer?" "interleave" "intern" "interpose" "into"
"into-array" "ints" "isa?" "iterate" "iterator-seq" "juxt"
"keep" "keep-indexed" "key" "keys" "keyword" "keyword?"
"last" "line-seq" "list" "list*" "list?" "load" "load-file"
"load-reader" "load-string" "loaded-libs" "long" "long-array"
"longs" "macroexpand" "macroexpand-1" "make-array" "make-hierarchy"
"map" "map-entry?" "map-indexed" "map?" "mapcat" "mapv"
"max" "max-key" "memoize" "merge" "merge-with" "meta"
"method-sig" "methods" "min" "min-key" "mix-collection-hash"
"mod" "munge" "name" "namespace" "namespace-munge" "nat-int?"
"neg-int?" "neg?" "newline" "next" "nfirst" "nil?" "nnext"
"not-any?" "not-empty" "not-every?" "ns-aliases"
"ns-imports" "ns-interns" "ns-map" "ns-name" "ns-publics"
"ns-refers" "ns-resolve" "ns-unalias" "ns-unmap" "nth"
"nthnext" "nthrest" "num" "number?" "numerator" "object-array"
"odd?" "parents" "partial" "partition" "partition-all"
"partition-by" "pcalls" "peek" "persistent!" "pmap" "pop"
"pop!" "pop-thread-bindings" "pos-int?" "pos?" "pr"
"pr-str" "prefer-method" "prefers" "primitives-classnames"
"print" "print-ctor" "print-dup" "print-method" "print-simple"
"print-str" "printf" "println" "println-str" "prn" "prn-str"
"promise" "proxy-call-with-super" "proxy-mappings" "proxy-name"
"push-thread-bindings" "qualified-ident?" "qualified-keyword?"
"qualified-symbol?" "quot" "rand" "rand-int" "rand-nth" "random-sample"
"range" "ratio?" "rational?" "rationalize" "re-find" "re-groups"
"re-matcher" "re-matches" "re-pattern" "re-seq" "read"
"read+string" "read-line" "read-string" "reader-conditional"
"reader-conditional?" "realized?" "record?" "reduce"
"reduce-kv" "reduced" "reduced?" "reductions" "ref" "ref-history-count"
"ref-max-history" "ref-min-history" "ref-set" "refer"
"release-pending-sends" "rem" "remove" "remove-all-methods"
"remove-method" "remove-ns" "remove-tap" "remove-watch"
"repeat" "repeatedly" "replace" "replicate"
"requiring-resolve" "reset!" "reset-meta!" "reset-vals!"
"resolve" "rest" "restart-agent" "resultset-seq" "reverse"
"reversible?" "rseq" "rsubseq" "run!" "satisfies?"
"second" "select-keys" "send" "send-off" "send-via"
"seq" "seq?" "seqable?" "seque" "sequence" "sequential?"
"set" "set-agent-send-executor!" "set-agent-send-off-executor!"
"set-error-handler!" "set-error-mode!" "set-validator!"
"set?" "short" "short-array" "shorts" "shuffle"
"shutdown-agents" "simple-ident?" "simple-keyword?"
"simple-symbol?" "slurp" "some" "some-fn" "some?"
"sort" "sort-by" "sorted-map" "sorted-map-by"
"sorted-set" "sorted-set-by" "sorted?" "special-symbol?"
"spit" "split-at" "split-with" "str" "string?"
"struct" "struct-map" "subs" "subseq" "subvec" "supers"
"swap!" "swap-vals!" "symbol" "symbol?" "tagged-literal"
"tagged-literal?" "take" "take-last" "take-nth" "take-while"
"tap>" "test" "the-ns" "thread-bound?" "to-array"
"to-array-2d" "trampoline" "transduce" "transient"
"tree-seq" "true?" "type" "unchecked-add" "unchecked-add-int"
"unchecked-byte" "unchecked-char" "unchecked-dec"
"unchecked-dec-int" "unchecked-divide-int" "unchecked-double"
"unchecked-float" "unchecked-inc" "unchecked-inc-int"
"unchecked-int" "unchecked-long" "unchecked-multiply"
"unchecked-multiply-int" "unchecked-negate" "unchecked-negate-int"
"unchecked-remainder-int" "unchecked-short" "unchecked-subtract"
"unchecked-subtract-int" "underive" "unquote"
"unquote-splicing" "unreduced" "unsigned-bit-shift-right"
"update" "update-in" "update-proxy" "uri?" "uuid?"
"val" "vals" "var-get" "var-set" "var?" "vary-meta" "vec"
"vector" "vector-of" "vector?" "volatile!" "volatile?"
"vreset!" "with-bindings*" "with-meta" "with-redefs-fn" "xml-seq"
"zero?" "zipmap"))

;; >> Context based highlighting

;; def-likes
;; Correctly highlight docstrings
;(sym_lit) @_keyword ; Don't really want to highlight twice
;(#any-of? @_keyword
;"def" "defonce" "defrecord" "defmacro" "definline"
;"defmulti" "defmethod" "defstruct" "defprotocol"
;;; TODO: Add @comment highlight

; Function definitions
(sym_lit) @_keyword.function
(#any-of? @_keyword.function "fn" "fn*" "defn" "defn-")
(sym_lit)? @function
;; TODO: Add @comment highlight
;; TODO: Fix parameter highlighting
;; I think there's a bug here in nvim-treesitter
;; TODO: Reproduce bug and file ticket
; (sym_lit)* @parameter)
; (list_lit
; (vec_lit
; (sym_lit)* @parameter))])

; (vec_lit
; (sym_lit) @parameter)
; (_)
; +
; ((vec_lit
; (sym_lit) @parameter)
; (_)))

; Meta punctuation
;; NOTE: When the above `Function definitions` query captures the
;; the @function it also captures the child meta_lit
;; We capture the meta_lit symbol (^) after so that the later
;; highlighting overrides the former
"^" @punctuation.special

;; namespaces
(sym_lit) @_include
(#eq? @_include "ns")
(sym_lit) @namespace)

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