This boilerplate has grown tremendously since its early days.
The goal hasn't diverged from its original purpose - best practices and a wonderful development experience.
We wish for this boilerplate to be useful to our users from two aspects:
- building non-trivial applications rapidly
- good examples of how to solve common problems - logging in, server-side authentication, etc.
We've found concrete examples to be extremely valuable for our users. However, we are aware that this decreases the efficiency of building a new project rapidly.
This issue has been raised in #137, #156 and #372
Our vision for reactGo is to be a minimal stateless boilerplate that you will be able to clone and start on work immediately.
It will have the minimal set of features we think are vital to be useful:
- universal Rendering React
- Asynchronous data fetching support
- Redux
- React-router + react-router-redux
- CSS modules + Css next
- Tests with Enzyme
- Deployment files
- Offline support
- Performance
- Express server configuration
Note: DB configuration will not supported in the minimal boilerplate, but we will be creating separate repositories within the reactGo organisation for more specific use-cases.
By reducing our minimal support, we can focus on improving the existing things we know and love.
Migration to reactGo Existing react-webpack-node will be moved to that repository.
release stateless 2.0 becomes master
Other examples will be created as separate repositories (all based on master branch):
- Server-side react-router authentication
- MongoDB
- Postgresql
- Vote App example